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Meeting the Chaplain

Posted on Tue Apr 14th, 2020 @ 12:15am by Lieutenant JG Maxmillio (Max) Solanga MA, Rev., & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Offce of the Chief of Counseling
Timeline: 1 wk, 3 days, 12 hrs
1636 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Arriving by a transport shuttle, Max finally set foot on the massive flight deck of the Elysium; wearing civilian clothes, the ship was huge, and with over more than a 1,000 crewmen, there would probably be a few souls that needed some spiritual counseling.

However that term "Spiritual Counselor" was still in its infancy, so being called Reverend would suffice for now. Inserting his own personal Isolinear chip that he wore around his neck, he inserted this into the slave unit loacted at the entrance way to the ship from the landing bay, it only took a few minutes before the computer said..

"Welcome to the USS ELylsium LT Maxmillio (Max) Solanga

Time reported In: 1600 hrs this date...

Position: Incoming Ships Chaplain....

The ships computer then said..

"Lt. Solanga, your permanent passwords and other codes will be issued to you by the Captain and the Executive Officer, or head of Security; within 24 hours, but for now you have been given temporary passwords to enter the ships non-critical/sensitive areas" continued the computer.

Your temporary quarters have been assigned to you, and it is in the senior officers deck. For your information, your PaDD has been overwritten with current shps information to include times for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Looking at his PaDD Max found the entries from the his previous duty station had been erased automatically by the ships computer, and in its place was the Elysium's entire history, total crew compliment, senior officers, also a long list of Aliens, and their cultural beliefs, that may be assigned to the shp; plus their dietary needs, and the time when they celebrated their own holy days of observation.

Location: Various areas of the ship

With the information on his PaDD, Max removed his Isolinear chip, and began to wander around the ship looking for the office of his boss; Lt. Alicia Salik, Chief of Counseling. At least she'd know that he had made it safely, as for the Captain and the XO, they would wait till the following week to meet, but for now all Sam wanted to do was meet his boss, and the staff if possible, then go to his temporary quarters and relax. Going about the ship, Max meet several hundreds of crewmen, cadets, along with a few VIP's, and the Civilians who all worked on the ship. Knowing that this was just a fraction of the number of crewmen aboard the ship, he figured that eventually he'd get to meet each and everyone of them, as word got out that there was now a Chaplain on board the ship, who offered a different type of counseling; Spiritual Counseling. But the others would know that the Chaplain was always there to help the individual crewmen.

Walking around Max would sometimes bump in to the other crewmembers who would always say "Sir" and especially the Cadets who were always notorious for not being as well mannered as their graduated brethern, so sometimes Max would have to deal with some obstinate Cadet who would call him 'You" or "What the hell are you doing here", then when Max would introduce himself and tell the group of young cadets what his job on the ship was, there was usually one or two that wanted to talk to him on a personal basis.


Finally finding the Counseling Department, Max entered the partially empty office that was being held down by the Counseling Aide, who was busy at her desk categorizing several hundred Isolinear Chips according to a numbeing system.

PO3 Roberta Lingori, who seemed to be busy, was not watching who came in, and as Max appproached her desk, and stood by waiting to be acknonwledged; Roberta seemed to be off on a daydream. Waiting there patiently, and not saying a word. Max stood there for a full 15 minutes as he saw the wall chronometer beginning its slow move to 1700 hrs.

Suddenly the quiet counseling department was broken by a loud "Harrumph" but instead of getting the proper acknowledgement from the young woman; PO3 Lingori incredously sat there not moving here head, and then she said a tired mechanical voice..."Take a number, sign your name on the intake roster and have a seat" all without looking up from her desk.

With her head still down, and seeing the same shadow, PO3 Lingori finally looked up and with that dumb look of someone who had to deal with a myriad of issues within the Counseling Division, she said said..."What is it do you want'!?, can't you see that I'm busy?

Bending over and now with his face close to hers, Max said in a smiling and bemused voice ..."Petty Officer" with an attitude like yours; its no wonder that your soul will never ever attempt at reaching the afterlife. Puzzled PO3 Lingori said ... "Sir"??? It was then Max produced his Identifications and said...

