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A strange request.

Posted on Tue Mar 31st, 2020 @ 8:53am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Sthilg

Mission: INTERMISSION: Rebuild, Reuse, Recycle
408 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

The turbolift doors opened as the ships MD stepped onto the bridge much to the surprise of the bridge crew.

"It'ssss okay everyone jussst need to have a word with the captain." the gorn said as he walked over to the ready room door and pressed the door alert. The captain was going to think he was crazy for asking this, but at the moment he was completely out of options.

"Come in!" called out the captain as she stacked PADDS in a pile on her desk. She looked up as the door opened. "Ah Doctor, come in!" She smiled.

" Captain." The gorn said as he stood to attention as he stepped into the room. " I have a favor to asssk you. You are aware of my current predicament? " The doctor said calmly having sent the captain information of the apparition that had been plaguing him.

"yes I am." She waved him to a seat. "Please, sit down."

" Thank you." the gorn said making sure the chair could take his massive bulk before he continued. " i know thisss will ssound completly crazy, but with no option presssenting itssself there isss only one thing I can think off. I'd normaly asssk my clan leader, but everyone from my clan is long dead. Ssso I'm asking your permission to perform the Drungra ritual. It's an ancient gorn right to sssupposssedly banish ssspiritsss."

"You have it." Phoenix was not one to dismiss a person's cultural requirements. "Are you able to replicate the required items for it? Or will you need to be planet side?"

" I can replicate most of what I will need except for one thing. A halogenic drugsss i'll have to order from gorn space. I'll need to asssk for sssome volunteersss to be my guardiansss for the ritual." The gorn explained.

"Of course, ask anyone you like. I am sure you will have no problem getting assistance." Phoenix said softly.

" Thank you. Would you be willing to be one of my gaurdiansss captain?" The old gorn asked.

"Of course. It would be an honor." Phoenix said honestly.

" Thank you captain. It will take sssome time to prepare and i'll need to asssk a few more people. I'll let you know within plenty of time for when we'll do the ceremony." The gorn replied feeling relif of his shoulders as he stood up.

Phoenix smiled at him. "Of course. I look forward to it." She told him. "Good Luck"


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