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"Things happen"

Posted on Mon Dec 14th, 2020 @ 12:56pm by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Cadet Sophomore Grade Triston Montgomery [Lalor] & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: various
Timeline: MD 3- 0h00
1975 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

==3 months ago - Pacifica==

The sleek Erisian designed shuttlecraft landed on the visitors pad with a gentle bump. Kiro Humath, exited the shuttle, his two hulking body guards behind him.

The Landing pad was deserted except for a slim cloaked and hooded figure waiting on the edge, looking out over the crystal sea. Kiro waved his guards back and moved to stand beside the figure. “You called.”

“I did. I did not however expect a visit.”

“You should have.” He said. “I have the information you seek.”


“Kyian was executed publicly as you suspected.” He stated. “He bore it well. Knelt before the block and lowered his head to it.”

“That does not sound like Kyian at all”

“Indeed, hence why I looked into it further.”

The figure remained silent.

“Holographic projection was used.” Hiro said “I believe your brother and Mother escaped Erisia before this happened. “

“Escaped or Let go?”

Kiro frowned. “As to that I am not sure.”

The figure nodded. “Kiro, I will wire the payment to your account.”

“If… “

“If you find them, alive, have them sent to the USS Elysium. And I will double the amount.”

“And if they are truly deceased?”

“Then my sister and I will mourn them as proper and prepare for our own deaths, for surely Pallas will not stop with them once he has overthrown my father.”

“He won’t” Kiro said “Come for you. People on Erisia will make sure of it”

The figure shrugged. “We shall see. Thank you for your service Kiro.”

“You pay me” He said with a smirk. “And it is always a pleasure Penelope”

The hood slid back and Phoenix merely inclined her head at him. “Always will be I am sure” she said, her voice holding the tint of laughter.

Kiro bowed and turned back for his shuttle. 5 minutes later, Phoenix stood alone as the shuttle vanished into the atmosphere and for home.

She hit her comm. “Elysium, one to beam up”

== Present Day==

USS Elysium Shuttle bay 1

The ship that entered the Shuttle bay was not sleek but it did land gently. It was obviously military. Ensign Ryan Hamilton stepped forward as the hatch opened and the ramp extended. It was in the middle of the night, on the Elysium, 0h00 to be precise and he had been instructed to be here to receive the two passengers.

The ramp settled into position and Ryan moved to stand beside it.

The first person down the ramp was a tall man, he wore all black and he carried himself with the bearing of someone in the military. He stopped at the end of the ramp and looked at the ensign

"Ensign Hamilton. I am Alexandre Lath, Tazys of the Erisian Fleet"

"Tazys" Ryan said. "captain Lalor has briefed me on your arrival."

"Good, my passengers will be disembarking shortly." He paused. "Do you have a luggage trolley?" he asked sotto voice.

Ryan held out a small device. "Place this on the items, and it will beam them to the location the captain has set aside,"

Alexandre took the device and nodded, "She knows them well."

He stepped back as the first of the passengers descended down the ramp. The passenger was male and like the Tazys wore a black military uniform.

Kyian Lalor looked around with feigned disinterest. He looked back over his shoulder and said "O'Si, kar kyshuf!"

Alexandre rolled his eyes.

"Amin am Arta salen ya" the voice from the doorway said.

Ryan noted that their language was lyrical. He had never heard the captain speak in Erisian yet, so it was interesting to hear.

Kyian walked off the ramp and looked at Alexandre. "Ent sen kar sar kar Quor'She?"

"Afad- hon Aelol Hamilton" Alexandre replied. He looked at Hamilton.

"Ensign may I introduce, His Royal Highness, Prince Kyian Lalor and his mother, her majesty, High Lady Kiana Lalor."

Ryan bowed as the woman finished her descent and stopped beside her son. "Welcome to the Elysium"

"su Kaweh ho ped Ithil'quessir ? ed' i' Seldarine!" Kyian asked abruptly to Alexandre.

Ryan ignored whatever the man said, and looked at the lady. "Your Majesty, this way please." he indicated the direction with his arm.

Kiana Lalor assessed the situation, her blue gaze shrewd like her eldest daughter's as it swept the shuttle bay. She inclined her head to the Ensign and fell into step behind him. She glanced at Alexandre "Diola lle Tazys Lathe"

"Seasamin amin Cel" he replied bowing to her. Alexandre watched as Kyian fell into step beside his mother and followed the ensign out of the shuttle bay. He was partly grateful he would not be witnessing the reunion between the Lalor’s, then again, he also wanted to watch Kyian grovel to his older sister. Ah well, that was life. He reboarded the military shuttle and minutes later it was gone.

= DECK 17=

Ryan led the pair down the hall from the turbolift and paused as he rounded the corner. The captain’s cabin was not 50 meters down the hall and there standing before it, hitting the chime was a tall blond teenager. Oh, this was not good. The cadet glanced in their direction and turned back to the door as it opened. He stepped right in as the door opened and Ryan wanted to groan.

Triston Montgomery’s relationship with the youngest Lalor sister was well known with the betting pool leaning towards dating and one of two smart arses predicted marriage once they finally woke to the fact. But Ryan was not sure now was the best time for Triston to be visiting Miran Lalor. He didn’t say anything and his two companions were silent even as he paused by the door and hit the chime.

