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Simulation, Broken Arm

Posted on Thu Mar 26th, 2020 @ 12:54am by Lieutenant Casper Thornhill

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: SFMC Academy Grounds
Timeline: During Casper Cadet life
1271 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Cadet Three Casper Thornhill moved with his small group of fellow Marines through the simulated Cardassian town dressed in their Assault uniform, he had removed the helmet though because he found that it was too constricting. Holding the Type-3B phaser close he moved along the buildings pointing it into open doors and windows until he met with his fire team partner, tapping her on the shoulder to let her move forward he crouched down waiting for her to stop again. On the other side of the street two more marines were moving up as well, this was a simple simulation that was to teach them one movement.

The town was of typical newer Cardassian architecture similar to what you would find on a Colony planet. The mission was that their group was responding to an unknown distress call but did not have much more information than that, you could tell that the Colony had been attacked by the charred buildings, smoke, and fire. Surprisingly there were no bodies laying about, that confused Casper as they moved along through the Hamlet. Based off the amount of destruction he should be seeing at least some bodies laying about, unless they had all fled to the hills. The group had done a low level pass of the Hamlet in their Runabout and hadn't detected any lifeform signs though, it just didn't add up.

Noticing the sign to move up Casper moved again coming to a stop by his Fire Team Partner, "What are you thinking Jenn?" he asked quietly into their personal comchannel.

"I don't like the feeling of this," she replied and didn't provide anything more before moving forward again. She hadn't even reached the next building before a green light energy flew over her left shoulder and smacked into the building wall sending building material crashing to the ground, "CONTACT 1300 o'clock!" she replied flinging herself to the ground and returned fire in the direction of where it came from. Casper through himself against the building as more green light energy was flung at them, from what he could tell it was a disrupter of some kind the question begged to answer was it Romulan or Klingon as both were green.

"Anyone have eyes on?" Casper replied as he returned fire from where he could see green flashes come from.

"Negative," they replied through the Comchannel. They had elected Casper Squad leader this round and he moved through what their options were in his mind. Do they advance and hope that they can flush out who these bastards were? Do they retreat and hope that the other side advances? From the fire that they were taking it didn't seem like they were actually be targeted, it was more like the other force was trying to give them enough of a warning to say, "We see you but don't want you to proceed any farther!"

"Casper what do you want to do," James stated looking over at him quickly from the other side of the street. You could hear the stress in his voice as one of the disrupter blasts had just missed his helmet.

"Advance!" Casper replied taking a few shots and then pressed up to Jenn tapping her shoulder when he got there and fired again. He could see Keith do the same to James and then Jenn and James move forward this time running to find some kind of cover. Once when they got there the disrupter fire intensified around them, that was an answer of, "You stupid idiots we were giving you and out to leave!" Casper grinned a bit, he never liked the easy route out. Before he could move up the fire fight was over and quietness descended on them. Casper looked around to see if he missed everything.

"Did they retreat?" Jenn questioned out loud what they were all thinking. Before anyone could answer that they heard a very Klingon bellow from what sounded like hundred of voices before the leaves parted to a dozen Klingons coming out running at them with bat'leths in their hands. It didn't take long for the Squad to start firing at them dropping several before more Klingons came running out, the remaining was soon on them, "Hand to hand Combat!" Jenn yelled flinging her Rifle behind her and pulling her Ka-Bar. Casper pulled out a photon grenade activating it he threw it into the Jungle where the Klingons were coming out and then pulled his Ka-Bar.

Several Klingons ran passed Jenn who was already fighting several and came at Casper, letting one get in close he dodged one of the swings that was meant to dislodge his head from his body and kicked the Klingon in the stomach pushing him back a bit. Casper turned and slashed with his little Ka-Bar at the next Klingon's stomach feeling the blade dig into the light metal armour and flesh. Turning he plunged his knife into the other Klingon chest as two more were soon on him, one of them running right up to him trying to plow into him knocking him over. Casper realized this and crouched down letting the Klingons energy through himself over Casper as Casper stood up once when the Klingon reached Casper back throwing the Klingon higher into the air. At the same time Casper picked up the Bat'leth that was left on the ground from one of the dispatched Klingons and slashed at the next foe that was in front of him.

"Retreat! Retreat!" Casper puffed as he dodged another blow that was aimed at him this time with a Klingon that had a mek'leth. Casper dropped his Bat'leth and grabbed the Klingon. Before he could pull out his Ka-Bar again the Klingon threw Casper over his shoulder, not ready for the throw Casper fell onto his left side where he heard a loud crack in his left arm followed by a sharp searing pain in his arm. Grunting in pain he pulled his type 2 handheld phaser and fired it into the Klingons face. He tried to use his left arm to get up from the ground but fell back to the ground in even more pain, 'Yep my arm is broke," he replied as he used his right to get up. Hostering his phaser he picked up the Mek'leth as they continued to retreat.

Once when they reached the towns edge the Klingons had stopped sending waves of warriors at them. The four Federation Marines retreated into the Jungle their armour dented, battered, and bloody. The Simulation soon ended and Casper dropped to his knees and threw up due to the pain and dizziness, once when that was complete he pulled off his arm armour and could see a bone sticking out of his skin. Closing his eyes he tried not to throw up again. Jenn dropped to her knees pull out his First Aid kit and applied a hypo to his neck, "Who shut the god damn safety's off!!" she looked at the other two.

"I did," James replied sheepishly.

"You could have fucking killed us!" Jenn replied so viciously that James took a step back.

"I just wanted some more realism, I found that these are too easy," he replied defensively.

"Later!" Casper replied getting up again and proceeded out of the Holodeck. He didn't dare to go to the Infirmary with this one as it would get James in huge amounts of trouble. He decided that he would stop by his locker quickly to get changed and then make his way to Olivia's Quarters where she wouldn't report this and yet heal him.


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