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A Moment Between Sisters

Posted on Sat Apr 11th, 2020 @ 6:01pm by

Mission: Return Of A Bad Penny
Location: Anje and Milla's Quarters
Timeline: before landing on the planet
1619 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Milla had just stepped out of the shower when she heard her sister come through the front door, a towel wrapped around her body as she ran her hands through her nearly non-existent hair, knocking off the bit of water it had retained. Sliding on a pair of black sweatpants and a USS Bozeman t-shirt quickly, she walked into the living area to receive her sister, "Well, hello, sexy." She innocently flirted, such comments were just part of their relationship, strange though they might have seemed to outsiders.

"Milla." Anje smiled, "Glad you're still here. I was afraid you might have already moved in with Jessica."

"No, no." Milla laughed, walking over and wrapping her arms around Anje's waist and laying her head on the shorter woman's shoulder, "I'm going to stay with you until the absolute last second I can."

"Good." Anje smiled, placing a soft kiss on her sister's lips, something else that would've seemed strange to an outsider that was perfectly normal to them, "Not ready for you to be gone yet."

"That's fine." Milla smiled, taking her sister's hand to lead them both to the sofa where they took seats close to one another, "I'm not going anywhere for a while." This level of closeness might have seemed inappropriate, even disturbing, to others, but it was just how they were with each other, having even hottubbed nude together more than once, "So what's on your mind? I can read your face."

"I'm worried sick about Naxea Azhul." Anje answered truthfully, "We think the Orions have her and we know the Romulans have just thrown in with them. We think it's that Mishka bitch."

"The one Auntie wants dead so bad we can taste it?" Milla asked, though she was pretty sure she was right. When Auntie Anje put someone on her shit list, it was a big deal, a bad deal for the person in question.

"That's her." Anje replied, "The nasty bitch who cut off Phoenix's hair." Of all the things Mishka Vadran had done to her friends, that was the one that pissed Anje off the most for some reason, probably because she knew how proud Phoenix was of that amazing mane and how much Anje herself loved it.

"Well, catch her and cut off something that doesn't grow back then." Milla suggested, after her encounter with Romulans and Maddy the Rifleperson she wasn't exactly a fan, either, "And if it's hard enough beat her with it."

"Wonder if I can collect Auntie's bounty." Anje mused, knowing there was definitely a bounty and knowing that, angry as she was, it was probably large, like ten most wanted large.

"Well, since nobody got to collect the one she put on Dukrot, maybe." Milla answered, mispronouncing the Cardassian monster who plunged the Alpha Quadrant into war's name and simply not caring that she had, "You know she thinks he's still out there somewhere? What do you think?"

"I think Auntie is suffering from Stalin's madness when it comes to him." Anje replied, referencing Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's post war insistence that Hitler had somehow survived and escaped, though she'd told her aunt before that that was all this was, replacing Hitler with Dukat and casting herself as Stalin, "But if I ever ran across him, that bounty is still active, I'll cash him in."

"He's not." Milla shook her head; if he was still out there somewhere, he would've already resurfaced and made trouble for the Federation and besides that, at the insane price Auntie put on his head, his mom would've cashed him in, "Hopefully one day Auntie can accept that."

"Not until we give her a body." Anje sighed, such was her Aunt's insistence that her enemies never stopped being dangerous until she declared them dead.

"So true." Milla sighed, it was awful for her watching her Aunt drive herself insane looking for enemies in every shadowy corner, "She'll put herself in the looney bin if she doesn't stop that soon."

"She'll chase her enemies until she knows they're dead or we find out she is." Anje shook her head, playfully rubbing Milla's nearly bald head, "You know, I'm really starting to like this. Leave it to you to shave your hair off and somehow become more attractive."

"Thanks." Milla blushed, her scalp visible through her millimeter short hair turning pink as she did, "Glad you're not upset about it anymore."

"Nah, just surprised was all." Anje replied, "Didn't expect to see you at all, let alone see you without any hair. What brought this on, anyway?"

"Got tired of being told how much I looked like you." Milla shrugged.

"Okay, ouch." Anje cringed, that reply seemed needlessly mean to her, "Wasn't aware that was such a bad thing."

