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Tea for Two

Posted on Mon May 21st, 2018 @ 7:18am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 2: Mission 2: Just Breath
Location: Holodeck 1
Timeline: Current
3462 words - 6.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Gary was in his quarters, his thoughts and world a jumbled mess. He hadn't spoken to Lia since they returned from the planet. He wouldn't say he was avoiding her (but he was).

As he sat his combadge chirped it was Lia inviting him to the holodeck to see a Japanese Tea House. He sighed before replying it seemed there was no avoiding talking to her. =^= Taylor to Holmes. I would love to see a tea house. I'll be there in five minutes.=^= He answered with more enthusiasm than he felt. Getting up he checked his appearance. He was in civilian clothes, slacks and pullover shirt, shoes. Satisfied he looked alright. He headed toward the holodeck and Lia.

On the holodeck Lia was deep into learning the tea ceremony, but she knew Gary was now on his way. So bowing to Oka-san (Mother) she cleared everything away, she checked her appearance and waited by the door. As it opened and Gary stepped through she bowed, "Yohkoso Taylor san". Lia waited for Gary to respond, just what would he do?

Gary stopped, a smile spreading across his face as he looked at Lia in her Geisha costume. God! How he loved her, then he remembered the planet and his twin. He bowed back and replied, "I'm sorry my Japanese is virtually nonexistence. Though I do confess you look beautiful."

A smile crossed her lips, "Konnichi wa, hajimemashite Taylor san". Gentle teasing just might snap Gary back to his normal self, "I do speak English, Taylor san". Leaning forwards she kissed Gary on his lips, "If Oka-san asks, your sponsoring my training as a Geisha ok". She pointed to the old woman giving Gary a very sever look, "That's Oka-san".

Gary's hands came up and he placed them atop Lia's shoulders as he returned her kiss. "I'm very grateful to know that you speak English, Lia very grateful though if you didn't I'm sure we would figure out a way to understand each other." He paused and looked at Oka-san, "Got it sponsoring your training as a Geisha, why would she ask?" He wondered aloud.

Lia hung her head, "I just kissed you, that's not a normal welcome". She raised her head, "Because of that, Oka-san may ask you why I kissed you. That's when you say your sponsoring me, don't say your my boyfriend or you'll be thrown out and I'll be reduced to less than I am now". She bowed again and ushered Gary to a corner full of cushions and other girls, "This girl will serve you tea, I'll go and find some alcohol. I'm not allowed to serve you first, don't ask I really don't know". She blew him a kiss as she left.

Gary nodded as Lia spoke and explained why Oka-san might question him about his relationship with Lia. "Okay, got it. No mentioning I'm your boyfriend. Don't want you getting in any trouble Lia." He let her usher him to a corner where he sat on some cushions and smiled at the other girls. "Okay Lia, just don't be gone long." He replied honestly as she left blowing him a kiss as she did. He continued to nod and smile at the other girls while out of the corner of his eye he watched Oka-san.

As Lia left Oka-san moved towards Gary, she bowed and then looking him straight in the eye's asked him. "What are you to Lia-chan? She is good girl, I must look after my girls. So I ask again, what are you to Lia?" She sank slowly down until she was kneeling, her back ramrod straight. This was her tea house, and there would be no (Hanky Panky) here.

Gary bowed as Oka-san approached him and asked her question. "Oh Honorable Oka-san. I agree Lia-chan very nice girl. Make good Geisha. I am sponsoring her, so she may fulfill that dream." He answered and hoped it was good enough to convince Oka-san that his intentions were honorable toward Lia.

She glowered at him and shook her head, "I think you telling lie, I think you boyfriend. Are you boyfriend? Lia say she have no one, then you come to my tea house. Very funny thing, not good if you boyfriend. Geisha can not have boyfriend, maybe you make Lia Orian? We have no Orian here, only Geisha". She rose almost as slowly as had sat, bowing she turned and followed Lia's direction. Oka-san had questions for Lia.

