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Path to the hunting grounds. Part Three

Posted on Wed Oct 14th, 2020 @ 3:22am by Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
1704 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Sthilg kept his daughter close to him as the pair made thee way up the steps to the massive stone bridge. Other ghostly spirts moved past them seeming unaware of there presence. The spirits of the valiant dead awaiting their chance to cross and be judged. The form of the ship's counciler began to fade into view in front of him bringing a smile to the lizard's face.

" Hello Alicia. Welcome to the gorn afterlife." he jokingly said

Alicia smiled and looked around. “So what have I missed?” She looked at the young woman with Sthilg remembering what he’d told her of his lost daughter. “Is this your daughter?”

" Yes, this is Gedes my daughter. Somethings has gone very wrong Salik. I'm not on the right path and i have no idea why." The gorn replied as they kept climbing up the stairs.

Alicia frowned. "Would there be any reason why your path would have changed? Something done wrong or some other cause?"

The gorn shook his head. " None that I can think off. I've alway'sss been a doctor ssso there no reassson for that to have changed. "

Alicia nodded and looked at Gedes. "Gedes can you help shed any light on why this might be happening to your father?" She couldn't help but wonder if somewhere out there Kal would be waiting to see her again.

The hybrid shook her head. " The ways of the all mother and her children are a mystery to me. I know one of them sent me to aid my father, but who is beyond me."

Alicia nodded. "So what now Doctor? Do we follow on along this path or do you want to try something else?"

" We mussst follow the path if we don't we may become lossst. We have to cross the bridge and hope the guardian judges us well." the old lizard said as he pointed up the top of the stairs.

Alicia nodded. "Then that is what we'll do" she smiled. "Tell me if there's anything I'm required to do along the way."

The gorn nodded as the small party reached the top of the stairs. The massive stone bridge stretched off into the distance. Despite it being large enough to park the ship on it was full with ghostly spirits. " Ssstay close and don't follow anyone you recognissse. We must pass over the bridge and be judged by the guardian." the old doctor explained.

Alicia nodded. "I understand." She hoped she wouldn't have to face any ghostly spirits she knew. A voice on the wind already had her worried and they hadn't started off yet, she tried not to pay attention to it.

The gorn reached out to hold his friend and his child close as they began to walk. A fog began to descend behind them as if it was forcing the spirits of the dead forwards. A sound of something like an engine roared in the distance that seemed to make the gorn grip them tighter.

Alicia looked at Sthilg her voice low and quiet. “What is it? What’s out there?”

" It's Zalal. One of the children of the all mother. He fell in battle againssst the titan zargroth so his sssissster Sss'reeget rebuilt him with machine partsss. He'sss coming to judge thossse whissshing to crossssss." The gorn said worry starting to show in his voice.

Alicia looked at the Gorn concernedly. “Is he going to judge us both?” She looked at her wrists. “I know that in some religions the taking of one’s own life is considered a sin one that will have you spending your eternity in purgatory! I don’t want my past sins putting your quest in jeopardy.”

" No, you've chosen the path of the healer you are not his to judge." The gorn said giving her a reassuring hand squeze. The noise was getting louder as a sound which sounds like a massive steam engine and Godzilla marching towards them. A roar of what seemed to be a fog horn roared as a bright orange light shone out of the fog highlighting the area as it began moving backwards and forwards across the bridge.

“Is that Zalal?” Alicia looked at Sthilg. “Is he searching for you?”

" He is sssearching the bridge for those that are unworthy. Thossse that fail are to be cassst from the bridge." Sthilg said as a scream echoed in the distance followed by the sound of something smashing against something made of flesh.

Alicia gripped Sthilg’s hand, the sounds were ominous. “I certainly hope he sees your quest as worthy then!”

There was a funk as something landed right in front of them. As the fog lifted the group were stunned at what was there. A towering metal floor was upon the bridge at least as tall as they were. The orange light seemed to burst from the fog as the foot's owner strode into view. The massive gorn towered over the bridge with a strange mix of green scales and what looked like parts from a steam train. " He's just like he appeared in my ssstorybook..." The gorn began before a deep booming voice roared out. " Hail Sthilg, hail Alicia. What brings you to my home at this hour. Your time to cross is many moons away." the massive gorn spoke in voice that was enchanting yet terrifying at the same time.

