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A walk in the park

Posted on Sun Mar 2nd, 2025 @ 7:52am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6 - 5.5 - Day to Day
Location: Arboretum Level 4
Timeline: MD1, 0500 hrs
1030 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn had been having issues with sleeping as of late. Between the area of space they were all in, along with the various new species that the Elysium were meeting, it was no wonder why he had trouble sleeping as late. Not only that, but Andrinn hadn't seen much of Sam as of late and it was making him sad to not see as much of Sam as he once had.

Deciding that he didn't want to toss and turn anymore, Andrinn got dressed for the day and headed down to the Arboretum to see what kind of stuff he could get into down there. It didn't take long for Andrinn to get down to Deck 5, where the lowest part of the Arboretum was and take the first few steps into it.

The artificial sun hung low in the simulated sky, casting a warm glow over the various plants that the Elysium's arboretum had within its grounds. Andrinn took a few more steps inside and inhaled the various scents of the alien flora that thrived within the controlled environment. Despite the hum of the Elysium's engines in the distance, Andrinn felt like he was standing on a far off planet somewhere back home. A world untouched by duty or the ever-present weight of current affairs of the Elysium or her crew.

He wondered past the towering trees of Earth, Bajor, and Betazed, his fingers trailing over the broad leaves of a Bajoran hasperate tree. It had been a long time since he had taken a moment just to breathe. Between the negotiations, the stress of their recent encounters, and the weight of everything lately, it felt good to just take a few moments for...himself.

Walking along a nearby path, Andrinn found himself walking into a nearby clearing where there was a single Trill Amthera blossom was in a pot near a burbling pond. Walking over to it and looking over its petals, it shimmered faintly in the artificial sunlight. The colors changed from a pale blue to violet as he knelt down to give it a better look. The Amthera was a rare blossom that only bloomed when it sensed care and attention. It was a relic of his own past and a gentle reminder of home for him.

His parents had kept one on their porch back home. Andrinn could remember hearing his parents fight over its care constantly, wanting to make sure that it stayed alive. However, it started to wilt for a little bit before his parents realized that it was sensing distress. So, Andrinn's parents quickly made sure to quit bickering over a plant and take better care of it. Before too long, it was back to its vibrant self and even had a few sprouts to give to the various neighbors in the capital City.

However, it brought back other memories as well. It brought back memories of Andrinn and his siblings helping out within the garden that their parents had back in the latter half of the 21st century. It had all sorts of fruits, veggies, and flowers that you couldn't even begin to imagine. People from all around the capital of Trill would come by to see the various flowering plants that his parents had growing at any given moment.

Andrinn couldn't help but sigh and rub his own temples. If only diplomacy were as simple as watering a flower. The universe would be a whole different place if that were true.

There was a soft crunch of footsteps behind him that brought him out of his own thoughts. Standing up and turning around, Andrinn spotted a fellow crewmember. It was a junior officer that appeared to have just gotten off duty in sickbay, as he was wearing a medical blue uniform that appeared to have some stains of surgery on it. He hesitated at the edge of the clearing once he saw that Andrinn was already there.

“Sorry, sir,” he said, shifting awkwardly. “Didn’t mean to intrude. I just… needed some quiet.”

Andrinn couldn't help but smile as he gestured towards the bench to his left. "You're not intruding at all. There's plenty of quiet to go around."

The young officer hesitated before walking over and sitting down. Andrinn joined him on the bench as they both started out at the pond, not a word spoken between them for a few moments. It was the other officer that finally broke the silence when he said, "It's funny, isn't it? We travel across the galaxy, but sometimes, the best things in the universe are just...a place like this."

Andrinn nodded, looking back at the Amthera blossom once more before replying, "It's easy to get lost in everything out there. The missions, the politics, the unknown. But, it's places like this that help remind us what we're fighting for sometimes. What we are trying to preserve."

Between the two men, silence settled between them. It was comfortable, like old leather. The ship continued its journey through the stars, but the two men would not have known the difference in that moment. That place was a quiet sanctuary for them. Before too long though, the young officer said, "Well, thank you for your time, sir. I better get back to my quarters and get all of this cleaned off. Thanks...for just sitting there with me. It's hard to see what we do on a daily basis and sometimes wish for better, but know that it doesn't always happen that way. It's good to remind ourselves of that in places like this."

Andrinn shook his head and replied, "That I can totally feel. If you ever need any help with that, just remember that this place is here."

The young man got up and shook his head without saying another word. He headed back the path he took to get there and Andrinn realized he was alone again. He made a mental note of a few things before heading out himself. He smiled himself before he headed out of there and up to his office to start his duties a bit early.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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