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Droning On...

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 5:35pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris

Mission: Return Of A Bad Penny
Location: Shuttlebay
Timeline: During and After Captured- The Sale?
387 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia had doubletimed it to the shuttlebay, no time to waste in making this work, lest those proximity mines start chasing ships full of live people or, worse still, the opposition use those mines to keep the Elysium at bay long enough for the Orions to vanish with their people and countless others, "Or the damn Romulans..." She muttered aloud.

Sami slid down the ladder into the shuttlebay, she'd travelled by tube to save some time, "Okay, Commander, what's the plan?"

"Wa're goona make us one hellufa big toy, Sami love, tha's what." Gallia replied, pointing to the Danube class runabout Riviera, set to be scrapped in the weeks ahead due to age and obsolescence , "Tha's goona be our mine sweeper right there."

"Guess they're never going to get engineering out of your soul." Milla laughed as she entered, carrying a toolbox in each hand, "Tell me what I can do."

"Go with Sami, we're goona need a control unit, the kind we use with the worker bees in high radiation areas." Gallia ordered, "Then we're goona haff te remove a lot of the Riv's flight control panel."

It took a few minutes for them to recover the right control unit, time Gallia spent getting started on removing flight control equipment from the Riviera, "Dinnae fash yeself, lass, ye'll live on in other runaboots now, a good ship, she never dies, not for real anyway."

"Thank you, Gallia." Sami, as the Riviera, replied in a tinny voice, making the Ops Chief jump.

"Damn it, Sami!" Gallia gasped, then laughed, "That wasnae funny!"

"I don't know about all that." Milla laughed as she joined them, "Looked hilarious from over here."

"Well, I'm glad ye two got a laugh at my expense." Gallia sighed, "Now, can we get te work?"

"Right." Sami agreed, "What's our time frame?"

"We're already late." Gallia said honestly.

"Well, no pressure there." Milla sighed, "Let's do this."

It didn't take the three of them long, working together, to replace the manual controls with remote controls, then to link them to Gallia's PADD, "Aright, Ladies, now with a hell of a lotta good luck, we can launch this bad girl right here an' hopefully save our shipmates."

"Right." Sami nodded, more than a little nervous.

"Right." Milla chimed in, "Time to kick some Romulan ass."


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