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Stuck in Sickbay

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2020 @ 5:58am by Private Christian Laknema & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Marine Infirmary
915 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Christian stumbled in holding his head. When he had left the gym he had initially thought he just had a mild headache from being thrown but as he kept walking it got worse and worse that he decided to seek out medical help. He moved to a biobed and crawled on to it. He felt really tired and thought about sleeping even though if he had a concussion that would be really bad.

Heather was on duty in Sickbay she’d been busy organising medical supplies from storage to Sickbay, her Betazoid senses alerted her to the presence of someone in pain in Sickbay and she reappeared from the storage room to see who it was. “Private” She smiled as she walked over to Christian. “Can you tell me what’s wrong?”

"My head," he replied, "a Sequus wanted to prove something and decided to use me as his vassal" he groaned thinking about being thrown across the room again, "My body hit the bulk head."

Heather nodded. “Okay, let’s take a look and then I’ll get you something for the pain okay?” She quickly picked up a medical tricorder and started a scan. She made sure to run a thorough scan with head injuries it was important to rule out skull fractures and brain trauma. “Okay” she tapped the tricorder before grabbing a hypo. “This is a mild analgesic it’ll help with the pain, I can increase the dose if you need it.” She gently pressed it to his neck.

Christian wished he could feel the medication injected to him but at least the hiss of it provided some comfort that something was on its way to help his battered body.

“Here are your scans” She held up the tricorder for him to see. “There’s no severe damage but you do have a severe concussion and I need to speak to Doctor Sthilg regarding a dark spot on here. Just to be safe. You’ll need to stay in Sickbay for now I’m afraid.” She offered a warm smile. “How do you feel now?”

Rolling so he could see the tricorder better he momentarily panicked at the mention of a dark spot. He had just been here yesterday did she miss something? Was it from hitting the bulkhead? He willed himself to calm as she didn't seem to be panicking and racing off to call the Doctor down from the Main Sick Bay, "Still sore but I can live with this sore. How long will I have to be here?"

“It shouldn’t be long, but I’d prefer to keep you overnight if that’s okay? That concussion is pretty severe and it could cause more headaches, dizzy spells and make you feel queasy. Don’t worry about the scan I don’t think it’s anything to worry about but I’d rather be sure for my own peace of mind.” Just then the heavy footsteps of Sthilg were heard entering main Sickbay. “Doctor can I run some scans by you?”

" Of courssse my dear." The lizard replied.

She handed Sthilg her scans. “The private here took a hard tumble into a bulkhead, scans show he has a severe concussion and there’s this dark spot on the scan. I wasn’t sure if it was bruising to his brain or whether it’s just an awkward angled reading?

" Let'sss get him another ssscan jussst to be sssure." The gorn said as he looked at the scan.

“Yes Sir.” Heather nodded and quickly arranged another scan. It didn’t take long before she handed the results to Sthilg. “Here you go Doctor. I was concerned there might be a bleed but I’m not so sure now.”

" No, it look'sss like a awkward reading. Let'sss keep him here for obssservation for a few hoursss jussst in cassse." The doctor replied as he looked at the results.

Heather nodded. “Yes Doctor” she walked over to Christian. “Okay nothing to worry about, Doctor Sthilg wants to keep you for a few hours just for observation.”

"Really?," he asked frowning slightly. He was glad that he didn't have a brain bleed or anything like that but he didn't really want to be in Sickbay for that long, he felt like a weakling for not being able to take it, "I guess if it must be done."

“It won’t be too long I promise” Heather smiled warmly. “Would you like something from the replicator? We do great ice cream here! Can’t get enough of it myself.” She grinned.

"No, I'm good. Can I have a nap?" He asked laying down.

“Now we’ve ruled out any problems of course you can” Heather nodded. “I’ll check on you at regular intervals just to make sure you’re okay.”

Christian nodded and rolled onto his side, he felt angry that now he had to sit here and wait. What lesson could this have proved that this officer was superior and could use his race personal protective shield and redirected the energy back at him but that was life.

Heather sensed the anger and turned to look at Christian. "If you need to talk, I'll be here."

"I'll keep that in mind," he replied but didn't say anything further as he felt it was proper until he get a bit of his emotions in check first.

“Fair enough” Heather smiled and nodded before getting back to the rest of her duties.


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