Gary held his tongue until Oka-san had finished. When he answered it was in a calm, even voice. "Oka-san. I cannot help what you think. Your thoughts are your own and lead you where you wish them to go. I have answered your question. There is nothing else to say on the subject." he smiled at her, "However....." He added "Do you not wish business? If so, I will tell my friends not to visit Oka-san and her tea house."

Lia returned with a large bottle of Saki, "I know I'm gonna regret this, but what did you say to Oka-san? She seems to think I'm about to become some sort of prostitute, didn't we talk about this? Or did she do the talking and you did the listening, and she made 2+2=6?" She placed the Saki in front of Gary, "I don't drink this stuff, but somehow after our last visit. I think you need to drink this, the whole bloody lot". She placed a small glass on the table close to Gary, "All the girls here are holographic, so you can go as nuts as you like. But after this we need to talk, because something down there put a burr under your saddle. Give me a call when you feel like talking, you know where I am". Lia stood and bowed to Gary and turning saw Oka-san and bowed to her, she then left the holodeck and hoped her reckless action would have a positive effect for the two of them.

He looked at her in stunned silence as she asked him what he said to Oka-san. "I didn't say a damn thing Lia other than you weren't my girlfriend just like you asked me to!" He looked at the Saki and back at her, "Oh so now your my bartender as well?" He looked around at the tea house, the girls before his gaze settled back on Lia. "Oh? You really don't know me as well as I thought if you think I'm going to go nuts with a bunch of holograms." He continued to look at her in silence, speaking only when she had finished, "Yep. I know where you are and it seems that in addition to being my bartender your my shrink as well." He uttered as he watched her bow to first himself and then Oka-san before leaving the holodeck. Though she was right, something was bothering him and the worst part was it was something he didn't even do.

He sighed, why had he thought this was a good idea? He grabbed the bottle of Saki, poured himself a glass and downed it in one gulp. Feeling the contents burn his throat as they settled in his stomach. That done. he rose bowed to the girls, then to Oka-san and left the tea house, never looking back.

In her cabin Lia sank onto the bed and began to cry, Gary's words had hurt her more than he knew. (Oh so now your my bartender?) Why that response? (Don't know me as well as I THOUGHT) That one really hit home, she looked around her cabin. "Yeah your right Gary I don't know you, and as of now I don't want to know you". She spoke to herself to put things into place, Stripping off her Kimono she replaced it with her uniform. If Commander Taylor didn't want her around fine, she didn't need him or any man. She'd been a fool to think he'd change, she had changed her life to suit him. But now she could see it was only a one way street, he got what he wanted she got only what he was prepared to give. And that now looked like very little, (Your now my shrink). She had only tried to help, and it had been thrown back at her. She even let him into the tea house, her inner sanctum. All he had done was ignore that fact and insulted her, (You think I'm gonna go nuts with a bunch of holograms) Her intention was for him to drink and talk to the holograms, get everything off his chest. Being alone, nobody would know what he said and he could unload himself. So that was it, game over. Perhaps it was time to talk to the Captain about a transfer, one whole year and still that damn fool kept building his bloody walls higher. "Keep building Commander, but I'm not climbing or knocking them down any more".

In his quarters Gary sat and brooded, the whole tea house affair was a fiasco a mistake. Yet why did he feel so damn bad? This wasn't about the planet or his twin, this was him and he could tell he had hurt Lia and that was something he never wanted to do. But damn! Couldn't she see he was hurting? Then he remembered she had commented about a burr being under his saddle. He sighed and hung his head realizing he had blown it, he had screwed up big time. He sat with his head in his hands, he so desperately wanted to talk but not to holograms but a real person a person who cared a person who he loved above all others and that was Lia, "Time to suck it up Taylor. You need to apologize and you need to do it now before you lose Lia." His hand rose to his combadge, =^= Taylor to Holmes. Lia, please come to my quarters, please.=^= As he waited for her reply he thought of what he needed to do to make amends and preparations to make.

