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Consolation Prize (Part 3 of 3)

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2020 @ 3:48am by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: USS Elysium Holodeck
Timeline: MD08 2100
2751 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously in
She grinned at him. "Now, the map gets placed randomly, either in Dent's cabin, at the stern, or on his person, and he's supposed to making nice with his crew and eating with the men in the foc'sle galley. Which do you want?"

"I'll go search his cabin," S'hib said before realising he didn't know where that was. "Which way is it?" He said quickly, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Stern. That way." She pointed down the deck, past the masts to the doors under a raised deck at the back. "Meet you on the dock in ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes... no leaving me to fight the crew at nine minutes." He snorted with a smirk before moving off, keeping out of sight of the two still watching the brawl happening off ship.

"I promise," she whispered back. "Be careful!"

And now the conclusion

She padded slowly to the steep ladder that led down to the gun deck, and the galley kitchen where she hoped she wouldn't find anything. This was by far the trickier of the two story paths. But on the other side of the deck nestled into the prow end, gathered around a single swinging table lit by a candle stump, she saw Dent and two of his skeleton crew, talking in low voices, spoons clicking on bowls. Bugger.

Only one thing she could do. Keeping her footfalls soft, she edged around. The galley kitchen, walled off to stop fire reaching the rest of the ship, provided a convenient barrier to line of sight until she reached the opening to the kitchen. All they'd have to do is look up and they'd see her. But so far so good. She'd have to be quick. she crept carefully forward, reaching for the uncorked bottle of rum that was conveniently left on the countertop next to the stove. The grog barrell was to the side. All she had to to do was get it in without being seen. Easy enough. She'd done it before.


S'hib meanwhile was stood inside the cabin, though he barely fit, his shoulders and back rubbing against the beams as he tried not to hit his head. "Map... how hard can it be to find a map..." He pondered as he approached the lavishly decorated table, moonlight shining through the coloured window panes to illuminate what little light the candles hanging in lanterns did not.

"Oh, shit..." He snorted as he moved around the desk, it's top covered in maps of various sizes with fresh ink and parchment littered across the dark wooden surface. "Which one is it?!" He whispered loudly in frustration.

"Did you hear that?" said a voice outside the cabin

S'hib froze in place, his ears flicking towards the voices outside wondering if he could hide anywhere in this miniature sized room.

"No," said a second voice. "You're hearin' things."

There was a moments pause, and then the first voice said, "Probably just echoes from that yon brawl."

"Aye, more than likely. Come on, lets get some grub before the rest come back heaving drunk."

Relief washed over him as he continued rummaging through the scrolls and various maps before pausing. "Wait..." He said as he thought for a second about what he had just heard, quietly moving back to the way he came in as the cogs turned in his head. "That's not good..." He sighed while peering out the door, watching the two men climbing down into the hull.

"I see you back there boy!" Dent shouted while still seated, his words slurred behind empty flagons of ale. "Make ye self useful and bring me a fresh drink..." He said before pointing at the two from above, snarling his lip and gesturing for them to stand between Miraj and the exit.

Miraj had been lowering the lid back on the now thoroughly spiked grog barrell, feeling smug when the enemy captain's shout froze her blood. Squeezed between the counter and the grog barrell, she was hidden from sight, but if the newcomers turned into the galley she'd be spotted instantly from their side.

If she moved around the barrel to get away from them, Dent and his dining compansions would see her. Her choice was to see who she could wriggle past. the time for sneaking was over.

"Yes captain, came the rough reply. Miraj cursed under her breath. once they were in the galley she'd be trapped like a bilge rat. All she could do was run. to her left were three men, Dent and his companions. To her right was at least one. She bolted right, shoving the grog barrel away from her, sending it over, sloshing the rum and water mix over the galley floor, and skittered towards the other end of the galley.

The two newcomers had a moment of shock, not expecting to see a beardless boy come shooting out of the galley. But Miraj was still to slow to take advantage, and one grabbed for her. "Come here, thief."

Miraj shrieked, and dodged aside, skirting around the galley where Dent and his minions could see her. "Crap!" the stairs down were thirty feet away, down the narrow space left between the cannonball stands down the centre and the cannons themselves. No problem. She started running

"You bloody idiots, get after him!" Dent snarled as he watched Miraj taking off down the inside of his ship.

There were no replies from his men aside from cutlasses being drawn, the floorboards creaking as everyone took off in pursuit, throats bellowing at their evening being interrupted.

