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Hypothetical timeline Simulator

Posted on Tue Mar 31st, 2020 @ 11:24pm by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail

Mission: Challenge Missions
Location: Holodeck
514 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

The air was thick with the heavy stench of plasma burnt Concrete and the Distant sounds of combat. To Reo'thanra Sandtail this was a hell he should have never have set foot in. A distant Roar Broke the monotonous Disruptor and Rail gun fire as the Enemies of the Arten Imperium Attempted to rally. Though bombed out and largely abandoned by civilian populations the Ruined Metropolis was still the seat of enemy resistance on this world. Reo’thanra Paused his work, his ears twitching as an assault tank rumbled past him on his left, Flanked by at least a dozen heavy infantry. He Sighed and went back to his work, his tail curling at the tip as A Distant explosion Sent Rumbles through the Concrete.

“Can you believe the Emperor Didn’t just glass this place?” One Of the junior War engineers muttered under his breath, his voice straining through his Helmets voice Synthesizer. “We have warships capable of rendering this word Uninhabitable in a matter of an hour, why are we bothering with a ground invasion?”

“Quiet,” The More senior of the two countered, his gaze slowly shifting to Reo’thanra, his face masked by his helmet. His tail however couldn’t hide his emotions. He was just as terrified as the younger Male, possibly more so.

“We didn’t just pulverize the planet because Our Holy Emperor Demanded that We subjugate the savages who inhabit it,” A harsh Female voice said as an Arten clad in an inquisitors Uniform stepped closer to the group. “They are strong, and have Resisted our Holy empire since before the time of the Copper blooded Furless,” She said as she circled around the Engineers, and the Air defense cannon they were Erecting.

“Our Caitian Allies call them Klingons,” Reo’thanra said quietly as he moved to Hook up a Fusion cell, the assault Armor he was clad in clanking against the Ground. “We’ve been at war with them off and on for the better part of A century,”

The Inquisitor shot a glare towards him, her face twisting into a fang filled sneer. “And how do you know this Desert walker?” she said as she took a threatening step towards him her paws moving to a Sonic pulse pistol that was strapped to her waist.

Reo’thanra frowned and shook his head. How did he know that, It felt…like it was common knowledge and yet here he was, Drawing a blank on what its context was. “I…Don’t know inquisitor, I think I Might have over heard it during a Mission briefing,” he said calmly as he slowly Shifted his weight defensively. He Knew it was a Lie though. All of this was a Lie. “Computer Pause simulation,” he said causing the image of War torn Quonos to flicker to a halt.

He shook his head and rolled his neck. “This…isn’t real…” he muttered as he glanced around. “Computer end simulation, and terminate File, I don’t think I’ll be returning here,” He Sighed quietly and turned towards the exit.


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