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A conversation needed

Posted on Wed Oct 7th, 2020 @ 9:05am by Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant Scott Gregory [Taylor]

Mission: SEASON 4: Episode 1: Know Thy Self!
Location: Arena Station - Mirror Verse
Timeline: MD3- Late at night
641 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

With everyone sleeping or on watch against the barracaded door, Sapphire moved among the crew huddled in their hiding place, checking on people in the quiet.

She came up on Scott, sitting a bit apart. And She slid down beside him. "Hey" She whispered. "You should be sleeping.."

"Hey yourself." He whispered back "Can't sleep. Besides shouldn't you be sleeping as well inside of being up and about?"

"Kinda hard" She muttered, with a shrug. "I keep thinking we are missing so many people and civilians too.. they must still be in hiding or..." she didn't want to think of the or in this case.

He squeezed her hand. "Sapphire, don't think like that. I know it's terrible but right now you, we need to wall ourselves off from thinking like that. We need to concentrate on getting out of here and back to our ship." Scott reminded her with determined tone.

"I know" She leaned back against the bulk head. She looked at him. "this is a messed up situation"

"It sure is but we'll get through and be stronger and better for it. Just make sure you don't go getting hurt or shot. Cause nothing is coming between us and our dinner date." He said with a smile.

Sapphire smiled back in the dim light. "hmm sounds nice." she said softly. "Maybe we can look at doing more than one dinner date."

His grin blossomed into a full fledged smile. "That would be wonderful. I'd like that very much."

Sapphire nodded. "Well then, we should look into that." She said her voice low.

"I'm liking this more and more as you talk Sapphire." His voice equally low as to attract attention and disturb others who may be trying to sleep.

"really?" She asked. Then she paused "H-have.. you seen your mirror?"

"Yes really and no I haven't and from what I've heard I don't want to see him. Have you seen yours?" He asked curious to know if Sapphire had.

Sapphire nodded. "She.. she was the lead when they... when Commander Taylor surrendered the bridge... she led the group that took us into ...well the transporter room and then they beamed us here."

"Oh." Scott replied. "What was she like? Was she really a mirror of you?" He asked curious as to hear what Sapphire had to say.

"She put a gun to Commander Taylors head. I think she is very unlike me." She shivered and pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. "She was all but ready to dance on our graves"

"She put a gun to Commander Taylor's head? Oh wow! That is very unlike you Sapphire." Scott said honestly. He saw her shiver and he moved closer, putting an arm around her. "Geez, I hate to think what my mirror is like. Probably sell tickets to our deaths as he streamed it to the station and everywhere else."

"Probably. I didn't see him though. Maybe he is with the resistance?"

"Maybe." Scott agreed. "You really think that's possible?"

"Anything is possible in this universe." She said sleepily as she rested her head on his shoulder without thought.

Scott drew her closer and kissed the top of her head without thinking. He was really attracted to Sapphire and didn't want to see any harm come to her.

Sapphire snuggled against him, and let the silence fall between them. It was a comfortable silence. "We will get through this right?" She asked softly for reassurance.

"We sure will. I promise you that Sapphire." Scott said quietly and grew silent. It was nice and he just wanted to saver the moment with Sapphire.

As the night wore on they sat side by side, sleeping in patches and speaking in low tones when needed.

Wether they were aware or not a connection had been formed between them.


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