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Routine Delivery

Posted on Wed Oct 14th, 2020 @ 3:21am by Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant JG Issac Drake

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Deck Seven, Medical
Timeline: Current
868 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Issac Drake collected the classified pouch from the vault on deck 1A and signed it out and scanned the package. It was a good sized bag with a shoulder strap. It took very little time to arrive on deck Seven. Issac asked directions to the Office of commander Sthilg's office or perhaps if the commander was available.

The gorn pocked his head out of his office as soon as he heard his name being called. " Ah Issac what can i do for you?" He asked.

"Yes Commander Sthilg, I have a secure pouch to deliver to you." Issac took the bag off his shoulder and held it at his side. Drake stood eye to eye with the Doctor and the Gorn was most likely the largest Physician he had seen in recent memory.

" Ah thank you.... Sorry i don't think we've meet." The gorn added.

Issac Drake sir, Good to meet you. I'll be running the Intel team here on the Ely." Issac extended his hand with a smile.

" Nice to meet you Issssssac." the gorn said as he took the hand and giving it his shake that he perfected over decades so as not to crush people's hands.

"This is quite a facility here I'd love to get a tour of it." Drake noted it was spectacular and larger than one would expect.

" It truly isss. Makesss every medbay i worked in the KDF look like a ssspice freighter. I was jussst about to feed the medical animalsss if you want to take a look." The old doctor asked.

"Absolutely." The thought intrigued Drake that a large lab would be found on a vessel this size.

" Right jussst follow me. Just need to collect the food." The gorn replied as he headed for the replicator.

Issac nodded and followed the Doctor. "Do you conduct a lot of research here in the labs with animals?"

" Oh, their medicinal animalsss not research animalsss." The gorn said as he stepped through the door. The heat from the room was daunting compared to the cooler temperature of medbay. The room was full of aquariums, vivariums and small cages though each one provided more than enough room for it's occupants. " Good morning everyone i have your food." the reptile said to the room as he placed the food bag down beside the first tank.

"Medicinal, that sounds somewhat grim Doctor." He watched as the Gorn greeted his flock.

" Pleassse I don't harm any of them. I'm a doctor not a butcher. " he said dropping a small piece of replicated meat into the osmotic eel tank. The small creature detached from the side of the tank and shot after it. " This little guy can clean and cauterize any wound as well as any medical instrument."

Drake was amazed at the creature. "What about Anesthesia? Is that required as he cleans the wound?

" It providesss it itself. They are a remarkable animal as is everyone in here." he said pointing to the neck tank." This little guy is draiok shrimp. " He can shoot out a liquid can be used to aid eye healing by 150 percent."

"That is remarkable indeed, I see your friends here are truly assets to the department. There must be many of these types of Species to learn from and take years to discover the properties they have."

" Well, when you get to my age you've learned more than enough tricks to fill quite a few booksss." The gorn said warmly as he got about his task of feeding his charges. " Ssso how are you finding the ssship?" he asked

"Wonderful, such a vessel she really is Commander. The Ely is considered a prime assignment for Intelligence officers. I have a department full of very motivated people."

" I know that feeling. The Elysssium is a fine ssship with an even finer crew. One of the best i've ssserved on in my long life." The doc replied as he kept feeding his charges.

"How long have you been here commander? You seem so settled in."

" Oh at least four maybe five years. " The gorn replied as he dropped in some fruit for the five bats. " Sssorry when you get past two hundred yearsss old the years do ssstart blurring together. "

"Hard to imagine being that much older. However such an interesting journey it must be for you. The things you have seen must be very remarkable indeed."

" It isss. Though i have many regretsss asss well. " the old reptile added.

That seemed quite sad to Issac. but he sure it was true for a being that had survived so much. " I regret that I need to get back to duties my friend but I have found this a wonderful place. Thank you for sharing it with me. I hope to return and visit again soon. But you know spare time here is at a premium."

" The plesssure all mine my friend. My door'sss alwaysss open if you need to talk." the gorn said offering his hand.

Drake smiled and took the Doctors hand. knowing he would indeed return to the world the Gorn had created with his animals. His primary task to deliver the pouch completed he turned and departed the lab.


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