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Blood Remembers

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2020 @ 10:25am by Captain Mira King ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Moonbase at Darius IV
Timeline: Year 2389
650 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Ensign Tonya King was assigned to the USS Valley Forge. Last year her fiancé Ensign Zachary Kennedy was killed in a freak accident, so now she was focusing on her work as a Warp Core Specialist.

The Forge was assigned to help fifty Klingon colonists settle on a planet called Darius IV. Darius was going to have strategic advantages as the colonists who were adults would set up a discrete station on a moonbase orbiting the planet monitoring all space traveling activity.

As an Engineer, she was working on the moonbase to set up the network. The IKS Kharn landed on the moon cloaked. Klingon Captain VaQ and two of his crew were on the Moonbase, Lt. Vera and Lt. FuQs.

"So the Federation could only spare two Engineers," VaQ growling s bit.

"My sister Mira says the fewer who knows about this base the better," Tonya replied as she was calibrating the final part. "Chief Petty Officer Wolf Metzger here was recommended my Mira's Captain on the Nimitz and of course, even though I am serving on another ship, my sister recommended me."

FuQs who was an engineer as well helped them finished it up. "This base will serve the Klingon Empire well."

Wolf grumbled a bit. He finished it off. "Communications is up and the base will be fully operation in two hours. Let me run a test." He presses a few buttons on the console to send a message."

VaQ growled with a loud voice. "I run what happens here. No communication unless I authorize it."

"No harm, no foul," Metzger said throwing his hands up.

VaQ sniffed Metzger and he did liked what he smelled. He made sure his ship could hear what was going on. "I smell fear. Lieutenant, who did he send a signal to just now?"

Tonya glances at the communication panel as she sees it. She takes a deep breath, "Captain! He sent a signal to a ship called The Drake. It is known as a piracy ship." Tonya tried to raise the shields up but to no avail. "METZGER! What did you do to the shields?"

Before he could answered it, six men beamed in as phaser fire started. By the time it was over with, there were six dead pirates, two dead Klingons and one who was about to die. Plus Metzger dead as well. Above the moon, the pirate ship was obliterated and the Klingon ship only had damaged to their Engineering Section.

VaQ did the traditional Klingon howl and death rituals for the two members of his crew. "Lt. King. I will be seeing Vera and FuQs in Stov'kor soon. My body will be an empty shell soon as my soul departs to Stov'Kor. Bring my body as well as the two bodies here back home. Tell my children and grandchildren I died with honor."

Tonya got on her knees and held VaQ in her arms as she waited for the others. Moments later, six Klingons beamed in seeing Tonya holding VaQ.

Lt. Krang seeing his Captain about to die listened to what he had to say. VaQ explained what happened and his last wish was. After VaQ died, they all stared into his eyes and howled.

Tonya went with Krang and the rest back to Qu'nos as she was was respected at the Klingon funeral. Tonya's sister Mira was there waiting for her. Bella, sister of Tonya asked Tonya and Mira to be her blood sisters. They agreed to perform the ritual called R'uustai.

Before Tonya left, Bella was made the Captain of the IKS Kharn.

Two years later, the IKS Kharn found the stronghold of the pirates with the help of Captain Mira King. The Pirates fought back which pleased Captain Bella. In the end, not one pirate was left alive. They freed their slaves and returned what they could of the loot they had found.


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