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The Battle Within

Posted on Thu Oct 29th, 2020 @ 3:52am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium
Timeline: Night
1409 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

*Dream Sequence*

Jessica was dragged towards a Terran Slaver. "You're still resisting, come now, Commander. Everyone else has bowed to the Terran Empire. Even your Captain, even your Federation." The Slaver noted.... "All that's left is you... All that's left is you."

"I'm going to let your own Captain torture you. Put her into the Agony Both. One whole day!!!"

Jessica began to struggle as they forced her into the booth. She began to watch as her captain, wearing their uniform, just walked up. "Discipline her... Captain Lalor."

"No.... No Captain. Don't become them!!! Goddess Dammit. DON'T!!! You're not like them!!!!" She hit the button and the pain started.


*Real World*

Jessica suddenly woke up pounding on a wall in her quarters. In a partial dream state, she was still frantic. "Let me out!!!!"

Alicia awoke to the sound of someone banging and her senses were immediately bombarded by a sense of sheer panic. “Savar! Wake up!” She gently nudged Savar. “Listen ...”

Savar was awake instantly, "I am awake Alicia, what is wro..... " He stopped as his ears picked up banging and screaming.

“We need to help!” She looked at Savar.

He was out of bed in a flash, dressing as he spoke. "It is Commander Vaii. it sounds has if she is having a nightmare. We must get to her."

“Let me get the baby monitor, I need to listen for Connor” Alicia grabbed her dressing gown and put it on before picking up the baby monitor, she had reservations about leaving Connor on his own even though they’d only be next door. “Once we’ve got Jess calmed down let’s bring her here to talk, I’ll feel better that way.”

"Agreed." Savar answered as he headed for the door even as Alicia activated the baby monitor to bring with her. "Now let us go and help Jess before she wakes the entire ship."

Alicia nodded. As they rushed out of their quarters Alicia used her medical override as Chief Counsellor to open Jess’ outer door. Rushing through to the bedroom Alicia cautiously rushed to Jess’ side. “Jess! ... it’s me Alicia, can you hear me?”

Jess was on the floor, soaked in her own sweat and breathing hard. Her fists already had bruises on them from punching a wall, believing it was an Agony Booth. She then screamed. "Damn them!! Damn their empire straight to hell!!!"

Savar grabbed her arms to keep her from damaging her hands any further. "Alicia." He spoke urgently, "Talk to her, see if you can reach Jess to calm her down."

Alicia nodded and knelt down infront of Jess. "Jess ... Look at me. It's me ... Your friend Alicia. Can you hear me?"

Jess looked up and stood. Moving over to the nearby sofa she sat down. "Alicia.... I knew I was going to be fighting this battle at night for the rest of my life. Just didn't think it was going to happen so soon." Jess sighed. "Now you know why I gave you my sidearm and everything in my liquor cabinet."

Ariana looked to Jess. “Grab some fresh nightwear and follow us, you can spend tonight on our sofa and in the morning we’ll get you started on sorting out those nightmares.” She offered a smile as she checked the baby monitor to make sure Connor was still alright. “When we get in I’ll get you a nice hot chocolate and get you relaxed.”

"We will even put little marshmallows in it for you. They seem to have a rather soothing effect. At least they do for Alicia, so they should for you as well." Savar said from behind them.

Alicia smiled warmly as she looked at Jess. “Now you can see what makes Savar so sweet. He has a charm all his own.”

Jessica smiled. "I don't mean to impose. This is my battle. I've accepted it Alicia. And I'll fight it without suicide, nor without destroying myself in a bar." Jess noted. "I had to learn courage as a little girl when I built it up to resist what mother was turning me into. I will never loose it, Alicia. I swear no matter what hell I have to face in life, I'll stand before the four goddesses with my pride and dignity intact, with them knowing I never surrendered." Jessica mentioned. "Knowing I fought until the very end. I'll never let them enslave me. Even in my dreams." Jess noted. "Though help in that battle would be nice."

Alicia nodded. “I can help you with that Jess. I can teach you to control those dreams.” She smiled warmly then looked at Savar. “Can you wait for Jess? I need to get back to Connor, I don’t like him being alone.”

Savar inclined his head, "Certainly." He looked over to Jess. "Come Jessica, there is a cup of hot chocolate waiting for you." He whispered the next. "I will even put extra marshmallows in it for you."

“Just watch him he’ll pile them ten miles high!” Alicia grinned as she headed out of Jess’ room and back to her own to check on Connor and prepare the sofa for Jess to spend the rest of the night.

Jessica smiled. "Why didn't I have you two as a sister and brother?" She walked with them to their quarters. "Why did I have to have such a cruel mother with the equally cruel siblings, but have such a wonderful father?" Jess noted. "Where did I prove myself so worthy to have such friends. That I could trust them when I am weak? Daddy used to do this... when I had nightmares of my father's abuses."

"Well you have us now Jess and you always will, Connor needs his auntie Jess!" Alicia smiled warmly. "I'll go and get you some bedding, I've got a nice soft blanket and a matching cushion that'll keep you comfortable and warm.

"Why Jessica, didn't you know? We are brother and sister." Savar replied. "You proved yourself worthy by your good heart and your moral compass. Both I and Alicia hold you in high regard."

Jess entered their quarters and smiled. "All three of you will have a room at my house. Supper is at four pm. My hospitality is unmatched. You can come anytime." She noted. "And you don't even have to knock, just walk in."

"We are honored by your generosity and your friendship Jess. You have been and remain ours." Savar intoned quietly.

Alicia appeared from their bedroom with a soft fleecy double bed sized blanket and a fluffy cushion, which she then proceeded to lay out on the sofa for the Jess. “Now these always make me feel better” Alicia smiled. “Now there’s something I need you to do.” Alicia sat down near Jess. “Next time you have a nightmare I need you to imagine a symbol, it could be the moon, a star or anything. That symbol will be your escape key, it will appear to remind you that you are dreaming and that in that dream you are in charge of what happens. Can you do that?”

"Easier said than done, Lise. I actually was convinced I was back with those bastards, and it was Phoenix the one that was torturing me." Jess noted. "How do you know when your subconscious becomes hell in your own mind."

"Jessica, your subconscious is playing out your deepest and inner most fears. You fear that Captain Lalor, your friend will suddenly become your torturer and betray you and all you care for. The first thing you must do is recognize this for what it is a bad dream. You know Captain Lalor would never do what you are dreaming."

Alicia nodded in agreement “Savar is correct, you have to believe that the Captain wouldn’t hurt you. That in itself could be your queue that you’re dreaming.”

Jessica nodded and laid down on the sofa. "It would help for me to get to know the boss more. I always thought she was way above my pay grade. I need to know her."

“Well that can be arranged” Alicia smiled warmly. “I’m sure she’d very much like to thank you for what you did for the ship and crew.”

Jess began to fall asleep. "Warriors do not surrender."

"No one who stands for justice and morality surrenders." Savar answered.



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