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XO Meeting with Chief of Engineering

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2020 @ 4:01pm by Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: XO Office
Timeline: Before Mission Post
1274 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

With all that has happen in the past few weeks, Commander Gary Taylor has not been able to meet the new Chief of Engineering Lt. Victor Barclay de Tolly. Victor and his daughter appeared a few weeks ago in the Elysium in the most unusual Quantum way. Victor and Lara just appeared out of nowhere. Their appearance has been backed up by the Department of Temporal Investigations which concluded when the time line was restored, the two of them as well as Victor's sister who appeared on another ship came over before their reality was erased was because their father was acting as an agent of The Department got Victor's mother pregnant in the past.

Victor came into the office, he gives a customary salute, "Commander Taylor. I am here as requested."

Gary looked up from his desk and the pile of PaDDS atop it. he had thought of throwing the entire pile into the waste recycler but thought better of it. There might be something truly important in this pile this time. "Have a seat Mr. de Tolly." he says easily, "If you'd like something from the replicator before we start be my guest."

"Quiet alright Commander," Victor responds as he takes a seat as could sense frustration. "How may I Help you?"

Gary sighed, "You've been on the ship for awhile and we've never actually talked other than briefly when you first came aboard in the Captain's bedroom and I wanted to change that. Though with everything that has been going on it's taken me longer than I like. How are you and your daughter finding the Elysium? Adjusting alright? Any problems?" Gary asked.

"I do understand why it has taken awhile," Victor replied. "My daughter and I are adjusting quiet well. The Chief Science Officer has made her an Acting Scientist Mate. She is quiet gifted for her age and she is making friends. Only problem one might perceive but to me is not is me dating Lt. Tonya King. She is this reality version of my late wife and Lara's mother in the reality I am from. My intentions are honorable as I hope if it works out, she will be my wife in the future. If there is an issue of her working in the same department, she is willing to becoming a Tactical Officer."

Gary listened as Victor spoke when he finished he replied. "I'm glad to hear you and your daughter are fitting in and she is making friends." He chuckled at the thought of the girl working with Arri. "Acting Scientist Mate? That sounds like Arri. I can tell you your daughter will learn a great deal being with Commander Vantar. As for you dating Lt. King and having her in Engineering with you. I don't have any issue with it. Your both adults and I expect you both to act like adults and keep business and personal lives separate. I'll only step in if you can't."

"Thank you Commander," Victor smiled. "Yes Commander Vantar seems to be a great role model for Lara. Lara is also doing theoretical research with Lt. Nevada McKay on theories Lara has. I do have a question for you. How do you want to be addressed? Most XOs I was on a first name basis except for one. He insisted never use his first name and always call him Sir or Commander."

"Lt. McKay is another excellent officer to work with. Your daughter has two excellent officers to be working with." Gary replied easily and then followed it with a soft chuckle. "Sounds like our version of Commander Lovejoy." He explained and continued. "I'm not that full of myself. I know who and what I am. I prefer Gary. it is my name after all. I think it makes for a better working relationship all the way around."

"I agree Gary unless we are on duty because we should grasp the situation we are facing," Victor answers. "Since I have been on board, I have attended one get together with all the Lieutenants. I will try to be more sociable. Previous commanding officer years ago told me he understood being a parent on a Starship but I do need to interact with more with the crew. I do feel his advice was one of the reasons why my daughter self taught herself half of what she knows and become more self reliant. Does the Senior Staff have card games, theatre here or anything else extra curricular?"

That goes without saying. We do need to be professional." Gary pointed out. "Being a parent is tough under normal circumstances Victor but being on a starship makes it even harder and as much as you may not think so, you need adult interaction. It's good you went to a get together with other Lieutenants. Very good. We don't have any structure events though the idea of a card came is a good one. We do have a Christmas party for the entire crew. I play Santa for the kids and everyone thoroughly enjoys it as well as a chance to just let your hair down and relax and have a good time."

"That is good to know," Victor says, "Christmas music use to make me sad but I do feel this year will be different. I now know who my father is and the truth about everything now. I grew up without a biological father but the crew of the ship my mother was on helped me a lot and my visits to my grandparents were the highlight of when my mother, sister and I went home. I do hope Christmas next month and my daughter's birthday in January will bring the joy back into my life. Plus having Tonya on board is a blessing. Speaking of Tonya, right now what I have done with each shift is having an Assistant Chief for each one. Tonya is Alpha Shift, Lt. JG. Joral Bin is Beta Shift and Gamma Shift is Lt. JG. Paulie O'Rourke. If I have to name an overall Assistant Chief, that would be Tonya."

"Christmas can be an extremely sad time for many people. I truly hope this year is different for you and you have the happiness as joy you deserve." Gary replied sincerely. "I am glad you have her Victor. everyone needs someone, for me it is Commander Holmes. After my wife died, I withdrew, put up walls, kept people at arms length. However since arriving on the Elysium and meeting Lia that all changed. She helped me to live again, knock down the walls I had put up and let people into my life. She is a true blessing." He paused and continued "It's your department Victor. Run it how you see fit. As long as it's productive and gets the job done. Again I have no objection with Tonya being Assistant Chief. You know her and she you. So it is all good."

"Thank you," Victor replied. He thinks if there was anything he needs to bring up. "So is there anything else Gary as in anything about the Engineering Department?"

Gary thinks about the possibility of Kara returning and how that will affect the dynamics of the department but stays quiet. Best to cross that bridge when they get to it. "I don't believe so Victor. Just keep doing what your doing and both the Captain and I will stay out of your way and hair."

Victor stood up. "Well then, back to my duties. Have a good day Gary." Victor left his office feeling pleased knowing his XO is straight and to the point.


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