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Diplomatic bids

Posted on Sun Mar 29th, 2020 @ 8:02am by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Casperia Prime - A lesson in relaxation
Location: Main Bridge.
704 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Reo stepped out of the turbo lift giving a slight nod to the Caitian who'd escorted him here before he stepped clear his short steps carrying him onto the bridge proper, where he silently hated himself for not asking her to point out the captain for him. Humanoids Milled about the bridge performing their duties but none of them really stood out to him, a brief twinge of specism shooting through him as he recalled his Clans thoughts on Humanoids. They all look alike. He set aside facial features and instead started to search for the Pips that the commander should be wearing.

A young female, with ridges on her nose, came up to him. "Hello, can I help you?" Her rank pips showed she was a petty officer 3rd class.

"Yes...I'm Looking For the Captain, I'm Supposed to report to them as a diplomatic Transfer From the Confederacy Defense fleet," the Short Vulpine said after his eyes wavered over the Females pips for a moment. "I'm Warrant officer Sandtail."

The Petty officer smiled. "The captain is in her ready room. Its over there Warrant Officer." She pointed at a door off to the side. "Just hit the chime. She will most likely appreciate the interruption. She hates paperwork."

"Thank you Petty officer," he smiled as he strode past her towards the indicated door his large Ears flicking about to balance his steps as he moved. He hit the chime for the door and slowly moved to a stiff attention.

"Come!" came the call and the door opened. The room was starfleet issue basically, but for the two very low couches in the corner around, an antique table. On it was a small sphere with swirls of blue and gold. And it was flanked by two fat white candles. Captain Lalor's personal touches.

The Vulpine stepped with a Posh Military posturing that was Far from Star Fleet Standard, as was his Uniform. Thin plates of Impact Armor were visibly sewn into the modified Star fleet Uniform giving it an angled and Starched appearance. "Warrant officer Reo'thanra Sandtail of the CDF Reporting for Duty Ma'am," he said As he snapped off a Crisp salute.

captain Lalor looked up and nodded with a smile. "Ah very good. At ease Warrant officer." She said. She stood and held out a hand to him. "Welcome to the USS Elysium."

He tenderly took her hand in his own giving it a firm squeeze. "I want to thank you on behalf of the Confederacy for accepting me Onboard for this Diplomatic Mission." The short vulpine shifted slightly as he gave the room a once over.

"It is our pleasure and honor to host you." Phoenix replied. "Please have a seat." She waved him to a chair.

"Thank you Ma'am," the Vulpine shifted his posture and slowly sat down, his tail flicking out from behind him to avoid being sat on.

"How are you settling in." Phoenix asked. "Are you finding your way around?"

"Its...a bit of an adjustment," He admitted. "I'm unused to being unarmed, and this ship...well, it has artificial gravity, where as the Destroyers I was stationed on with the CDF Did not, so Moving around is much easier."

"You can wear your weapons if it makes you more comfortable." Phoenix said. "Several officers have weapons concealed on their persons."

The diminutive alien nodded slowly. "I appreciate that Captain, I just didn't want to Assume anything and cause a Diplomatic Incident over something as simple as a Firearm," he paused and shifted his posture, the Armor plates in his uniform click with the movement. "Do you have...questions or Orders I should be aware of while I'm serving aboard your vessel Ma'am?"

"The Elysium follows all standard Federation orders. We have no specialized ones. Any concerns you have should go through the proper channels and such. Other than that, I do hope you enjoy your time here."

He nodded slowly his large ears giving just the slightest flop. "I'm sure I will Ma'am, And once again...thank you for agreeing to have me aboard," he added as he slowly stood to leave.

"That is quite alright." Phoenix said. She stood, shook his hand in farewell.


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