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Character Spotlight - Gallia Norris - APRIL

Posted on Tue Apr 28th, 2020 @ 10:20am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Elisha Pryce-Randal [ADMIN NPC] Ms

Mission: Character Spotlight
Location: Deck 4 - Crew Lounge
Timeline: Current
268 words - 0.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Brief Interview with Ms Elisha Pryce-Randal - onboard Ship Reporter

EPR: What is your role on the Elysium? And what does it entail?

GN: I'm Operations manager, and I keep shipboard systems that don't fall under engineering running at maximum efficiency.

EPR: What made you choose that line of work?

GN: I'm originally trained as an engineer, but I was offered Ops when the previous Ops Manager, Cdr. Anje Brett, went into Diplomatic. Since there's a lot of overlap it wasnae an agonizing transition or anything.

EPR:How do you handle the pressure that comes with being a Starfleet officer?

GN: I take it off with my uniform and keep work and life separated, my fiance and my baby deserve my entire focus to be on them when it's family time.

EPR: What would you say to a cadet aspiring to do what you do?

GN: Keep a good work, life balance or this will burn ye out in a big hurry.

EPR: What is your favorite memory of your time at the academy?

GN: Graduatin' with my baby on my hip.

EPR: Do you have any funny tales to tell about your time on the USS Elysium?

GN: Well, there was the time when ma best friend was still here an' we were playin' tank war on the holodeck an' the crazy woman decided te summon us for dinner by sending a battalion of Duck tanks at us. That was funny. Or the time our zombie invasion for Halloween was led by Michael Jackson, tha' was fun, too.


EPR - Elisha Pryce-Randal
GN - Gallia Norris


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