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An afternoon in what once was.

Posted on Sun Jan 3rd, 2021 @ 4:58pm by Lara Barclay de Tolly & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: Holodeck 4, Alindar Program
Timeline: Current
1944 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Arri walked into the holodeck with Lara. Inside was a beautiful grassland. A beautiful mountain meadow. The Chief Science Officer carried a lunch with her and set a picnic blanket down.

The planet was etherially beautiful. Above in the sky were three moons, and what happened to be a ringworld circling the entire planet. The planet's beauty was magnificent.

Lara who was by nature a tomboy, a geek and a nerd but above all, she was young lady of eight years old, almost nine. She wore a nice pretty pink dress. Lara may be gifted with incredible intellect, she at times prefers to be a young lady. Personally she wished it was this version of her mother who invited her to this picnic but she was only her mother genetically who is still trying to come to the full grasp of there was a young lady who needed her. Instead it was her role model, superior and in a way more of a mother figure than her mother was. Speaking in a curious voice, she asks Arianna, "Hello Mam. Looks beautiful. Where are we?"

"This is Old Alindar, Lara. Or Alindar as it once was at the height of the Old Imperium's glory and splendor." Arri said with a smile. "This was the seat of an Imperium that brought peace, stability law, art, and beauty to the distant systems in the Beta Quadrant. Alindar was also a center of Diplomacy and Mediation. The Althir Family settled many disputes and wars in the millennia since Tirielle's reign."

"Sounds intriguing and you have my curiosity," Lara replies with her charm, "I always want to learn more and yet, I feel the desire to feel the moment. In the other Reality, my grandmother Lara says to me one must live within the moment. I picked out this pretty dress and I did my hair. So we are learning and or relaxing today?"

Arri responded. "One day I hope to show you around our new colony world in the Typhon Expanse." She mentioned as she prepared the Lunch. "It is my dream, one day Lara. To return to Old Alindar and repair the damage the Borg did to our world."

Lara who was sitting on the Picnic blanket as a young lady should responded, "Wouldn't you have to leave Starfleet? Plus wouldn't it be logical if the Elysium be assigned to help rebuild the planet? The ship has some of the finest Scientists and Engineers in Starfleet."

Arri responded. "First the Borg will have to be defeated." The Alindari noted. "The Defense College believes the Alindar System is the focal point of a Borg Transwarp Hub."

"I do hope they will be defeated soon," Lara takes a deep breath. "The threat we could all be assimilated one day does not appeal to me but I do not fear the Borg. Only thing I fear is the Federation giving into fear," she says as she paraphrased a quote Admiral Ramirez said about 150 years ago.

"And that is why the Alindari cannot leave the Federation for our old homeworld, Lara." She mentioned. "My people are strong, resolute. We believe completely in everything the Federation stands for. We're doing what the Humans have done. Dedicating ourselves to this idea. Furthermore, We believe the Federation is the Second Imperium." Arri smiled. "At least in spirit."

"However the Borg... Lara there's only one thing my people fear above all other fears." Arri mentioned.

"So what does thou people fear above the Borg," Lara asks.

"Assimilation." Arri noted. "You see when we're assimilated. We become hollow.. empty Lara. The Beauty and Uniqueness of our minds disappear for their cold logic. Being made into a living machine is the worse fate that can happen to us. Such a being is incapable of ascension. We put such effort into becoming the greatest individual. Being broken down into a machine is reprehensible."

"I agree," Lara sighed. "It is like living in a society that halts creativity. I get excited inside but I do compose myself when I discover something new, even if it was already discovered by someone else."

Arri smiled at her protege. "And that is why we're going to spend one day a week in the holodeck so you can at least be a nine year old girl." She noted. "You should not miss out on the joys of being a child. I remember it quite fondly even though I was raised in a fleet of refugees. Do not grow up too quickly. The moments we have now, will never happen again."

"I will be nine years old January 7th," Lara says as did thought, "Does the Elysium celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah and other religious holidays? This year will be different for my father and I in so many ways. Does the Alindari have their version of Christmas where children get presents? My father says presents are only good when they come from the heart. I mean I or my father could go up to the replicator and replicate me a present. Where is the fun in that? Everything I made has been erased with the exception of my IPADD A.I. I know VIOLA is like a child compare to the ship's computer but it will evolve."

Arrianna nodded. "There is a day we celebrate in that fashion. Millennia ago, our First Empress was betrayed and left for dead in the great deserts on Alindar. She survived for seven days and seven nights, the sun burning away her cruelties into humility and gratitude."

"What happen next?" Lara asks as she gazed at Arrianna with wide eye wonderment.

