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The most unusual yet

Posted on Mon Oct 26th, 2020 @ 8:57am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Commander Sthilg

Mission: Season 4: Episode 2: Rest And Relaxation
Location: Sickbay
678 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Kara’s world was a confused one, taken as a mate by MU S’hib she’d become a very confused young woman. Violated and used she had become the recipient of an experiment without knowing it, the experiment of seeing if another race besides that of S’hib could conceive a child by him. Her thoughts were interrupted when a large shadow fell over her bed. “Master?!” She turned to look instead seeing the large Gorn Doctor Sthilg.

" No, my dear it'sss jussst me." The gorn said pressing a hypospray into her neck to help her deal with the drugs that that utter bastard had pumped into her.

Kara nodded. “I ... I’m sorry I just thought ...” she frowned. “He’s not my master! I ... I have to remember that.”

" It'sss okay. " The old doctor replied as he offered her his hand to squeeze. " He's gone and he's not coming back." he said leaving out that how he hoped the mirror S'hib was burning in the pit that the dark one dwelled.

Kara took a few moments before she took Sthilg’s hand. “He err ... he saved me ...” She frowned. “I was going to be ... sold. He took me ... away from that. Made me ... part of his herd.” She paused. “He wanted ... to have a colt but ... he couldn’t with anyone else but his own people.”

" He didn't save you Kara. He jussst wanted to abussse you the sssame asss all the ressst of them." The gorn responded after a short moment.

“I ... I know but ...” She shook her head clearly confused. “I just ... wanted to please.”

" No, you don't. He wantsss you to pleassse him. He wanted to hurt you." The doctor replied dreading telling her the worse news possible.

“I ... I know.” She looked at Sthilg with tears in her eyes. “All I wanted ... was to be ... free!!”

" and you are free."the gorn said as calmly as he could. inside he was screaming. He hoped that horse bastard was screaming as the dark one slowly ate him.

Kara nodded. “Then why don’t I ... feel free?”

Inside the gorn could feel part of his soul die. She didn't deserve this. " His experiments were partially sssuccessssssful. Your pregnant Kara and it'sss killing you." the doctor said unable to hide the tears in his eyes.

Kara’s eyes widened in surprise and horror. “I ... I’m pregnant!? But ... how!!?”

" I don't know Kara. I don't know." the doctor said doing his best not to start crying more. She didn't deserve this. None of the crew deserved this. " But it'sss killing you. The hybrid'sss DNA is barely holding together. "

Kara looked at Sthilg. “It’s not ... it’s fault. What if I ...” She paused to gather her thoughts. “What about if it had a mother of its ... own kind? Would that work?”

" Maybe." the gorn said his mind returning to the subject he knew best. " I'm not an expert in Sssequusss biology, but i don't sssee why it ssshouldn't ssshould work."

“Then I ... want to speak to him.” Her reference was to S’hib, the true S’hib. “He might be able ... to help me.”

The doctor nooded, "I'll have him ssstop by. I'll also contact the Sssequusss medicle board sssee if they could help."

Kara nodded. “Thank you Doctor.” She lay her head back on the biobed wondering how this nightmare ever came to be.

The gorn wanted to say something, but no words formed in his head. Nothing he could think of would comfort her in this situation.

"Don't blame yourself" Kara turned over to look at Sthilg. "You can't work miracles!"

I should be. He thought to himself as he offered the woman his hand.

Kara offered a brief smile as she held his large hand. It didn’t take her long to fall asleep.

It took the gorn a long time before he let go of her hand. Slowly he left the room not trying to wake her. He had a lot of work to do to fix this mess.



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