Lia heard Gary's request, oO Who the hell does he think he is? Oo she thought. Wiping her eye's and touching up her make-up she headed for the door, she wasn't going to respond to him not any more. She wasn't some puppy dog to be kept on a leash, =^="Holmes to Taylor, I'm due on duty on the bridge. Is this going to take long?"=^= Her tone was sharp and direct, feeling lovey dovey wasn't in her emotional sensor range at this time. She headed for the turbolift but stopped, slowly she turned towards Gary's cabin. oO This had better be a life or death situation Oo she fumed. =^="Holmes to Taylor, cancel my last. I'm on my way, I will meet you in the corridor outside your quarters"=^=.

Gary heard Lia's sharp retort and he knew she was rightfully hurt and angry. *Gary, you are such a jerk!* He berated himself silently. *You have a lot of patching up to do as well as explaining.* He told himself. =^= Taylor to Holmes, understood.=^= He replied simply as he waited. yet even as he did, he thought of how to show Lia, he did care and love her that he wasn't just a senseless jerk.

Arriving at his cabin door Lia stopped, taking a deep breath she pressed the chime. oO Well here we are again Oo she reasoned. Just how this was going to play out was any ones guess, "Commander Taylor! You asked me to come here, well I'm here". What am I going to say, how can I tell him it's over?

Gary heard Lia's voice at his door. As the door hissed open, he stood there looking at her and knew she was angry, her body language told that, saw that her eyes were slightly puffy, had she been crying? That made him feel even worse. He had hurt the woman he loved, something he never wanted to happen. He stepped into the corridor, looking at her. The next happened in an instant, he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately, not like some randy high schooler but as a man who loved a woman with his heart and soul. As he kissed her he stepped back into his quarters and the door hissed shut behind them. He released the kiss and stepped back. For all he knew Lia was going to slap him.

He started talking fast, the words tumbling out atop themselves. "I'm sorry! I am so sorry! Please forgive me! I know you were trying to help and I was so wrapped up in my guilt I didn't stop to consider your feelings and what you were going through after what you encountered on the planet. Lia, I love you! I know my actions in the tea house didn't show it but I do, I swear I do. I'm not like other guys you have known! I'm not insensitive, though I admit my earlier actions don't show that." His hand reached for hers and gently his fingers wrapped around it. Please give me another chance to show you."

His kiss smothered her, she wanted to slap him but he now held her hands. "Forgive you? You practically call me insentitive, you insult me by verbal abuse. And now you want me to forgive you, that's rich comming from you!" She pulled away and stood alone, "Just how many chances do you want? We've been here before, first it was my fault. You gave me a lecture on how you were different, and I had to change learn to trust you. So I did, I tried to change so much I lost myself. But still it wasn't good enough for you, we had another little talk. Once again it was me who had to change, but you did say you'd change a little yourself". She was shaking from both anger and frustration, "And here we are again, I tried to change and be the woman you wanted. I even told you to accept me as I was, you said you would". Lia was breathing heavier than normal, "I can't change any more, and I can't trust any more than I already do. And I can only give so many chances, so answer me Gary. How many chances do you want?" She found a chair and sat down, "Are we going to keep going round and round in circles, or do we both take the nettles in both hands and go forward?" She looked up at Gary standing there, was that a tear she could see? "We need to resolve this for both of us, do you think I'm worth all this agrivation? Do I think you will finally open up and trust me?" She stood up and went back to him, "If, and I say if. You are going to be open and change yourself, then we may have a chance. But I'm not going to change anymore, I've done all the changing I going to do". She held out her hands, "I once said this before, your choice. Clock's running".

