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"Meet the new Chief of Intelligence"

Posted on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 4:10pm by Lieutenant JG Issac Drake & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 3: Episode 5: Shoreleave
Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current
911 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Shore leave was almost over. Phoenix had returned to the Elysium to check on crew staffing and other matters. Upon her arrival she was informed that the new chief of Intelligence was waiting for her. She had nodded and headed for her ready room. Once there she sent a message asking Lieutenant Drake to meet her in her ready room.

Issac received word to proceed to the Captains ready room. Since his short time onboard the ship he was indeed impressed with the layout and appearance of the vessel. Drake had brought a sealed diplomatic pouch for captain Lalor. He assumed it was a small coded padd with significantly higher classification. But after all these years it was great to be reporting in on a new vessel again.

He rang the chime announcing his visit.

"Come!" came the call. When he entered the room was lit at 50% illumination and the captain was standing from her chair. "Ah Lieutenant Drake, welcome to the Elysium." Phoenix Lalor held out her hand to him.

"Thank you Captain. It is a pleasure to be here." He took her hand and returned the friendly greeting. The ready room was a reflection of command. Practical and efficient workspace that was receptive to all that entered. the lighting was set to accommodate just such a meeting. The Captain clearly knew who he was so the ridged "reporting in" ritual could be set aside as her greeting had been more of a social manner. However one had to be prepared for the formalities of paying proper respect for your commanding officer at all times.

"How are you settling in?" She asked as she waved him to a chair. "You finding your way around this monolith?"

"Yes Ma'am, I spent a day or two on the orientation program while traveling here." Issac sat in the chair and leaned back. "I'm not so sure the Ely is a monolith. I would describe her as a sleeper, as some of her abilities are very complex indeed.' He smiled. Drake pulled out the Diplomatic pouch. He leaned forward and placed it on the Captains desk. "I suppose fleet command didn't want to send a separate courier as I was headed this way. I have brought several other pouches for the intel department and one for medical I believe."

"Ah yes the Intelligence Department. It seems to be a bit of a black hole at times where staff is concerned." she smiled. "Maybe you will prove to be the exception?"

"Indeed. I have also brought some new Fractal projects we'll be trying out. It will take a few shifts to get these little projects started but once in place they may greatly improve the ships listening capabilities." Issac didn't mention the dark side of encryption as he was certain she had full knowledge of the process. "Rest assured captain, I keep no secrets. Coming from the development side of things I enjoy sharing our achievements whenever I can."

"I appreciate that Lieutenant. I am sure you will find the crew here very open as well"

Issac nodded. "We will be upgrading the systems first off and that process is under way now. I expect that will be completed in a few hours. Some of the features will have to be tested after we leave here and enter unrestricted areas."

"Very well." Phoenix smiled. "You are aware that we have an intelligence blister under the bridge correct?"

"Yes Ma'am. And very few stations have been designed like it on any fleet vessel. I have Petty Officer Danika Harris working on it as we speak. Harris trained on a mock up of the station a few days before we left to join you here. Of course our simulation of the blister didn't have all the bells and whistles of the real thing, but I have every confidence in Chief Harris."

Phoenix nodded. "Well i hope that you both enjoy the bells and whistles down there, i know our former intel chiefs always did,"

"Yes this vessel is a prime posting for any in the intel department and I can say all of my team are delighted to be working aboard her."

Smiling Phoenix said "I hope you feel that way in 6 months because that seems to be the limit of how long our intelligence chiefs last."

Issac laughed. "Captain, as you see from my fleet records my field tours usually run twenty four to thirty six months. That being said, if you spoke with my previous commanders most were more than willing to help me pack."

"I don't like to hear what others think. I make my own opinions Lieutenant. I expect the best on this ship. I am sure you will live up to those expectations."

"Aye, Aye ma'am. You shall have that." Drake was confident he and his team would be more than able to provide the support needed.

"Good. I hope you enjoy your time here. You should go settle in and do what ever you need to do. Shore leave ends in a few days." Phoenix stood and held out her hand to him.

"Yes Ma'am I intend to move forward quickly and be well settled in by departure." He stood and took her hand. Issac departed the ready room and made his way to the Intel blister on deck 1A. The meeting had gone very well and Drake was confident the assignment to the Ely would be a grand experience.


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