"Petty Officer Lingori" for your information young lady, My name is Lieuenant Maximillio Solanga, and I am the ships new incoming Chaplain. Watching Lingori's attitude suddenly deflated, and in a bit of a friendly warning Max also said...but in a softer and calm voice ."Either get rid of the attitude, or face a charge of insubordination, derelection of duty, or one of a hundred of shipboard, regulations that you probably never knew existed, but are still on othe books.

Suddenly Roberta, felt a great chill coming over her body, as she had just insulted a possible patient, but a Lieutenant, who just happened to be the ships new Chaplain. Hoping that Max would not press cahrgers or call her supervisor, Roberta manage to muster up a I'm very sorry Chaplain Solanga for my actions, and now in a better tone of voice she said "Now how can I you.. Sir"

Max said " I have an appointment with the Chief of Counseling, Lt. Salik". so how about you go tell her personally that the new ships Chaplain is here to meet her, as part of my official duties. As Petty Officer LIngori ran from her desk down the large passageway, Max sat down in one of the plush office charis laughing to himself on the incident with PO Lingori. Now in a brighter mood all he could do was wonder how his appearance would affect the ships crew...

The office of Lt. Salik - Chief Counselor

Alicia had just wrapped up an appointment when she was informed of the arrival of the new ship’s Chaplain, as PO3 Lingori came running into her office to tell Alicia about her run in with the new ships Chaplain.

“Thank you, I will greet him myself.” She smiled warmly as she rose from her desk and made her way out to meet the Reverend. “Reverend Solanga.” She greeted him with a friendly smile. “I’m Alicia Kelea-Salik.” Getting up out of the plush chair, Max beamed even brighter as he began with a big smile and said "Thank you Lt. for allowing me to see you, shall we proced to your office..

With an air of professionalism, Max entered her office, Standing and coming to a modified Parade rest in front of Alicia's desk.
finding that it was your usual Starfleet Office, there were things in the office that were not standard Starfleet furnishings, pictures, large prints, and flowers. Continunig to stand he waited for her to tell him to sit...

"Please feel free to take a seat" Alicia motioned to the choice of seating in her office. "Can I get you anything to drink Reverend?"

Deciding to sit in one of the two large plush chairs in her office that faced her desk, Max sat back allowing the smell of leather to permeate his nostrils, and then he listend to Lt. Salik offer him a drink.

Well Lt Salik would you mind if I called you by your first name of Alicia. I have often found that calling another professional by their first hame is always a comforting feeling, especially here in this fine Starship, where the rigors of command, and having to answer to your superiors can sometimes be insurmountable.

Since you offered me a drink how about a cold Irish Coffee with Bailey's creme, and four tablespoons of sugar. Now relaxed and beginning to smile at Alicia.

Max said ..if you don't mind, Alicia, I much prefer to be called "Max", or Rev. Solanga when dealing with the crew and the other officers replied Max who got his drink from the beverage replicator, then sat down to talk to Alicia.

Alicia smiled, she was intending on fetching Max his drink but he got there before her. Bringing her own drink back with her she sat down in a chair. “In that case I’ll call you Max, it seems that bit more personal.” She smiled warmly. “To be honest I’ve never worked alongside a Chaplin before so this will be a first for me.” But as they say,

"God or a higher spirit works in strange ways" replied Max..

However Though you all have had years in counseling, sometimes there are times when your schooling and educational levels alongside your expereinces are not adequate to treat someone. There is a quote by "Paul Kurtz" replied Max in which he states...
"Three key humanist virtues are courage, cognition, and caring - not dependence, ignorance, or insensitivity to the needs of others" spoke Max in a soft voice.

“A good quote” Alicia smiled. “We as Counsellor’s are meant to look after the psychological well-being of the crew but we’re not trained to offer spiritual advice in the way you would.” She smiled more warmly. “I for one am glad to have you aboard Max.


Rev Maximillio Solonga, Lt
USS Elysium

Lt. Alicia Kelea Salik
Chief of Counseling
Uss Elysium


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