He looked at her, hurt was in his eyes. A lot of what Lia said was true but he had changed and that was because of her. He reached a hand out and gently took it. "Lia, you really think I haven't changed?" There was no accusation in his voice just simple curiosity. "I have and it's because of you. I've always trusted you and I have accepted you. I'm sorry if you think I don't or didn't. Lia..." He sighed and opened up, "Lia, I love you more than there are stars in the sky and I can't apologize enough for my insensitivty.For so long I was by myself. First as a POW, then when Catlin died, I built walls to keep from getting too close to anyone and losing them. You changed all that Lia. You, you showed me how to love again." He shook his head " What happened on the planet shook me." He admitted, "Knowing you had died and I had finally moved on with Liselle. I felt guilty. I was wrapped up, self absorbed in my own guilt, I hadn't considered what you were feeling from being on that damn planet. Please forgive me." He paused and continued on, "I definitly think you are worth any amount of aggrivation. I'm not asking you to change Lia. You've done your fair share. I just...." he took a deep breath, "ask you to bear with me. This is new undiscovered country for me but with you by my side I can do it. I know I can." He hung his head after a moment, he raised it his eyes wet from tears, "Don't you understand? You've always been good enough for me. Always. I'll do better showing you."

Now Lia hung her head, "I came here to finish this, I finally made my mind up to leave you and this ship. Now you say the one thing that blows it right out of the water, Gary Taylor you have changed. One year ago you would never have said that, six monthes ago you would never have been so honest and open like this". She moved into his arms, "No more of this distance between us, from now on we tell each other everything". She kissed his tear stained face, "No more hurting each other, no more lies. Just up front honesty, I promise you that".

Gary's arms came up and around her. He held her like a drowning man holds onto a life perserver. He let out a shaky breath and nodded his head. "Agreed my sweet Lia. No more distance between us. From now on, no more secrets. Unless it's Christmas or birthday presents." He teased weakly as he returned her kiss. Still holding her, he looked into her eyes. Eyes he could spend a week being lost in. "Honesty all the way Lia." He agreed. His head came forward and touched hers, "I love you Aurelia Holmes, more than yesterday and not enough as tomorrow. I'll love you for the rest of your life." He whispered.

Lia felt the tears forming in her eye's and sniffed to stop them, "I think I can put up with the Christmas and Birthday things". She joked back, she held on to him tightly pressing her body into his. "Just one other point, call me Lia please. Aurelia has bad conatations for me, but I will try and make you happy". She knew now that she couldn't say no to more intimate contact, how she would handle that was still to come.

Gary nodded at her statement to call her Lia. "As you wish. I only used your full name to show how serious I was." He hugged her tighter, thankful they had righted their relationship and it seemed even more solid and stable. "Lia, just be yourself That will make me happy and I'll be more open with you." He returned. He breathed deeply, "Computer, play What a Wonderful World" As the strands to the song filled his quarters, Gary slowly walzed Lia around. Right now it truly was a wonderful world.

As they danced Lia's mind thought about future events, "This may sound weird, but what about a more intimate celebration?" She knew it would draw some sort of a response, but just what kind? Was she rushing it? Lia felt she had to get over the difficulty of intimate contact, could she just let a man touch and feel her body without freaking out.

"It doesn't sound weird Lia." Gary whispered into her ear. He knew of her problems with intimatcy and didn't want to push things. He pulled back slightly to look at her, "The question is are you ready for that?"

She took a deep breath, "Honest answer, no. But I thought I had to offer, I didn't want you to think I was frigid". Lia looked down at the floor, "Are you disappointed?"

Gary, brought a hand up and under Lia's chin. He gently raised it till their eyes met. "Lia, I've never thought that. Disappointed? No. I want it to be memorable Lia not traumatic." He answered softly.

"Thanks, but I know one day I have to say yes". She smiled and looked at the door, "Say can we get together later, I'm due on duty". She let Gary go and headed for the door, "Don't just sit here, go talk to Oka-san or some of the girls. They need at least one good customer".

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Gary Taylor
Executive Officer
USS Elysium


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