Kiana frowned. “ex-cuse me” she got out, her federation standard halting. “Are.. you…correct?”

“Yes Ma’am. This is the cabin of Captain Lalor.” Ryan nodded.

The door opened.

Captain Phoenix Lalor stood there, in a dark green tunic top over black slacks. And as Ryan knew she would be, 7 months pregnant. Yeah he so didn’t want to be hang around. “Captain.” He said briskly. “As requested, your guests.”

“Thank you Ensign Hamilton. You are dismissed with my thanks.”

He nodded and all but ran down the corridor to get away.

Phoenix turned her gaze to her mother and younger brother. “Quel undome O’si, Jhori Tyrol Alla lor nae salen enial.” She stepped back and waved them into the cabin.

Kiana stepped into the cabin and paused as Kyian joined her. As always the large open planned area of the living/dining and kitchen area was clear to see. Miran stood silent beside the stairs to the upper levels, the blonde boy they had seen earlier was beside her, though standing as if he was protecting her.

Kyian was frowning but he had, had it drilled into him that the federation saw women different to his homeworld.

“Cormamin lindua ele lle Miran” Kiana said to her youngest daughter, as she moved further into the room.

Phoenix rolled her eyes. Yes of course her mother would greet Miran first. Miran was more likely to behave properly after all.

Miran however replied in Federation Standard. “Mother, Brother. I see you are both alive.”

Phoenix rolled her eyes once more as her sister spoke. “Miran, kaweh Ithil'quessir.”

“Leha Triston neh kaweh Ithil'quessir” the nearly 17 year old replied coolly to he sister.

“Su sho’auld col n'be quor!” Kyian said suddenly to his younger sister.

Who took a step towards Kyian as if she was going to kill him. Triston calmly placed a hand on her arm.

“Farn!” Snapped out Phoenix her tone going irate in an instant. Kyian glared at her and Miran gave a shrug.

“Kyian, Mother, this is Triston Montgomery, Miran’s closet friend on board. He does not speak Erisian, so we will use Federation Standard. I know you both know it.”

“Kyian speaks.. better” Came her mothers reply.

Phoenix nodded. “I shall finally upload our lexicon into the database for the crew so you both can be understood.” She said and then repeated it in Erisian. “Amin manadh amcup vin aulor Tel’ daraase nesh Tel' desha va henia”

“Only been what? 11 years Pene?” Miran quipped.

“You have school in the morning and you, Triston have classes, I suggest you both head for sleep. And Miran, take Zeus with you." She pointed to the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel at Miran's feet.

Triston grinned at Phoenix and nodded. He gave Miran a hug. “Night Miri” and with a nod to Phoenix and her mother and brother he left the cabin.

Miran on the other hand rolled her eyes and picked up the Puppy but she did drop a half-hearted curtsey to her mother and a narrowed eyed look at Kyian and then she flounced, Phoenix had no other word for it, flounced up the stairs.

Phoenix watched her go and with a soft sigh turned back to face her Mother and younger brother. “Avalon, upload program Erisian 12 to the Universal translator”

[[“Acknowledged”]] came the reply from the ships computer.

Phoenix studied her mother first. Kiana was tired, stressed. It was clear to see in the cloudy grey of her normally blue eyes. [["You are tired, lets get you both settled and we can talk tomorrow"]]

Turning she led the way up the stairs. Anyone looking would think it strange that neither mother or daughter or brother had embraced, and it was, but after 11 years, the gulfs were wide.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Phoenix turned left. [[“This way”]]

Kyian paused and looked to the left. [[“What is to the right?”]]

[[“Mine and Miran’s chambers. This is the guest wing.”]]

Admiral Sharr’s old cabin which had become hers was very big and had 5 standard bedchambers each with their own bathroom, plus what was called the Captain’s room so 6 in all. It was a big cabin and Phoenix normally kept all but her and Miran’s rooms sealed. That said, the ‘guest wing’, only houses 2 bedchambers. She paused in front of one door and opened it. [[“Mother, this is your room.”]]

She looked at her little brother [[“Kyian, yours is across the hall”]]

Kyian stepped up to the door and it opened. The rooms were comfy and beds were made in the Erisian style, he noted as he entered. Turning he saw Phoenix watching him.

“Quel du O’si, Jhori Tyrol” She said with a nod. “I shall see you both in the morning.” So saying she left them to their bedchambers and headed back down the hall.

Kyian stepped out and watched her and then sighed and looked at their mother. They studied each other for a moment then both retreated to their new bedrooms. Neither one could think of anything to say to the Eldest Lalor child, but both knew that without her, they would both be truly dead.

Kiana sat on the bed when the door closed and examined the blanket. She had given this blanket to her daughter when she was 15. Kiana was surprised Penelope had kept it. How much had Penelope given Morin she wondered to keep Kiana and Kyian safe. How much had Phoenix done to protect them, at what cost to her and Miran... to the obvious child she was carrying… her first born was pregnant and she had not known.

She kicked off her shoes and laid down on the bed. She had things to think about now. Tomorrow. Tomorrow would be early enough to speak with Penelope and with Miran. And to rebuild the bridge.

Kyian himself knew that his eldest sister would not brook any problems. And he found a PADD on the bed which detailed the limits of his access. He sighed as he read it, but he understood.



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