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Okay you two!

Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2019 @ 6:08am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor

Mission: Mission 3: Masquerade
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: MD1
1506 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure


Phoenix waved her XO and chief of Security into her ready room, and gave a soft order to her new yeoman to make sure the Ambassador was taken care of. Then she followed them in and waved them to seats before her desk.

"Your timing, is really bad you know." She said to them both. "On the bridge, in front of a member of the Federations diplomatic corps and one who, is very much against any breaches of protocol." She sighed, sat down and held out her hand to Lia "The documentation Commander?" She said briskly.

Lia looked at Phoenix, "I'm sorry about that Captain, but things are beyond my control". She handed Phoenix a PADD, so she could read the information from DS9.

=/\= REPORT =/\=
Rank....Commander Surname....Holmes Forenames....Aurelia Rebecca Age....36 Duty Station/Vessel....USS Elysium

I have had several conversations with the Commander in the past two day's, she is showing symptoms of quite a few psychological problems. The first is severe mental trauma, this has been brought on by a number of incidents that have happened in quick succession. First was the loss of a child through miscarriage, the second was the confinement caused by the Romulans. Her emotional condition is very fragile, also because of the two reasons stated. Commander Holmes is suffering from survivor guilt badly, this again is caused by her internment by the Romulans.

It was during her internment that the Commander suffered the following, Physical Abuse, Psychological Abuse, and Sexual Abuse. This has had the effect of causing her to believe she was to blame for the misfortunes that befell both her and her companions, thus allowing the psychological conditioning carried out by the Romulans, to be so successful. She now completely believes that by allowing others to Sexually abuse her, that similar events will be avoided. This conditioning will be difficult to counteract, and also makes the Commander a possible security risk at this time. It is the opinion of both myself and other Medical personnel that she transferred to this station and placed under the control of one Dr. Bashir, until further notice. This is so the aforementioned Doctor can work with and amend the Commander's thought processes to a heathier state, and with the aim of returning her to duty.

She is therefore ordered to report to Deep Space Nine as soon as possible and report to Dr. Bashir, it would be best if the Commander is accompanied to the station as she has shown the proclivity to abscond from Star Fleet Authority and sell herself into possible sexual slavery.

=/\= End Report=/\=

Phoenix read it silently. She had, of course heard rumors but had dismissed them as nothing had been said officially. Part of her wanted to say 'I wish you had come to me sooner about this' but she stopped herself. "Very well." Her gaze went to Gary "And tell me why I should allow my Executive Officer to go when a security officer as escort will do?"

Gary met Phoenix's gaze head on. "For a variety of reasons Captain. Firs tis the current mission. It's not of strategic or tactical importance. The Elysium is playing taxi for a diplomat. Second and of much greater importance is, I'm responsible for what Lia is going through. If the Romulans wanted me. You, Lia and Liselle were both an added bonus for your tactical information and your importance to Starfleet. You were also pawns to be used against me, to get me to break." He paused but his gaze never wavered from Phoenix, "This is personal Captain. I need to be there to support Lia as she goes through this treatment. There may be treatments that Dr. Bashir will prescribe that I can preform. Lia needs someone to be there that loves her and won't leave her. Will support her with all she goes through... the rough patches, the self doubt, you name it." he looked at Lia and then back to Phoenix, "I love her Captain and I cannot abandon her in this her greatest time of need. Plus if you sent a security officer Lia could ditch him within five minutes of reaching the station."

"Not if she is sedated" Phoenix replied calmly. She held up a hand. "I am just saying it as an option. Very well, say I say yes, The Command will want a competent replacement."

Gary winced as Phoenix made her statement of Lia being sedated then relaxed when she relented. "Thank you Captain." He replied earnestly. "Why not make Liselle acting XO? She knows the ship and the crew. As a good relationship with you." He paused and his eyes twinkled, "Unless of course you would like Commander Lovejoy to be your XO for this trip."

"Make another crazy suggestion like that and you will wish the Romulans had finished me off." Phoenix replied. "I will make Liselle Acting XO." She said calmly. "When do you both wish to depart?"

"Captain, it was only a suggestion." Gary teased knowing there was no way Lovejoy would be setting foot back on the Elysium unless he was on official business and accompanied by an Admiral or at least a Commodore. He looked at Lia, then back to Phoenix, "I would think as soon as possible, what do you say Lia?"

Wincing as the words, "Not if she is sedated", were spoken. Lia glanced at Gary as he spoke, but she completely understood the stance Phoenix was taking. "I would respectfully request that we leave as soon as it is convenient to both you and the ship Captain, I personally want this over as I'm no good like this". She glanced at the ground, "I'm sorry Captain, I've let you and the crew down. But I want to get this perversion gone, or at least under my own control". Her shame and disappointment in herself just seemed to get bigger and bigger as the whole dirty business dragged on, but there had to be an upside soon there had to be. "I can hand over to Lieutenant Morris as soon as you wish, I'm sure he can handle any situation that may arise", another person she had to talk to.

"I will handle Lieutenant Morris." Phoenix said. "You both should get moving."

Shaking her head, Lia made a comment. "No Captain, with due respect. Morris is my department, and as such my responsibility. It maybe difficult, but I should be the one to tell him". She shifted slightly with the embarrassment, "This condition of mine will leak out, rumours will spread and be expanded on. If I tell Morris the true facts, he'll be able to stop those rumours. Plus it should go to show that he has my trust, and I trust him to do the right things also". She looked at Gary, "Only three people on board know the correct facts, you Captain, Commander Taylor and Lieutenant Sullivan. Morris will be the forth, after that who knows. I'm hoping to return when this is resolved, it'll be up to the crew if that happens and they can only decided if they are given the correct facts". She fell silent as the words began to fail her.

Gary was silent as Lia and Phoenix spoke. While he understood Lia's position of talking to Morris as he was her assistant he didn't feel this was the right time. This was a case where it was better for Phoenix as the Captain to talk to Morris and spare Lia having to tell him all the sordid details. Morris didn't need to know those. Three people knew and that in his mind was the appropriate number . As for Lia's comment about rumors, people were going to talk no matter what they did or didn't do, so he was of the mind set let them talk. The most important facet here was Lia and her getting the help she needed.

"Commander Holmes, you may tell him you are going on medical leave but I still will be calling him in to discuss things. I will not however discuss what is wrong with you as that is a breach of privacy." Phoenix said. "Commander Taylor, you and Commander Holmes have permission to depart the Elysium as soon as you need to."

"Thank you Captain." Gary answered, "We won't hold you up any longer." He was of the opinion the sooner they left the sooner they could return to the Elysium which was their home. "And for the record, we will be coming back. You can't get rid of us this easily."

Lia simply listened to both Gary and Phoenix as the conversation meandered it's course, "As soon as the USS Orinoco arrives we'll leave Captain". It sounded so final, the end of an era so to speak. Lia hoped it wasn't, but the thought that it might be really scared her.

Commander Lia Holmes
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Elysium

Commander Gary Taylor
Executive Officer
USS Elysium

Captain Phoenix Lalor
Commanding officer
USS Elysium


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