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Scared Kitty

Posted on Sat Nov 28th, 2020 @ 8:01am by Cadet Senior Grade Kedar Rackthorn & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 4: Episode 3: Guided by Starlight
Location: Main Crew Entrance ramp
Timeline: Current
828 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary had decided to go down to the main entrance ramp and get a first hand look at the new class of cadets that were getting ready
to come aboard the Elysium to attend the ship's onboard academy. As he arrived , he saw some returning crew boarding that he greeted
with either a word or a wave of his hand. However one crew member stood out a cadet judging by the uniform and a Caitian by his appearance
stood in the entry way, frozen as other crew and civilians had to move around him, causing angry mumbles and mutters by those inconvenience.

He walked over to the cadet, placed what he hoped was a reassuring hand on the young man's shoulder. "Cadet, lets get out of the way and come aboard, it's okay we don't bite." He said gently not wishing to spook the young man. Offering a smile as well to settle the cadet's nerves.

The Caitian jumped with a start and shook himself, not quite sure what was happening. He had been so prepared for this, so excited but in a moment of panic, it had overwhelmed him. He looked up and down at the Commander and gulped. "Uh...Commander Taylor?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

He had studied the crew manifest before arriving and though the Commander seemed taller than he expected, most people generally did. With a flick of his tail, Kedar adjusted his collar and smiled a wide grin. "Cadet Senior Grade, Kedar Rackthorn, reporting for duty, Sir! he said proudly and loud enough to get a lot of eyes his way.

"Yes, I'm Commander Taylor and two things cadet. One relax, you look like you are going to explode and two lower your voice, I'm standing right next to you. By the way, it's good to meet you. I believe you will enjoy the academy here on the Elysium." Gary looked Kedar over, "What track are you on Mr. Rackthorn?"

The colour drained out of Kedar's face at being told he was too loud but his fur covered the blush. He smiled once more and replied: "Medical Sir, Counselling specifically." he nodded. "I am excited to study under Lt Kelea-Salik and Lt Sullivan, I've read so much of their work" he said, with a gentle flick of his ears.

He looked around at the milling about of people, cadets, crew, civilians and piped up again. "Sir, there's a lot of people coming and going, are there many new crew arriving today or are people enjoying the station, I must admit I didn't even look around the station, I came right here from my shuttle." He shuffled on his paws a little.

"We can always use another counselor. You forgot Commander Savar but don't worry I won't tell him." Gary said with an easy grin. He looked at the mixture of crew and civilians boarding the ship before turning back to Kedar. "I commend your commitment to duty Mr. Rackthorn but you really should explore the station. They have many wonderful and unique attractions and shops. Get yourself settled in and then take a stroll of the station."

The Caitian blushed once more, cursing himself for forgetting the Commander. "Oh, if you're sure, Sir...I didn't know if I was expected to start working right away...according to my assignment, I'm staying on Deck 14?" he asked in a questioning tone, to confirm, rather than to ask. "So, I go put my stuff in my quarters, then explore the station...should I change into uniform and do I need ID, does this all work?".

His voice getting faster, louder and more erratic, the hyper cat realised he was having a case of verbal diarrhea and stopped. "Eh...sorry Sir...I do ramble..."

"Yes, well you are excited and I can't fault you for that." Gary replied. "You first need to get control of your feelings Mr. Rackthorn. A good counselor stays in control. As for what to wear, you can wear your uniform or your civvies. I would probably wear my cadet uniform. As for an ID. You will find a temporary one in your quarters in a sealed packet. It will allow you to renter the ship should you decide to explore the station. You will get your permanent ID on your first day at the Academy."

Kedar nodded and coughed in embarrassment. "Yes Sir, usually I am very composed, just this is a big day for me, my first posting. I don't wanna screw it up." he said with a smile. "I suppose I should head to my quarters then means a lot that you helped me out" he said with a nod. "I will speak to you later, Sir?" he said, his ears twitching as he looked around the Commander to the entrance to the ship.

The Cadet nodded to his superior and adjusted his outfit once more, letting out a deep breath before heading onboard...


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