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Getting Ready

Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2020 @ 12:38pm by Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 3: Episode 4: Cause and Effect
Location: Gary/ Lia's quarters
Timeline: Just after briefing
287 words - 0.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary was in his and Lia's quarters. He was going down to the surface. The surface of Earth 1644! To him
it was like stepping into a history book. To be able to see and interact only on a minimal basis was a chance
too good to pass up. To be sure there were dangers, they the away team had to keep contact to a minimum
or not at all. Contamination was a huge concern and to be avoided at all costs. He had confidence in the
members of the away team to be able to carry out their mission without incident.

He thought on their mission to find and take into custody one Lt. Commander James Westin before he could
tamper and thereby alter the timeline. It sounded simple but where did they begin their search? He had decided
to hit the local taverns first. They were a meeting place for both rich and poor and it seemed as good a place to
start as any. He only prayed that when found Westin didn't make a scene. That could put both the mission and
the away team in jeopardy.

He stood up. It was time to go to medical for some inoculations to protect the away team from any number of
diseases of the time period and then to the Quartermaster to get fitted in an outfit of the period. However is
biggest worry was Lia would come back from her own away mission before he got back. If that happened he wasn't
looking forward to the ensuing conversation. With a sigh he exited their quarters and hoped for a smooth, uneventful
mission but somehow he didn't see that happening.

Commander Gary Taylor
Executive Officer
USS Elysium


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