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Better Late then Never

Posted on Tue Mar 24th, 2020 @ 7:57pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Nevada McKay

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: USS Elysium - Various
837 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Nevada McKay Slowly paced in her Quarters, letting her injection run its course. She was Running low on supplies for which to keep up her facade of eternal youth, a thought that scared her nearly as much as the task she Now faced. With Her Recent, and ceremonious Promotion to Assistant Chief of Science, She had no excuse to Not meet the Commander of the Elysium, an event that she'd been pushing hard to avoid having to confront.
Her PADD beeped once letting her know she was now Free to leave her quarters with out risk of detection from the ships Medical sensors, should they be active.

She let out a sigh and straightened her blouse, the short sleeves tugging tightly at her Inked arm, taking a moment to eye herself the Lavatories Mirror, before she set off into the corridor, with the intent of reaching the bridge as quickly as possible.

The captain however was not on the bridge. She was wandering the halls, trying not to think of what could be happening planet side. Phoenix Lalor, often walked the halls. She made it so people saw her. She was not some distant figure on the bridge. She wanted people to know her. She moved through the halls casually, and rounded a corner and smiled at the sight of an officer she rarely saw. "Ah Lieutenant McKay" she greeted her.

Nevada flinched as her name rang out a sense of dread filling as she slowly turned to face the voice her eyes immediately focusing in on Rank pips. "C...captain Lalor," she said with a brief stutter before she Took a moment to recover her bravado A flash of Relief washing over her face. "I was Just coming to find you actually, Talk about Luck."

The Erisian smiled. "Oh? Well i am on my walkabout. If you care to join me we can talk as we go."

"Sure, A walk sounds nice," the Human said with a soft genuine smile as she turned and gestured for the captain to lead on. "I was coming to find you to formally introduce myself, Seeing as I think that promotion ceremony was the first time we'd been face to face."

"That happens on a ship this size. I sometimes go weeks without seeing even members of the senior staff." Phoenix nodded at a passing ensign. "Hence my walks."

"I understand Ma'am," Nevada Nodded softly as she looked around. "I've never actually been assigned to anything on the Elysium's scale actually," she hummed as she walked along side the Much younger woman. "Usually Command tosses me on an Aging Hospital ship to keep me busy, I'll say its been rather Nice finally having a Research role."

"Elysium is one of the best places for such a role." Phoenix said. "We are often sent to weird and wonderful place where science can sink their teeth into things." She paused "How are you going with working with the chief of science?"

"We ah...tend to dance around each other," Nevada said with a soft Chuckle. "She's nice enough but My scientific field is fairly limited to Medical Research, so I'm not much help to her More...exotic projects," she muttered. "But She's been helpful enough with My Organ Regeneration experiments."

Of that Phoenix was sure. Arri was... eclectic. She nodded though. "It might do her good to get someone not so in tune with her side of science more involved, and it would not hurt you either to expand your skills. I think the two of you will learn lots from each other."

"Her Research into Borg Technology has been...ah...useful for My Research," Nevada chuckled. "I've Been trying to Get Samples of borg Tech for My Research since I Joined Star Fleet, though sadly...My..." She trailed off as she thought of how to word her past. "Other Research items Earned me the Ire of the Scientific ethics Committees."

"What I do not know about Lieutenant cannot get you into trouble. As long as the ship is not damaged, no one is killed or maimed and as long as the ship does not explode, I am ok with what ever happens down in the science lab."

"I'd Never Kill," Nevada said softly. "Its why I'm a doctor first, Scientist second," she added with just the the slightest sense of Pride.

"Good." Came the response. Phoenix nodded as they walked. "Then you will be fine here and I won't need to panic." She smiled.

"My goal is to never give you a reason to come down to Science lab on my behalf," Nevada chuckled as she walked slightly trailing behind the younger woman.

"And i thank you for that. Arri is enough to worry about at times."

"I'll Do My best to make sure you don't have to worry at all," Nevada offered.

"I appreciate that for sure" Phoenix smiled. Then she sighed as her Comm pinged and a voice called her to Medical. "Apologies Lieutenant. I need to go."



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