Alicia looked astonished as she looked at the huge gorn. "You ... Know me?" She looked at Sthilg. "I come as a guide for Sthilg's quest."

"Of course. You were here when you decided to return back to the world of the living. I lowered you back into the river so you could return. " The giant gorn responded before looking at Sthilg. " I wish you well on your quest Sthilg. Your wife misses you dearly. "

" Have you seen her oh great one." he asked to which the great lizard shook his head. " No she has not past my way in many a moon."

Alicia offered Sthilg an encouraging smile. "At least we know she's here been here, that's something." She nodded to the huge Gorn. "Thank you for assisting in my return."

" Is it not the job of a brother to protect and help his little sister. " the big gorn replied as two of his massive fingers into a bag before emerging with something. " You dropped this the last time you were here take it as my gift." he said as he lowered a jewelled bracelet into her hand.

Tears came to Alicia's eyes, she thought the bracelet was lost long ago but she never knew where she'd lost it. "I thought I'd never see this again! Thank you so much!!"

" Let it be a bright light when you face total darkness and remind you that there is always hope." The giant gorn boomed as his feet began to move again. " Are you okay?" The gorn asked the ships councilor as he began moving them forwards again.

Alicia nodded wiping tears away. "I ... Thought I'd never see this again!" She cradled the bracelet she would never lose it again. "Let's find your wife!"

The gorn nodded as he lead them through the fog. As if by magic, which it probably was the three of them emerged from the fog bank. High in the distance stretched a wall that seemed to stretch to the sky. Sthilg stopped as he watched something which he never thougth he'd see. The inner sanctum which guarded the grounds.

Alicia saw the look of recognition on Sthilg's face. "Are we where you need to be?"

The gorn nodded. " We need to reach the other ssside of the bridge. We'll then pass through the remains of the first city and then onto the gates."

"Then let's get going" Alicia smiled, the sooner we get you to your destination and your wife the better."

A smile spread over his face. " Yesss let'sss go and find her." With that, he lead the councilor along the bridge which slowly began to tilt down until it reached a stone path heading towards the wooden walls. " We're in the valley of wishfulnessssss. Don't wander off the path no matter what you hear." he explained.

Alicia nodded but she was already distracted by a voice on the breeze, one she'd wanted to hear for a long time. "Kal ..." She whispered the name as she looked around almost expecting to see him.

" Can you hear sssomething?" The gorn asked as he noticed her distracted face.

"I ..." She looked at Sthilg. "I thought I heard ..." She took a deep breath, "Let's just keep going."

" Who did you hear." the gorn said walking over and giving her a reassuring grip on the shoulder. " i could sssee if i could pass on a messssssage."

Alicia looked at Sthilg in surprise. "You can do that?!" She took a deep breath. "It was Kal ... I lost him and then my baby. I thought ... I heard him call my name."

The gorn nodded. " He'll be waiting for you in the hunting grounds for when it'sss your turn to join him. Your child will mossst likely have been given his chance to live again. I'll passsss on a messssssage to Kal when i reach the gate."

Alicia nodded as she looked at Sthilg tears in her eyes. "Just tell him ... I miss him." She took a deep breath. "He understands what that truly means."

" I'm sssure he already doesss." The gorn said as he helped her along the road. " It won't be long before your candle has burned out. Thank you for all the help." he said warmly.

"I've barely done anything for you!" She looked at Sthilg in surprise. "It has been nice meeting you though" she nodded to his daughter.

" The feeling's the same Salik. " Gedes said as the gorn and his daughter watched as the cocunciler faded.

" Well now we need to go through thisss." The hybrid said to her father as they looked at the remains of the city. " Indeed." was his reply as they kept moving.

Alicia awoke just as her candle blew out, the bracelet she'd been given was still in her pocket as she looked around glad to be back.


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