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Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2019 @ 9:18pm by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Mission 3: Masquerade
Location: VIP Quarters
Timeline: MD2 10h00
166 words - 0.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Well, here she was. Where she needed to be for this to work. She had things to do.

Sitting in the VIP quarters, which lived up to their name, T'Prel took a breath. "Avalon" She summoned the AI

The AI appeared. "Admiral" It inclined its head gracefully.

"Holographic view of the ship with location of all officers"

It appeared. Frowning the Admiral nodded. "Very good. Avalon, Input code B-Omega-938-ITZ-TU-Pel"

The AI seemed to freeze in place. "Code Acknowledged" It looked at the Admiral. "Orders?"

T'Prel considered. It was Alpha Shift. The Bridge crew were important. She needed them gone from the bridge.

She studied the holographic display.

"Avalon, initiate Program Scramble"


And across the ship, people were beamed from their locations to random places across the ship and the decks and transporters were locked down.

JPS are coming of where your characters ended up.
Civilian NPCS are all going to be in one place so you will not need to worry about them.


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