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Intelligence Vs Diplomatic

Posted on Thu Feb 27th, 2020 @ 5:08pm by Lieutenant Casper Thornhill

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Deck 1 Federation Main Embassy
551 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Casper had been summoned to the Diplomatic Corps area of the ship, he wasn't exactly sure why he was summoned to a meeting with the Ambassador to the Federation but he decided to play along and see what happens. Arriving on Deck 01 he made the short walk over to the Federation Main Embassy, he had the computer notify Anje Brett that he was there and then took a seat waiting to be summoned.

"Come in." Anje called from behind her desk, ~So many PADD's... Really miss the bridge right now.~ As Lt. Thornhill walked in she rose to acknowledge him, "Lt. Thornhill, welcome. Can I offer you anything?"

"No, thank-you though Ambassador," Casper replied bowing slightly to Anje. Getting to down to business, "You wished to speak to me about Something Ma'am?"

"I was hoping for an intelligence report, Lieutenant." Anje replied, "What, if anything, do we know? I need some information to give the other powers who are now calling us for answers."

Capser thought for a moment as he looked at the Ambassador, "I am afraid that we don't have much to provide. We are still getting up and running," which was the truth, "We have done some long range scans but we are still getting the information back on it. It would appear that everything within this area of space is... Quiet... There are however some minor players that we are keeping an eye on. A few organized crime groups that are operating within this area. Local Law Enforcement has been alerted that we are in the area should they was assistance to help out, Yourself or the Captain may get a request for support shortly if they wish our help."

"Quiet." Anje sighed, "Maybe too quiet. Thank you for this information, Lt. Thornhill. I'll be listening for any calls for assistance that might come in. Just wish I had more to tell the other nations, but that's how it is sometimes."

"I agree Ma'am I am as unsettled by this as you are," he replied. Even when he was in the Marines he didn't like going in without ALL of the information or at the very least the lay of the land. He had a partial lay of the land but nothing that really made him comfortable, "In regards to how the CDID operates. What are you gonna look towards for us? What types of information is it that you will want us to gather?"

"Naturally we'll want you to keep an eye on all the regional powers, plus anything else that doesn't fit." Anje replied, "If there's anything more specific, I'll come to you direct."

"Very well Ma'am. We will keep our ears and eyes out and if we see anything we will let you know," he replied nodded to her.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Anje replied, "So, still a pass on that drink?"

"Another time Ambassador, the CDID still has some polishing to do the previous Intelligence Section left some interesting items to sort through," he replied with a smile. He got up and nodded to the Ambassador before turning and leaving.

"Let me know if you need help, Lieutenant." Anje nodded, "I have... sources which might be helpful to your efforts."

"Noted Ma'am," with that he departed heading back to the CDID.



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