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Everything is ok

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2019 @ 8:47am by Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: S'hibs Quarters
992 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


Light glistened on small dark leaves, their pointed crescents ending in dewdrops of condensation. It had not taken S'hib long to go through his rations of replicator tokens, his quarters looking more akin to a botanical garden than a living space.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor in his darkened quarters, S'hibs long-tail sprawled out behind his naked form as he stared out into the black abyss. The streaks of high warp starlight catching beads of water droplets, bending and curving around them in a hypnotic display.

The air was hot and heavy and water beads clung to every surface, his walls draped in fabric and foliage giving it a positively alien appearance. The only thing that echoed of Starfleet was the LCAR's panel on the wall, and a yellow collared uniform hanging on a mirror partially consumed by vines. Yet despite his best efforts to make this small space feel like home, he still felt lost.

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, he had still neglected to tell his superiors of his species sleeping habits. The only thing that kept him awake on his shifts was the notion of being caught asleep and reprimanded. Stress was seemingly consuming his every waking thought, if he hadn't already had grey fur he was sure he would by the end of his first year.

Lost in worry struck thoughts he had barely noticed his snout drooping, his hoofed hands long since slid from his legs and onto the floor.

The sensation of falling backward into a sudden deep sleep startled S'hib greatly as he felt his body hit the floor and for a moment after he swore the floor gave way, his very soul sinking into the bulkhead beneath him.

Like a startled foal he clumsily kicked out and grabbed onto the carpet around him, his eyes blinked wildly as he sat bolt upright as if caught in the act of a terrible crime.

Then his ears twitched, the sound of leaves crunching in the distance causing them to spin atop his head. Slowly he shifted his weight and turned around, his ears rotating in the other direction to remain pointed towards the origin of the noise.

"Computer, lights." He croaked, his throat suddenly dry and weak. "Computer?" He asked again before swallowing and raising to his hooves, the ground beneath him feeling soft and moist as he looked around his quarters unable to find any walls.

"What's going on." He stammered nervously as he looked around, blinking in confusion as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "Am I on the holode~" S'hib stopped suddenly, his entire body freezing in place as he held his breath. The only thing moving was his ears, gently flicking as they slowly tilted and followed something he could not see.

By now all rational thought had escaped him as his mind raced in panic, all he knew was he had to run.

If only he could will his muscles into action, It was as if the very notion of fleeing was more terrifying than what he thought was prowling in the darkness.

By the time he saw a glimmer of moonlight in a pair of reflective eyes he was already running, his hooves pounding the mossy earth as he sprinted at a blistering pace.

He dared not look back as he sprinted from the treeline well above the speeds any human could possibly achieve, He already knew it was right behind him.

four giant paws thundered along the floor, it's unwieldy size deceptively masking its speed behind thick muscular legs. Native to Sequella the beasts looked like a cross between a bear and a lion, with the temperament of both.

within a few seconds, over fifty meters had gone past. then another and another, every hoof digging into the ground and propelling him forward in graceful panic-stricken bounds.

Just as the first clawed swipe twitched passed his leg S'hib vaulted over a small rock formation, maintaining his momentum as the great desert cat awkwardly winded around, giving him precious seconds to try and prolong the chase and tire it out.

However, the great desert beasts rarely hunted alone. And before he could react he was already flung to the floor, Oversized fangs plunged into his neck as he was pinned to the floor and violently woken up with a loud shriek of terror.

Crawling frantically backward until his back hit the wall S'hib pawed at his neck in surreal disbelief as he nervously looked around his quarters, Thick foamy sweat beading on his fur as his heart pounded painfully in his chest. "Computer, lights on." He stammered as he slowly stood up on uneasy hooves and walked towards his replicator. "Tea, hot." he said as he slowly blinked his eyes, watching a small glass and metal cup materialize into existence, the deep mahogany coloured liquid steaming instantly as his four hooved digits clasped the drink and brought it briefly to his lips.

After a few moments, he moved towards his bed and gently sat down on the edge. Simply starring at his cup in silence as his mind raced around in frantic disorganized thoughts.

he felt exhausted and desperately wanted to lie back down, but was terrified to do so. Ever since coming aboard his sleeping pattern had collapsed into disarray, the prolonged bouts of waking hours that where normal to most other humanoids happened to be highly irregular to his people. Causing S'hib to sleep longer and deeper, which in turn created visceral dreamscapes he had never experienced before and did not know how to deal with.

His always alert prey instincts seemed to be amplified and brought to the forefront of his mind while asleep, alongside an unhealthy amount of self-doubt his anxiety was through the deck above him.

"I don't know what to do." he said quietly to himself as he stared at his drink until it was cold.


Ensign S'hib


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