"Oh, sweetie, no." Milla immediately began to rebuild the dike, she hadn't meant that as it came out, "It was just a constant reminder that you didn't look like you anymore, that damned Cheline..."

"That was an awful harsh reaction to her asking me to let my hair get long, don't you think?" Anje asked, though she'd already accepted Milla's reactions to anything involving Cheline were going to be extreme.

"I didn't like how she forced you to change by making you feel like you weren't attractive enough as you were." Milla answered, even she knew her reactions to Cheline always went to extremes now, "Like she was this great catch anyway..."

"Cheline was a beauty." Anje smiled, in spite of everything and having no reason at all to, she still loved Cheline, "And did the long hair really look that bad on me?"

"No, Anje, you always look fantastic." Milla complimented, she hadn't meant any slight to her sister, "I just didn't like the control over you she had that it represented, plus you were already perfect as you were."

"That's sweet, Milla." Anje smiled, taking her sister's hand, "And I always hated when people would tell you you looked like me because I know you're so much prettier than I ever was."

"Stop that." Milla rolled her eyes, she'd always heard the opposite from people not Anje, especially their mother, who always wished she would be 'more like Anje.' Anje was the girly girl, that simply wasn't Milla, who was always, to her mind anyway, at best a cute tomboy, "Mommy always wanted me to be more like you."

"Well, she made a mistake there." Anje countered, not sure if that wasn't all in Milla's head, "And I think that might be all up here." She continued, tapping Milla's forehead gently with her forefinger, knowing their mother was head over heels for both of her girls, well, of her kids, but the girls especially, and wouldn't change anything about any of them.

"She told me right after I did this this that she wished I was more like you." Milla replied, remembering the tearful encounter with her mother when Milla came to dinner bald.

"Well, she doesn't react well to change, she was in shock." Anje said honestly, "She hated when Bo cut his hair like that and he's a guy."

"Right, but she didn't tell Bo he should be more like Morgan." Milla's counterpoint was presented flatly, but she was still unhappy about that.

"Because he can't be any more like Morgan, they're identical twins." Anje laughed, "Right down to their DNA, he is Morgan."

"Still, makes me feel like I was less important." Milla sighed and leaned against Anje's shoulder, "Like she wanted me to be you 2.0 or something."

"She didn't." Anje shook her head, "She didn't mean anything by it, I promise." Anje knew for a fact she didn't because Milla, the baby, was always their mom's favorite.

"Maybe you're right." Milla shrugged, her face pressed against Anje's exposed neck, the skin was cool and dry, not like previously when Milla had been treated to a hot, sweaty Anje and a mouthful of Cheline Halliwell's replicated hair, "Though, I mean, I do miss looking like you."

"Forget it, Milla." Anje shook her head, "You're not shaving my head."

"Actually, I was thinking I might get the Anje look." Milla laughed, "I'd have to ask Jessica what she thinks. Well, I don't have to, but I want to, courtesy you know?"

"Right, right." Anje nodded, though she'd never been close enough to marriage to have to worry about that.

"And if I really wanted to shave your head, you'd already be bald." Milla playfully threatened, "You sleep next to me remember?"

"Right, right." Anje sighed, running her hands through her now suddenly endangered hair, she knew she slept hard enough to legitimately not feel her sister taking off her hair if she so desired, "Time to start sleeping in a helmet, I guess."

"You wouldn't feel it when I took the helmet off anyway." Milla laughed hard, remembering the time she drew all over a sleeping Anje, who never even flinched.

"So probably best to just let you do whatever you want." Anje remarked, "Since you'll just do it anyway."

"You should've figured that out a long time ago." Milla giggled, playing with her sister's hair, "You'll be super cute with the Milla, don't worry."

"Just understand, I will wake up eventually, and then I'm going to retaliate." Anje reminded her sister, though she wouldn't ever hurt Milla and they both knew it.

"Well, if your physical waking up takes as long as your mental waking up I'll be long gone and you'll never notice." Milla laughed hard, "No worries, you're safe."

"If I'm not with anyone else, I am with you." Anje stated, not sure if she was reassuring herself or Milla or both.


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