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Are you okay?

Posted on Sat Feb 13th, 2021 @ 1:55am by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Commander Sthilg & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
1425 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Returning to her duties after lunch Heather made her way to Sthilg’s office, she wanted to check that he was alright. She knew he was a very proud person but she had the feeling he had been disturbed by Alicia’s fall. Peering around the door Heather smiled warmly. “Knock, Knock, are you free? Can we talk?”

" My door'sss alwaysss open Heather what can I help you with. " The gorn said placing the padd he'd been looking at on his desk.

“Actually ...” Heather walked in and took a seat in-front of the desk. “Feels good to take the weight off my feet” she smiled. “I’m worried about you, you haven’t been yourself since you came back from visiting Alicia. You’re doing a good job hiding it but I’ve noticed it.”

" Am I getting that obviousss?" the old gorn said with a chuckle. " No, it was a nasssty ssshock. I worry about her and my unborn granddaughter."

Heather smiled. "I figured as much, not that it's any of my business. And no, you're not getting obvious, you just flagged up on the fringes of my senses that's all. You hide emotions well."

" Comesss with the territory." He said with a weak smile as he seemed to slump back in his chair. " I ssstill sssee them every time i clossse my eyesss. " he said weakly. " When I sssaw her fallen it brought all of the memoriesss russshing back."

Heather nodded. “I understand the feeling, I still have nightmares about the friends and colleagues I lost on the Wildcat. Alicia has gone through hell in her life, much like you. Maybe it was fated that the two of you were brought together as family, though that could be a double edged sword depending on how you look at it.” She frowned. “Sorry I’m completely over analysing the situation, that’s why I’m a nurse and not a Counsellor!”

" Your my friend looking out for me and I'm grateful. " the gorn said warmly as he offered her his hand.

Heather smiled as she took Sthilg’s hand. “I will always look out for you Sthilg. You and this crew are family to me, I’d do anything for any of you. Oh ... while I’m thinking about it can I arrange for my six month check up? I’m looking forward to seeing my son!”

" I have a free period now if you'd like to get it done." the gorn said warmly.

“Err .. sure” Heather nodded. “Do you mind if I call Fernando? I want him here for the scan.”

" Feel free." The gorn said as he stood up and headed for the nearest biobed.

Heather smiled. “Thank you” she tapped her comm badge. “Heather to Fernando, Doctor Sthilg has time to do my check up now, can you attend?”

The reply was instantaneous, "Yes Heather, I have time. I am on my to you right now." The happiness in Fernando's voice was obvious. He was caught up in the moment. The realization that he was going to be a dad finally sinking in.

“Wonderful, I’ll see you soon” Heather looked at Sthilg. “I’m ready as soon as Fernando gets here.”

It was mere moments before Fernando burst through the door to Sickbay. He looked about frantically for Heather until a nurse directed him to the cubicle she and the CMO were in. "Here I am. I'm not late am I?"

Heather was just unzipping her jacket when Fernando burst in. “Not at all Imzadi, we were waiting for you.” She handed him her jacket before lying down on the biobed to let the Gorn Doctor start his check up and scan.

The gorn already running through the infant protection prayer in his head turned with the scanner module in hand. " Okay, jussst lay back and relax and let'sss take a look at the little one."

Heather nodded. She couldn’t help but feel nervous though, what if the scan showed something wrong? She and Fernando knew nothing of their son’s real mother’s medical history. She reached for Fernando’s hand giving it a squeeze.

Fernando remained quiet, however he did give Heather's hand a reassuring squeeze even as he smiled down at her.

With the skill of one whom could do this in his sleep the gorn ran the delicate scanner end over her belly as a holographic image began to form. The image of two feet with still forming yet visible toes began to creep into holographic form. " There he isss. " The gorn said as he began moving the scanner down as more of the infant began to form on the hologram.

Heather’s eyes followed every inch of the scan, the downside to being a nurse was she’d know if anything was wrong. Tears started rolling down her cheeks at the site of her son on the screen, the experience was an extremely emotional one.

"Heather? Are you alright?" Fernando asked, concerned over the tears he saw running down her cheeks.

Heather gave her husband a teary smile. “Yes, I’m fine. This is just ... amazing! Seeing our son right there ..” she pointed at the screen.

The gorn gave her a warm smile as he moved the scanner down until the child's face was visible. " Everything'sss looking great. One perfectly fine forming baby boy."

Heather nodded and smiled the biggest smile yet. “Can we hear his heartbeat please?”

" Off courssse." the gorn said as he activated the speakers and tuned it until the sound of a steady heart beat was visible.

Heather smiled the biggest smile yet. “Do you hear that Fernando? That’s our son!”

Fernando was so overcome with emotion he couldn't speak for a moment. He just nodded his head and squeezed Heather's hand as he listened to the strong, steady beat of their son's heart. Finally he composed himself so he could answer Heather, "I hear it Heather and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. I will never get tired of hearing that."

“Neither will I” Heather wipes away more happy tears. “Thank you Sthilg.”

The gorn had been silent as he let them enjoy the moment. " My pleasssure to the both of you. Everything'sss looking fine here. Nothing that we need to worry about."

“That’s wonderful news” Heather grinned as she looked at Fernando. “I guess it’s just a waiting game now. Do you think I’ll be nine or ten months? Being mixed genetics I’m guessing it could be either?”

" To early to tell at this point." The gorn said as he looked at the holographic image.

"Can't get here quick enough." Fernando pointed out.

Heather grinned as she sat up and looked at Fernando. “Only another 3 to 4 months Imzadi. It’ll fly by!”

Fernando nodded, "I believe you are right Heather and we still have much to do in regards to getting ready."

“That we do, we still need to finish off the final touches to the nursery and get the things I bought out of storage.” Heather smiled. “It’s going to be fun.”

"Fun." Fernando repeated. *And lots of hard work.* He thought to himself but it was for a wonderful reason......a baby, their baby and with that baby came more responsibilities and they would go from being a couple to being a family.

"Thank you Sthilg. Am I all done?" She looked at the Gorn Doctor.

The gorn nodded as he saved the scan results. " You're all done. Keep to the diet and exercisssesss I've recommend and don't hesssitate to call if you think sssomethingsss wrong. "

“Understood, Thank you Sthilg.” Heather smiled warmly. “Anything you need to ask Fernando?” Heather looked at her husband curiously.

"No nothing Heather. I am just happy that everything is proceeding normally." Fernando replied.

Heather nodded and smiled. “Thank you Sthilg.”

" Don't mention it. If you have any concernsss then jussst let me know." The doctor replied.

“I will that’s a promise” Heather smiled before looking back at Fernando. “I have to get back to work now, I’ll see you at home later.”

"I look forward to seeing you at home Heather." Fernando returned with a smile.

Heather nodded and stepped forward to give her husband a hug and a kiss. “I won’t be late, I promise.”

"I shall hold you to it Heather." Fernando answered his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Heather simply grinned before picking up a PADD and getting on with her duties in Sickbay.



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