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A Little Slice of Heaven

Posted on Mon May 6th, 2019 @ 10:47am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: personal quarter
988 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

Mona came home from the gym, still having red splatters all over her top. "Hey Fernando, are you home?" she called. She figured she'd enlist his help. Why do it by herself?

Fernando came out of his bedroom as he heard Mona call, "I'm here Mon....." His eyes getting like saucers as he saw the red splatters on her top. "What happened?" He gushed as he rushed to her side. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, unless you see any green mixed in with the red?" Mona asked. "I was sparring with a warhorse. He kicks like a mule, though." An expression she'd picked up on the holodeck, she had no idea what a mule actually was.

He looked at her, "What? A warhorse. Mona what are you talking about?" As he guided her to the couch, "Sit down. Are you sure you're alright?" His eyes showing concern for her well being.

"His name's S'hib", Mona said, not sitting down. "Let me get out of these bloody clothes and take a sonic shower? I don't want to get all of this on our sofa."

"S'hib." Fernando repeated committing the name to memory. He would talk to this S'hib about fighting with Mona. "Alright. Can I fix you anything for when you come out?"

"I've got this massage oil to soothe bruises", Mona said. "I was hoping I could persuade you to rub it in?"

"Certainly Mona. I will be more than glad to assist you." He answered. "Is there anything else? Something to eat or drink?"

"Maybe later?" Mona offered, heading to her room. "I'll be back in a minute." Sonic showers rarely took long.

"Of course Mona." He replied as he sat on the couch and waited for her return.

A short while later, Mona came back with her hair tied up in a bun, so as not to get in the way, and a bottle of massage oil in her hand, and a large towel in the other, not wearing anything. Like that, she wasn't just nude, her bruises were also apparent as darker shades of green on her skin. "This time, I'm not going to insist that it needs more green."

Fernando knew Mona was a beautiful woman but seeing her now with no clothes on he was struck by the fact she wasn't beautiful she was gorgeous! "Um, what do I need to do rub first? I mean where do I need to apply the oil first Mona?" As he did his best not to stare.

"Start at the neck, work your way down?" Mona smiled, handing the oil to Fernando and spreading the huge towel, almost a blanket, on the sofa. "This is the best part of the sparring, the massage after." She sat down upright, smiling encouragingly. "Try to enjoy yourself just a little?" she teased.

"Y, yes at the neck of course." He answered as he opened the bottle and put some oil on his hands. She smiled at him and he thought he would melt. "I don't think that will be a problem Mona." He answered as he began to rub her neck and shoulder blades with firm but not hard strokes.

Mona made noises that were a mix between pleasure at the massage, and wincing at the pain of the bruises. She wasn't going to pretend like it didn't hurt, that was childish. "That feels good."

Fernando continued to apply the oil to Mona's bruises. "How quickly will this oil begin to relieve the pain Mona?" He asked as he worked down one arm before beginning on the other.

"I should be good tomorrow morning", Mona said. "It works on humans, too, if you want to try it?"

"Um not just yet Mona, let me finish applying the oil to all your bruises. Then I can try it." He saw she had some bruises on her chest. Did she want him to apply the oil there as well?

"Have you got any bruises?" Mona asked. "Unless that's you asking me to give you some later?"

"Are you going to be naked when you apply it?" He asked grinning at her.

"Well, I have this leather and chain outfit..." Mona started, letting the sentence trail off.

"Leather and chain?" Fernando gulped. "Um perhaps later. Um couldn't you just stay um you naked?"

"No, don't worry. I'm nude, but I don't feel naked", Mona said. "Besides, I figured you'd like some hands-on experience."

He nodded at her words not entirely sure on what she meant but he wasn't going to argue with her. "I would, I definitely would. You are sure you don't mind?" He knew it was silly to ask but he respected, no he loved Mona and would never do anything to cause her to be mad with him.

"Fernando, come on, what more signals do I have to give you?" Mona asked. "Yes, I know you're known as the ship's playboy and you're worried to blow it with me but don't be. I can be just as bad."

A relieved smile graced his lips. "Music to my ears." He muttered as he put the oil on the coffee table and leaned in to kiss her full on the lips. His hand coming up and gently massaging her chest as he moved to kiss her neck. He was in heaven with his own personal angel.

"Now that's the spot", Mona said, running her fingers through his hair. He was cute, suddenly so insecure when otherwise the ladies' man, but she was also looking forward to the passion.

His lips traveled down her neck and throat, kissing lovingly as he went even as Mona ran her fingers through his hair. He looked up at her and into eyes he could spend a week being lost in. He loved her, he desperately loved Mona, wanted then to spend their lives together. But right now in this moment he would take what they had.


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