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Posted on Sat Jun 8th, 2019 @ 8:46am by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Chief Ken Watters' Quarters
Timeline: After Senior Staff Meeting
758 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Arrianna proceeded to Miran Lalor's Quarters. She had a some equipment that would prove to be useful for Mirian. Even if the Erisians boarded the Elysium, she had a few tricks to make it hard for them to get Miran off the ship. Arri pushed the doorchime.

The door slipped open to reveal Ken, standing primed and ready to shout at whoever was calling on him. Perhaps he had been expecting another visit from the Commodore and her people. "Commander," he said, clearly relieved at the sight of her. "Please don't tell me it's gotten worse somehow."

"Chief Waters, Get Miran. We must make some preparations for the worst case scenario." Arri noted. She had time to calm most of her frayed emotions. But she was still determined to stand beside Miran.

He stepped to one side. "Come in," he offered. "She's in herroom. Said she needed a minute to think about things. I haven't heard any screaming or crying yet. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not..."

Arrianna nodded. "We succeeded for the time in blunting the Commodore's agenda with this ship, but I'm afraid this is only the tip of the iceberg. Captain Lalor just happens to disappear with the XO, Second Officer, and our chief of security, and well within Federation Space." She pulled out a hypospay. "This is a Veritium Probe. With it, I will be able to detect Miran across two sectors, and it is undetectable unless one knows what to scan for." She noted and produced a bracelet. "This is a mobile Transport Inhibitor. I suspect the Erisians, when they arrive, will not be in a mood for negotiation. They'll focus on their objective. We must deny them this." Arrianna opened a third crate which revealed a type one hand phaser. "And my final gift to Miran is one that requires your permission before I give it to her. Her foes will be formidable, and she must have the means to defend herself. Given she faces certain torture and death if she is returned to Hiran, we must not let that happen under any circumstances. Thus, we need to prepare our plan, and do so before her enemies arrive."

Ken kept his eyes on Arrianna as he made his way over to knock on the doors to Miran's room. "Do you really think they will try to grab her? Directly from a starship like the Elysium?"

"I think they will do whatever is necessary to recover Miran." Arrianna mentioned. "Albright didn't wait until we had a body before slamming the lid shut on Phoenix Lalor. This spoke volumes to me about why they were here, They think they're better than us."

He visibly tensed at the phrasing of Phoenix Lalor being a body in a coffin. Closing his eyes for a moment, he pulled in a breath. When would the universe just leave her the hell alone? He opened his eyes once more. "Just tell me what we have to do."

Miran came down the stairs. "Arri?" she said puzzled. "Whats going on?"

"I'm afraid your life is in danger Miran. That fool has tipped off the Erisian Intelligence Service to your location. I suspect an attempt to kidnap you Miran." She opened a case. "But I swear I will not let my best friend's sister come to harm. Thus bracelet has been in my family for two hundred years. When the Borg decimated Alindar, we had these bracelets made to prevent borg transporters from locking onto us on our ships and beaming us into assimilation chambers." She noted. "Press the Jewel in the center and no known transporter will be able to get a lock. We call them soulguard bracelets because the protected our souls from being corrupted."

She took them gently. "Thank you. Hopefully though we find Phoenix before that happens."

"Hey," Ken said to her, his voice breaking for the concern he felt. "We're going to find, Phoenix. I promise." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Besides, how else am I going to ask her to marry me?"

Miran sighed. "We shall see what she says" she taunted back. She looked at Arri. "Thank you Arri."

Arri gave a gift to Ken. "This is also for Mirian, but only when Ken gives this to you. You must also learn to defend yourself, and I'm offering to assist in that endeavor." Arri spoke. "I will find Phoenix Lalor, Miran. And I will keep these fools from making things worse."

Miran nodded and smiled. "I know."



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