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New Department, Old problems

Posted on Fri May 1st, 2020 @ 6:22am by Lieutenant Casper Thornhill & Lieutenant JG Roger Moxton

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: CDID Office
Timeline: Current
786 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Roger looked about the CDID Office and shook his head, *I cannae see myself lasting long here* he thought. Moving forwards he stood in front of Thornhil, "Lieutenant JG Moxton Roger, reporting".

Looking up from the terminal he was at it took him a second to process what the Lieutenant was trying to tell him, "Reporting for what?" Casper replied quickly. He didn't think he was expecting anyone else did he m.

"Reporting for duty, I've been transferred from Security to this department. I woulda thought the Captain had informed you". He placed his PaDD on the desk in front of Thornhill, "I'll tell you before anyone else does, I attempted to get rid of Commander Holmes. It didnae work, so I was sent here as punishment".

'Oh joy!' Casper thought as he looked at Moxton, "And why would you want to get rid of Commander Holmes?"

Roger shook his head, "The woman is a Security hazard, and a sexual pervert. Do you know she can be made to strip with the right words, and if you want you can do what the hell you want to her and she'll let you?" He now got into his stride, "I didnae think a woman like that should be in charge of Security, so I told the Captain and the senior staff. Being transferred here, was their response".

Sitting back in his chair he looked at the Lieutenant. He could reprimand him for what he said because Casper had requested Moxton to speak his mind, but the question now was what to do with him.

Casper wasnt pleased at all that the Captain had basicly dumped him on Casper as if it was punishment for something that Casper didn't do. Yes, the CDID was still severely understaffed but this wasn't the answer in his mind, "Where do you see yourself going in Starfleet Lieutenant? What department do you really see yourself working in?"

Thornhill's response made Roger think, "I hadnae thought much about any department, I think the Captain is hoping I'll washout and you'll get rid of me". He stood and looked around and then glanced back at Casper, "Just what does this department do? I cannae say I've ever come across it anywhere before". Roger continued to think about his future on the Elysium and in Star Fleet, "If you dinnae mind Lieutenant I'll give this a wee go for now, if I dinnae like it or we don't get along. I'll request a transfer off this ship of fools, present company excepted".

'That might be very well within your future," Casper thought as he looked at the Lieutenant, "The department was actually thought up by Commander Holmes. We are a hybrid of Security, Marines, and Intelligence. Our mandate is to defend the ship, conduct forward operations, and provide intelligence material when ever requested," he paused, "But Lieutenant you never answered my question. I like to know where my officers would like to see themselves so I can try and help them.reach that goal."

Moxton now got a shock, "Whit? Your telling me yon pervert lassie thought this up?" He now took a deep breath, "I would like to see myself in a Command position within a department, cannae see that happening now though. So excuse me Lieutenant, but do we train with the Marines or just help them out?"

Casper was really getting tired of the way Moxton was talking about Holmes, "Yes, and Security... frequently."

Roger now picked up on Thornhill's displeasure with how he addressed Holmes, "Have I offended you Lieutenant? I didnae mean to, its just after what I've read about that woman. I can't bring myself to see beyond what she now is, a very damaged person that shouldnae be doing what she's doing". He looked straight at Casper, "I'll keep my opinion to myself, if you'll give me the opportunity to prove I can do this job. It's the best I can offer right now, what do you say?"

"Agreed," he stated, "I did ask you to speak frankly so it is okay. Take a few days off. I'll send you a message when I know exactly where to fit you into the rotation okay?"

Roger nodded, "I cannae ask for more than that, I'll try and keep my excitement in check". It was a weak attempt at humour, but Roger thought he had to be seen to be making the attempt of changing.

Casper just stared at him for a moment, "Okay then. Dismissed."

Turning around, Moxton headed for the door. The thought in his head being, *New Department, same old problems*

Lieutenant JG Roger Moxton,
USS Elysium


Lieutenant Casper Thornhill
USS Elysium


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