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Early Morning Musings

Posted on Tue Sep 29th, 2020 @ 12:50pm by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: ISS Elysium Bridge
Timeline: MD2 07h00
783 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

The ISS Elysium's bridge was quiet. For so early in the morning shift, it was not normally this quiet, but with the Arena active and running, Crew were either on duty on the station or sleeping before their turn. Sapphire stood watch on the bridge.

She was sipping a cup of coffee as she perused reports. The hounds had not gotten anyone. Such a shame. But this morning, the Hunting Teams would be out. And they definitely would catch people. She compiled the reports as she stood at Operations and glanced occasionally at the viewer which showed numerous images.

Captain Gary Taylor came onto the bridge. His eyes ever vigilant swept the bridge, took in the quiet as he walked to his command chair. "Lt. Morgan." He greeted Sapphire simply. "Report."

"They survived the night." She replied blandly. "A group met up with our little Sammy and were taken to a secure location. I trust they will meet the hunters soon enough. Hunt teams launch in 30 minutes. The hounds are back in their cages. Her Ladyship is in her cabin and guards are set. And Engineers are having a field day with the other ships drive components. Though hacking its system is hard they say. The AI over there is not easy to hack apparently. I suggested they use our ALICE but they do not think they are at that stage yet. Oh and there are still pockets of resistance on the Elysium. I have teams patrolling."

Gary listened as he slid into the command chair. "They survived the night? Interesting." He chuckled as Sapphire mentioned Sammy. "Good ole Sammy, can always count on her to find a few stranglers. The Hunt teams will make up for the hounds coming up empty. Good with her Ladyship. Make sure she stays there." He glanced at Sapphire, "That Elysium is a treasure trove. We will pick it clean of all it's secrets and leave nothing but it's bare bones." His mood darken when she mentioned pockets of resistance on the other Elysium. "They are worse than bedbugs. No quarter is to be given by our teams in encountering resistance. Make these rebels an example to others as to what happens when you trifle with the Empire."

"We were able to hack basic crew files. A few interesting officers of note on board. And some interesting civilians. There is a teacher there from the year 2001 and a child from our very own universe as well. Oh and there is a strange race mentioned in their diplomatic team, Ojnas. There is a female of that race. We have yet to see them in the Arena so they are either still on the ship or were not aboard when we took it." She handed him a PADD. "Oh and their version of our Lt. Carlyle? Seems she has a penchant for time travel."

Gary listened half interested as Sapphire gave him more information That was until she mentioned Onjas. "Onjas? That's the race Command wants us to make slaves out of next and there is a chance it is aboard the other Elysium? Find it! Check everywhere! If we can find it and learn it's secrets it will make enslaving the entire race that much easier." He really got interested when time travel was mentioned. "As she now?" He replied taking the PaDD. "1664? Is this correct? This is not a joke?"

"The teams are definitely looking for the Onjas, and as for the time travel its very much true. We have not located her as yet, but I am sure we will find her as well." Sapphire said calmly.

"When you find the Onjas and Carlyle, I want them brought before me so I can the Inquisitors rip their minds apart for every secret they may have. Then when that's done take the Onjas to Sickbay where it can be disected." Gary informed Sapphire with venom in his voice.

"Yes Captain." She smiled. "Are there any others you would like us to round up?"

"Find this Nevada McKay, she's a science officer and she interests me with her work." Gary replied coldly.

"of course captain." Sapphire said and made a note of it. "I had a thought last night, do you wish the next round of torture on the Captain broadcast through the Arena?"

"A most excellent idea Morgan. Make it so. Let them see their Captain. begging and pleading." Gary replied.

Sapphire saluted and headed off to make it so.

At 7h30 in the arena, several screens lit up, showing a suspended Phoenix Lalor drenched in water, sweat and more hanging in an Agony Booth. Sound accompanied it as it showed the torture she was placed under.


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