"Shit, shit shit," Miraj scrambled for the stairs, "Shib!" she shouted. "Time to go!"

S'hib had made his way across the deck of the London Rose, listening carefully to the shouting below him as the once quiet vessel roared to life. "This is going well..." He sighed as he drew closer to the stairs.

One of the sailors grabbed a powder worm from where it was stowed and swung it across the space. It smacked into Miraj's stomach and sent her sprawling to her back with a cry of pain.

S'hib had reached the staircase as Miraj was struck, seeing her crash back onto the floor. "Miraj!" He snorted loudly before moving down the flight of creaking wooden stairs, his hooves thumping into the wood despite the holodecks best efforts to replace the sound with that of leather boots.

"Captain! Thar be another with the boy." Shouted the sailor who now stood over Miraj, powder worm placed on her stomach.

"Another? Do you mean to tell me you let two unscrupulous thieves get aboard my ship while on watch?" Dent yelled, becoming redder in the face, his anger at S'hib and Miraj seemingly being matched by the inadequacies of his crew.

S'hib, however, was not waiting around for Dent to finish scolding his crew as he approached the sailor standing over Miraj, the powder worm being caught mid-air with a thump and clatter of hooves. "Mine." He snorted while pulling the sailor forward by the lengthy metal rod, a hoof stomping forward as he brought his long thick skull down into a vicious headbutt that sent the man to the floor like a sack of wet grain.

There was the double click of two pistols cocks being drawn back, and S'hib was suddenly facing the muzzles of two pistols from sailors on both side of the deck.

S'hib glanced at both with narrow eyes but did not move, simply readjusting his grip on the metal pole, the strange swirling mass at the end being placed against the deck at his feet. "If you shoot me, one of you is moping up my blood..." He snorted in defiance.

One of the pistols swivelled to point at Miraj. She flinched away. "not helping." she rolled over to get onto her feet as Dent and his cronies approached.

"Well, I could start swinging this thing." He grinned, inclining his head to the powder wormer before looking back up, his eyes catching Dents.

"Stay down boy!" Dent snarled, a heel of a boot kicking Miraj back to the floor.

Miraj let out a grunt of pain as his foot caught her side and another when she slammed back onto the oak of the deck. The game hadn't ended, so they still had a chance of getting it. Maybe, they could still grab it, and get the hell out.

Dent now moved between Miraj and S'hib, his own pistol, embellished in gold and ivory now sat at his side, pointing directly at the Equine. "Drop it and turn around." He said lowly, flicking his pistol somewhat.

Without saying anything S'hib simply pushed the wormer aside, its loud obnoxious clattering echoing down the hull as it fell between two canons.

"Good, now get them in chains..." Dent snapped, his crew rushing forward to scoop Miraj off the floor.

"Wait!" Miraj said, coming to her knees. "We can make a deal!"

One of Dent's henchman grabbed her by the pony tail and hauled her to her feet. "Shut up!"

"Oh it's far too late for that, you should have brought me my drink like I asked..." Dent mocked while running the tip of his pistol over her cheek, the gentle caress quickly replaced by a hefty strike.

"Damn it, leave him alone!" S'hib shouted, struggling against the two sailors now attaching primitive iron chains around his wrists.

Miraj squeaked, and stumbled forward, "That hurt?!" Bloody hell. She was grateful she'd always managed to nab the map beforehand, this story path was rough! If they could just get out on deck, maybe she could get a signal to S'hib to show him what needed to be done.

"Take 'em up on deck, I want them off my ship!" Dent shouted, ordering everyone above deck, the crew dragging Miraj and S'hib up the stairs with little care, tugging and pulling at their clothes and shackles.

Out on deck they were shoved, not towards the dock, but to the seaward side. Miraj looked to S'hib, trying to send subtle signals with her eyes at Dent's jacket. Then she looked behind her, "Er, the gangplank is that way."

One of Dent's henchman slapped her round the back of the head, and then pulled her arms behind her back to snap heavy mancles on them. He just sniggered.

"Let me guess... gonna get your goons to shove us off instead of doing it ye self?" S'hib snorted, overacting his voice while slowing his stride down only to be shoved hard in the back.

Dent walked forward, pressing a hand against one of his crew as he moved infront of the pair. "I may have had more te drink then any sailor cap'taning a ship has any right in drinking, but tha doesn't make me stupid lad... unlike you two, skulking around this ere vessel O'mine." He scoffed, his fists cupped on the open flaps of his long coat, its majesty and colours long since faded to match the drab scabby face that wore it.

