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Posted on Wed May 13th, 2020 @ 5:06pm by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Anje Brett's Quarters.
1229 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Arrianna carried a unique unit to Anje's quarters with a slight smile. She then grinned and pushed a button.

"Come in." Anje said from her chair in front of her vanity, the computer opening the door. In her mirror she saw Arri, "Hi, Arri! What brings you by?"

Arri entered. "Hungry?"

"Excessively." Anje said honestly.

"We were recalled so quickly, but I did manage to keep my promise for Dinner from Sisko's" Arri chuckled as she powered down the Stasis Unit and opened it containing two plates of Joseph Sisko's famous food, including a vegetarian option for Arri.

"Oh, holy crap, if that tastes half as good as it smells, I might not be able to handle it." Anje giggled, walking from the vanity to the food and taking a deep breath, "Oh, yeah, that's the stuff right there."

"This is a Xenobiological Stasis unit from Exobiology. It's designed to contain biological samples in just the right conditions as when we take the sample. Preventing any and all contamination." Arri prepared some utensils. "I prepared several drinks for our consumption. Including an option for myself that would not intoxicate me."

"Nice, nice." Anje smiled, getting comfortable, "So, tell me a little bit about your Empress, aka my cousin Nikita's new girlfriend. Got my aunt freaking out that he ran off with her minutes after meeting her like that."

"My adventurous cousin." Arri mentioned with a chuckle. "She's much smarter and wiser than she looks, and is not to be underestimated. Though some might see her as naive and innocent, I assure you, she is formidable." Arri mentioned. "While she is somewhat of a figurehead, she carries a great deal of respect with her efforts in the Typhon Expanse, as she wants to bring more worlds into the Federation."

"That's an honorable pursuit, as long as everyone is going willingly." Anje replied, though none of that made her feel safer for her cousin.

"Alena realizes the sector will fall apart without a common defense, her talks with many of our neighbors have borne fruit in an effort to form alliances between the Federation and our neighbors in the Typhon Expanse. We do not want to be ruled by the Romulan Star Empire, but we do not want the Orions or the Ferengi to back illegitimate interests in the sector." Arri explained. "As you've noticed recently. The Orions have gotten bold to abduct Starfleet Officers."

"Yes, I remember." Anje nodded, she remembered, she was there.

"And so we do what we can, to preserve not only the ideals our First Empress fought the Warlords for, but to sustain the Federation in our sector." Alena noted. "And by the time they arrive, if they do, we intend to have the greatest battle fleet in the quadrant waiting for them." She noted.

"More like when they do...." Anje said with a shiver, she knew eventually the Borg would be back, and if not the Borg the Dominion, and if not the Dominion someone else, it was all just a matter of time.

"So, Anje Brett." Arri gave a soft smile. "I'm to assume you like the finer things in life. Dresses, Jewelry." She chuckled. "Yes, Alindari are very self-conscious. Our clothes, haircuts, everything are expressions of how much care we put in our lives."

"That brings me back to something I meant to ask you actually." Anje said nervously, not sure if she wanted the answer to this question, "When you asked if Spider was a skilled hairdresser, was that your casual way of telling me you don't like my haircut?"

"Not at all, I was asking if I could visit this hair dresser." She smiled. "It was a compliment, abiet a subtle one."

"Sure, I'll give you her card." Anje shrugged, then asked, "Why though? Your hair is perfect!"

"I suppose it is." Arri mentioned. "Fortunately I'll have you there to let me know if I need a haircut." Arrianna smiled widely which was unusual for her. But when she was happy, she had a cute disposition.

"Personally, if I had hair like that, it would go all the way to my waist." Anje said encouragingly, stroking Arri's mane with the back of her hand.

"I've always liked Long hair, Though a lot of the times I tie it when I'm on duty." Arri mentioned. "I've learned that being a Starlfeet Officer is the ultimate adventure. Kirk never thought he'd be fighting a Gorn until he did." She smiled. "You should see the things I had to do back onboard the Pacifica."

"I can imagine." Anje laughed slightly, "You've seen the things I've had to do here."

"It's not Diplomacy, isn't it." Arri noted with a grin. "We're sometimes all that stands between the Dark and the Light. I learned that during my Academy Final."

"Did they warn you that dark can just randomly appear without warning?" Anje asked, still playing with Arri's hair.

"The Final was at Romulus." Arri mentioned.

"Well, I guess we passed, we're still here." Anje laughed hard, "The test was a little harder for some of us though." Shaking her head as if it would clear the memories she decided to change the subject back to the vapid topic of hairstyles, "Yeah, Milla wants me to get my hair like hers, but I don't know about all of that. I mean, yeah, we looked alike before, but not sure if I can pull off hair that short, you know?"

Arri chuckled as she started playing with Anje's hair. "I have to tell you. Alindari courtship is long.... but meaningful and thoughtful. We take our time to understand, and then be understood. It makes both partners stronger." She noted. "We never do anything without careful contemplation."

"Not a people for rash decisions, huh?" Anje laughed, that would make them the polar opposite of Russians, who were a fly by the seat of their pants people if ever such a thing existed, "Then how did your cousin and my cousin run off together to her world in the middle of their first date? A blind date set up by his grandma no less."

"My people are not without its rebels. As I said, Adventurous Cousin." Arri winked. "But she'll evaluate Nikita, even though he seems quite charismatic."

"He is, though don't let the polish fool you." Anje began, "He'll happily get into a knife fight with you if you call it down. Russian all the way to the depths of his soul, my cousin."

"We're not the physically strongest race, Anje. But we never surrender. We've survived endless warlords in the distant past, we survived the Borg." Arri mentioned. "Never have our hearts been stronger and more resolute."

"That's great." Anje smiled, quite happy with having Arri for company while Quinn was away, and learning about the Alindari had proven fascinating, "Hopefully one day I'll get to see the new homeworld of your people."

Arri smiled. "I'll let you know when the great university is done building the fifth college." She noted.

"Fifth college?" Anje raised an eyebrow, "What have we got in mind there?"

"Starfleet Academy Sena Alindar." Arri noted. "I'm not the last cadet from my world. Anje."

"No, but you'll be the best remembered." Anje said with confidence, sure in her mind and heart that the name Arianna Salannis an Vantar would be famous one day.


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