"Blessed Tirielle did suffer immensely during those days, and she was saved by the desert people. They were called the Alindari. For centuries, they survived in the desert, it's sun protecting them from the Warlords and their endless warring. They took pity on Tirielle and nursed her back to health. She was once a cruel woman, but the sun humbled her. She showed gratitude for her life and began to learn their ways. The Clan Chieftain Su-Kaln was so taken by Tirielle, he took her as his wife, and gave her many gifts." Arri mentioned. "But she did not value riches nor power, for she was remade by the sun itself. The people gave her gifts even and she gave gifts in return."

Arri continued. "But Tirielle always knew one day the Alindari would be discovered. She proposed intervention to her people. Even as a desert people, Lara. The Alindari were few on the battlefield, but they had advanced weapons, strategies, and tactics. The Alindari fought by penetrating the enemy's lines and wrecking havok in the rear. Defeating the army by destroying its logistics. And it worked with every battle. With every battle won, Tirielle's army doubled. She asked for no vassals from the defeated warlords, only to join her and end the warlord campaigns forever, and when the last warlord fell to her mighty army. She declared an imperium. 'The Imperium stands for all, and all shall stand for the Imperium.' We give gifts to each other on the day she declared the Imperium as a reminder to value the greatest gift of all. Liberty and the rights of all sentients not to be slaves like the Warlords used to wage their wars. It does not matter if one is young, old, light skinned, dark, male, or female. Human or Alindari. The Imperium is for all, it is sworn to stand for liberty, peace, and justice in all things." Arri mentioned.

"I feel every race should stand for that but sadly some either do not while others preach the are above reproach while behind the curtains they lie and do things to protect their own shortcomings," Lara says, "That is why some religions have become dust in the wind because of a small percentage made the bigger percentage look bad. We must always be kind but woe to the one who tries to smite you down."

"But it was wise Tirielle that realized what she became when she fought her father in single combat at the final battle of the black spire fortress. Warlord Kalphos Althir's last words were. 'behold Tirielle; last of the warlords' before he died." Arri mentioned. "When our wise First Empress heard these words. She realized than in fighting the warlords, she became a warlord. She bent her sword and removed her armor. Taking up the robes of a scholar and teacher. She set an example for her people. This action, created a golden age of peace and harmony. On the ruins of the great fortress of Blackrock spire. Blessed Tirielle built a shining and glorious capital city." Arri pointed towards the distand silver spires of a magnificent city. "And since that day. The Alindari have been united in heart and mind. Alindari have never killed Alindari for two thousand years."

"That is such a beautiful story," Lara says as she thought. "So The Alindari have the courage of Klingons and the logic and pacifists of most Vulcans. Maybe one day I might find a male of your species and marry him. What are your men like? Do they respect women?"

Arri blinked. "We are the Alindari, Lara. Should women act and behave differently than our men? We all master our emotions, embrace knowledge and wisdom as our guiding light, and treat each other with kindness and respect. We honor each other and stand with each other until the end. All genders, races, skin complexions are given the opportunity to partake of the Imperium and the fruits of our knowledge and enlightenment. We do not divide ourselves by sex, by religion, by political affiliation. Those are petty squabbles that the Warlords once bathed in. We seek the deepest understanding and enlightenment, and to transcend the boundaries of this universe Even ascend to new states of being." She noted. "Besides.." Arri chuckled and began tickling Lara, teasing her. "You are far too young to be considering a Husband. Lara Barclay de Tolly. Enjoy being a child. These are the moments you will want back one day."

"Like you," Lara says perky, "I gather information and store it for later. "I want to get at least a Masters or a second degree before I ever think about a husband. How many degrees do you have and what are they in?"

Arri spoke. "We do not measure our Academic progress in degrees. We begin studying from childhood. Instead. We achive a ranking system of titles based on our educational experience. I for example am a High Provost of the Scholars College. The eldest of us achieve the rank of Acemedician and they begin advising the Senate and the Empress."

"So you just study until you reach your first plateau," Lara surmised. "What happens next is up to you."

Arri smiled and nodded. "We always strive for greater degrees of understanding and enlightenment. We spend a lifetime learning, growing. Shaping our minds.: Arrianna mentioned. "It's my hope that when I decide to bear a son or daughter, you would become his or her mentor." Arri then smiled. "Have you ever been to Qo'nos?"

"I was too young to remember," Lara answered. "I was born on the USS Defiant. The Captain of the ship was a Klingon."

"Well, now you get to travel with me, when we're on Leave, Lara. I believe I can convince your Dad to let us go on a little adventure." Arrianna smiled. "I have every intention to make your life as rich and interesting as possible, my student." Arri smiled.

Lara bowed to her like she was her Sensai. "Thank you Commander."


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