"Throw that one over first, he's got tiny legs... won't be any fun watching that one sink." He grinned, casting his gaze at Miraj.

"What?" Miraj couldn't believe it. "Hey!" one of the swabs swept her up into his arms and took a step towards the raid, "put me down! Put me-!" He gave a single powerful heave, and dumped the wriggling girl over the side of the ship. Her cry of "Down!" was drowned out by the splash as she hit the water ten feet below.

Hitting it like a cannonball hurt, and for a moment the shock blanked out her brain. And then she was realising she was in the water and sinking fast. Instinct took over and she kicked hard for the surface, her bound hands with their heavy iron made it a struggle but she broke water, and grabbed a gasping lungful of air before she bobbed under again, fighting against the chains on her wrist.

"In you go as well..." Dent said with a smile, flicking his pistol for S'hib to jump.

Leaning around S'hib saw Miraj go back under the waves, the froth and foam from her fall the only indication that she was still there. "Thanks..." S'hib said sarcastically before stepping off the side, his lungs expanding full of air as he crashed into the water and allowed himself to sink, ears flicking around trying to find Miraj in the dark murky coastal water.

Miraj saw light bobbing on the surface of the sea, and started to panic. Why hadn't the safeties kicked in? She thrashed in the water, using up her precious air, but she couldn't get any upward movement, her arms were too cramped, the chains too heavy.

A dark form hit the water above her. S'hib she realised. And then her lungs gave out and bubbles burst on the surface of the water.

Bubbles filled the water around him, the subtle notes of a muffled cry hitting his ears as he dived his head forward. The water was painfully cold, burning muscles and joints as he tucked his legs under himself to kick and swim down, keeping his arms firmly against himself.

A few powerful hoof strokes later and he was above her, moving his chained wrists out to grab at her, pulling her towards him as she struggled and gagged on seawater.

A few kicks of his legs later and his large muzzle cupped over her mouth, hot breath forcing air into her lungs while he kicked his hooves out below, fearing that if they sunk any lower they might not be able to figure out which way was up.

a moment later, they both broke the water, Miraj coughing up seawater.

"Game over." the computer announced. "Level failed." the simulation disappeared, leaving them sprawled on the holodeck floor, dry as a bone. Miraj coughed and rolled over, "Sink me!" she muttered, "What happened?"

"Why would I know?" S'hib groaned as he slowly sat up, shaking his head and mane wildly from side to side. "I wasn't the one that got caught!" He teased while trying not to laugh.

"I've not been caught before." Miraj replied, vexxed "Ive done that mission, like, five times." She licked her lips and made a face. "Uggh, that was slobbery."

"Apologises... you did look like you were drowning, speaking of which... I didn't think it was supposed to actually hurt." He grumbled, rubbing his back with both hands.
Miraj nodded. "It's not." And then she realised. "You changed the settings."

"I did not," S'hib snorted loudly, trying to stamp a hoof while laying down. "You must have picked the wrong one!"

"You fixed it so your hooves didn't make noise." She pointed out, struggling to sit up, rubbing at her ribs, sore from fighting to swim. "It probably changed everything to suit you and forgot I was a puny human."

"Well it didn't do a very good job if it did, everyone was still human... And! wearing clothes..." He protested, stubbornly refusing the accept the blame.

Miraj looked at him, tried to imagine her bloodbeard novels all filled with horse pirates, naked horse pirates. Her face flamed red, but she also laughed, a heady infectious giggle that wouldn't go away. "I'm sorry, sir," she managed when she had her breath back. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"Oh stop it, you know what I meant." He huffed, climbing up off the floor. "Your mind is dirtier than that ship was!" he grinned, padding over to her before extending a hand to help her up.

She took his hand, postively tiny compared to his and let him help her up, practically lifting her off her feet. She grinned at him. "Well it certainly made it more fun. I can't wait for the new one to come out. It may be awesome to go two player."

"Well, I'll let you change the settings next time..." He said as he began unbuttoning his shirt while looking around for his uniform.

"Fair enough sir, And thank you for playing. It was good. But I think I'll let you get dressed." She headed for the door before he could unbutton anything else.

"Let me know when the next one comes out." He smiled happily as Miraj exited the holodeck.


Lieutenant S'hib
Security Officer
USS Elysium

Ens Miraj Derani
USS Elysium.


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