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Character Spotlight - Lieutenant Morgan

Posted on Thu Sep 17th, 2020 @ 12:46pm by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Elisha Pryce-Randal [ADMIN NPC] Ms

Mission: Character Spotlight
Location: Crew Lounge
Timeline: Current
578 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Brief Interview with Ms Elisha Pryce-Randal - onboard Ship Reporter

EPR: What is your role on the Elysium? And what does it entail?

SM: I am an Operations officer, I assist the chief operations officer and our primary responsibilities are ensuring that ship functions, such as the use of the lateral sensor array, do not interfere with one and another. We must also prioritize resource allocations, so that the most critical activities can have every chance of success. If so required, Ops can curtail shipboard functions if we think they will interfere with the ship's current mission or routine operations.

EPR: What made you choose that line of work?

SM: I am an organised soul. I like things to be in their proper place and felt that being in Operations would be the best place for me. I was of course correct in that assumption.

EPR: How do you handle the pressure that comes with being a Starfleet officer?

SM: I have a lot of different outlets, I swim, the ship has a great pool on deck 16, it’s a full size Earth Olympic pool. I also use the holodeck to run programs, I like to do horse riding programs, my favourite is one of the wilds of Montana back on Earth. Its nice to get out of the cabin and of the Operations centre often. I also read archaeology texts. I am currently reading one written by Glade Hollidae and her insights into the proto culture on Kirriti is amazing. Kirriti is M-class barely. With more desert rather than water and her suppositions around the ancient race will give science officers a lot to discuss for a long while.

EPR: Yet you are an operations Officer,

SM: it’s a hobby and an interesting one. And I loved Indiana Jones as a child.

EPR: What would you say to a cadet aspiring to do what you do?

SM; Be organized. Do not think that just because we have computers that they will solve all your problems. Being in Operations means you are required to be organised in yourself. Otherwise you will not be able to use the systems we have in place correctly.

EPR: What is your favourite memory of your time at the academy?

SM: My first day. It was, to put it mildly, fantastic. I stood there in the quad and looked around, agape at the grandeur of the place that had, seen so many qualified officers grace its grounds. I found it to be one of the most wonderful places in the Federation.

EPR: Do you have any funny tales to tell about your time on the USS Elysium?

SM: To be honest no, I have not been on board that long, That said there are a number of rumours that float about, tall tales as you will.

EPR: Such as?

SM: Like Commander Holmes asking the Captain if she was really the captain when she arrived, you know, due to the Captain being so young. Like tales of how one of the Operations Ensigns refused a direct order from the Admiral way back when, he is now serving in the Federation Embassy on Breen. Captain Lalor takes following orders very seriously. Then we have the rumour that there was a bounty Hunter on board who mysteriously vanished and their ship is still in the shuttle bay, *Smiles* That one is more of a ghost story.


EPR - Elisha Pryce-Randal
SM- Sapphire Morgan


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