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"And so it begins"

Posted on Wed May 8th, 2019 @ 7:57am by Lieutenant Commander Jaeih t'Noramei-McKinley & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH & Commodore Evelyn Mountbatten [ADMIN NPC] & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Danica Kovitz & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Lieutenant Commander Turak & Lieutenant Carter Smith & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Petty Officer 1st Class Kaywin-Li Fray

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 3 - 10h30 APROX
1207 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


"Very well, Summon the Commander to the Ready Room." Mountbatten said calmly. "Lieutenant Commander Brett, please recall all personnel from shore leave at once. And all remaining Senior Staff are to be in the briefing room in 30 minutes, along with the senior most officers from the departments of Security and Helm."

"Yes, Commodore." Anje nodded, her Vulcan heritage again providing her with a blank expression, hiding her terror at the thought of what had happened. Linking in to both the ship's and DS9's internal comms systems, she issued the order, =A= Lt. Cdr. Brett to all Elysium personnel, effective immediately all shore leaves are cancelled and all personnel are recalled.=A=

Carter had been working in engineering on board the ship when the recall came in. =A= LtJg Carter Smith to Lt.Cdr. Brett. Acknowledged. =A=

Carter moved to the master panel and looked over all the diagnostic reports that had been filed, as he waited for the rest of the crew.

Jason was sitting in the security office looking over duty rosters. He stopped for a second and wondered what was happening to recall the crew. "Avalon, why has there been a recall of the crew?"

"The Commodore has requested all crew back due to an emergency." Came the reply

Jason sat there wondering what emergency there could be that required the full crew. Tapping his comm badge he decided not to wait. =A= All security personnel report to the Security office. =A= Jason said as he pushed away the duty roster.


In engineering Gallia was checking in all the new equipment she'd requisitioned, with Dorso's help, "I cannae heard that right, D." She said, stopping cold, "Why would they be cancellin' shar leave? An' why would Anje be makin' the call? Makes no sense..."

"I have no idea." Dorso shook his buzzed head, "But I do agree that it's damn strange." Something bad had to have happened, no way around that, this was way too far out of the ordinary.

Gallia sent a message to Anje's PaDD, What's going on?

Anje's message back was simple and chilling, There will be a briefing soon. But it's bad. Very bad.

Gallia turned to Dorso, the inventory could wait, "D, go gather up everybody, I dinnae care if you got to drag 'em off the bog, somethin's bad wrong." She ordered, dialing Estelle's personal comm frequency as he left.

Sleeping in a Jefferies tube junction, Kaylee was woken by EX's near constant beeping in her ear, "mehhh, what is it EX?" she asked before EX repeated the call for all engineers to ready up. giving a groan of annoyance, Kaylee rolled off of the nest of pillows she'd made for herself and looked up at EX, "you suck"

{On Bajor}

Liorga had been happily chowing down with Estelle, laughing at her goofy jokes, when the comm rang. She recognized the frequency as Gallia's, "Your little friend better have a damn good reason to be interrupting dinner and delaying dessert." She groaned, winking naughtily to Estelle in case there were any doubts about what dessert was. She handed Estelle the comm, "It's for you."

"Hey Gallia", Estelle greeted, then realised she should have swallowed before speaking. "Sorry, I'm in the middle of lunch. Someone enabled Liorga to surprise me with some choice haggis."

“Glad ya like it.” Gallia said honestly, “I need ya to come back right away, Estelle. They’ve recalled everybody to Elysium. All Anje would say was it’s bad.”

“Hey, we’ve earned some downtime after what happened on Cortic”, Estelle said. “Can’t you pick us up on your way out?”

“Would if I could.” Gallia replied, “But apparently we’re about to be pulling out now and this Commodore wants all hands on deck.”

“You do realise I hate having to bend over that far?” Estelle asked.

“Ah, geez, here we go.” Gallia sighed, then laughed, “I’ll see ya when ya get here.”


Now carry the two and how much does that leave us.... the gorn puzzled to himself as he sat looking through the padds that as the cheif medical officer was a constant pile on his desk. Still, it was time to clear this away with most of the crew of the ship.


Turak had been in his quarters when the call went out to cancel all shore leave, and even though he was off duty, he knew where he needed to be at that moment. He left his quarters immediately and headed for the nearest turbo lift. By the time he got to it there was a lengthy line of people with the same idea. After about 10 minutes of travel, he finally made it to the security office. He was bound and determined to find out what had happened and to start preparing for the worst. He looked around for the nearest security officer, "hello."


S'hib was completely zoned out as he ran on the treadmill, his hooved clicking in rapid succesion and echoing inside the empty Gym as he looked down at the controls and the display showing the tread spinning at forty two kilometer an hour when his comm badge chirped and Commander Brett's voice came through. The sudden sound startling him greatly as was brought back to reality, losing his footing briefly and almost falling off the treadmill. "Mother of.." S'hib exclaimed as he slapped the controls for the machine to slow to a stop.

"I'm leaving you in the locker next time." He snorted, panting heavily as he brushed his comm badge to the floor and came to a stop. Sweat foaming lightly over his fur and giving him the appearance of having stepped out of a shower.


(Science Labs)

Lt. Kovitz arrived back at the science labs ahead of the rest. She hadn't really let herself stray too far from the ship, so being recalled from shore leave meant she basically was ready for duty within an hour or so. Entering the room, she began the start up process on the various terminals throughout the lab. She settled down at her desk with a sigh. Even if she hadn't really taken advantage of it, she'd been hoping the shore leave would last longer. She also couldn't ignore the feeling that this somehow tied back in to the Commodore who was visiting. Higher ups tended to bring complications like this.

Dani tapped her combadge, patching into the rest of the science division. "Hey team, once you get back aboard, report to the Science Labs. I want to have them ready before the Lt. Commander gets back, just in case there are any surprise inspections from a certain Commodore. I'd rather avoid that kind of situation."

Orin double tapped his badge as a signal acknowledgement while shouldering his way through the mess the callback had created on DS9. He had been about to commence the bayonet charge with the 20th Maine on Little Round Top when the call came in. Now, he was trying not to get crushed in the mass migration back to the ship. Well, He thought At least there might be something for me to work on this time.



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