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Getting Medical Clearance...

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2021 @ 2:35pm by Captain George Charles [Reece] & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Elysium sickbay
Timeline: Tbd
1655 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure

After getting squared away with quarters, George made his way to the Elysium’s main sickbay, to get his medical certification to fly missions.

Upon entering the large compartment, George called out. "Hello? Anyone here?"

The heavy footsteps of the ship's chief doctor was hired as his office door opened and his reptilian face pocked through his doorway. " Hello, there can i help you?" The lizard asked the stranger as he walked over to him.

Seeing the large reptianoid walk towards him, George involuntarily flinched. In his momentary shock, he dropped his controls and saw the CMO's thoughts. It was the first time that he had ever touched the mind of a non mammalianoid before and he twitched quite noticeably. *I'm sorry...* was the words he sent into Sthilg's mind, before regaining control and sputtering aloud. "I'm...I'm s-sorry, Sir! I...I didnt...I didn't mean to enter your mind! I didn't know that you were Gorn, nor have I ever seen a member of your species in the flesh, Sir! Please, I beg for your forgiveness in the violation that I just caused you!"

"Calm down lieutenant, Jussst make sssure it doesssn't happen again." The old gorn replied with a chuckle. "Are you here for a medical checkup?"

It took George a few beats to focus his mental control again. He then looked back at the CMO and nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m a newly arrived fighter pilot and I need to get my medical certification to fly here.”

"Well if you'll follow me we can get you ssseen to." The doc said as he lead the way to one of the biobeds. "Any injuriesss not on file sssince your lassst ssscan?" he inquired.

Following the large officer, George moved to climb up onto the biobed. As he did so, he removed his uniform top, exposing the wounds that he carried on his back. "No, Sir. Nothing new."

The gorn paused as he saw the mess of scars and tissue along the man's back. Being his specialty was children the daemon off abuse was always hanging around the gorn. It was the one time he which he could let him out. The primal reptile Sthilg lived in the primal part of his mind that didn't have rationality and rules binding him down. The side that whished it could tear people who hurt the defenseless and send them screaming into the oblivion that awaited them. " If there troubling you I can recommend sssome treatmentsss that could help. " he said calmly as he readied the scanner.

George shrugged noncommittally. "They don't hurt any more. Maybe itch a little now and then, but the pain from them is gone." He paused before continuing. "I, uh, am guessing that you've read over my personnel file? I only ask because, while I'm not reading your thoughts, I can pick k up on your emotions."

"My apologiesss. When one ssspecialty is bringing children into thisss universsse one tendsss to develop a hatred of thossse who hurt them." the elderly doctor replied as he called his mind.

George nodded. “I’m with you there, Doc. And, you don’t need to apologize, Sir. I appreciate the protective feelings that I feel coming from you. While I have felt pity from most that knew the story, I don’t feel that from you. I feel a genuine sadness for me for the pain, and, as I said earlier, a feeling to protect. For all of it, even if it is never said aloud, I thank you, Sir.”

" It comesss with the territory you don't ssspend nearly one hundred and fifty yearsss caring for women and children of nearly every ssspecies this galaxcy hasss without it rubbing off on you." the old doctor replied as he started up the scanner.

George was surprised to hear how long the CMO had been serving. "Wow! A hundred fifty? That's impressive, Sir. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?'

" Oh that'sss jussst how long sssince i got my medical qualfication'sss in child care. I've been practicing medicine for most of my two hundred and sssevnteen yearsss in thisss galaxy." Came the gorn's reply.

George's eyebrows could not get any higher if they flew off his brow. Forgetting, for the moment, why he was in sickbay, he responded. "Wow! I never knew that your species was so long lived. I'm sure you've got a fair share of adventures under your belt, Sir!"

" We can live for a very long time, but with our lifestyle most of us barely make it past fifty. I admit i've had a very long life. Serving in both the KDF and ssstarfleet along with many othersss." the gorn responded feeling his age at the thought of his long life.

George nodded thoughtfully as he listened. "Wow, that interesting to know. Hey, Doc, are there many Gorn in Starfleet?" Then he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I've done nothing but pepper you with questions. I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry."

" My friend there is no need for you to apologize. I know my people are a rarerty in the fleet. To the bessst of my knowledge there are nine of usss in the fleet though mossst are in sssecurity or intelligence." The old doctor replied.

Nodding, George stated. "Well, in any event, it's an honor to serve with you, Sir. I am happy to rid my mind of any negative racial ideas I may not even realize I have picked up in my travels and not even realized it. I just ask for your patience."

" Lieutenant my ssspecies isss mossst well known for wrestling captain kirk in are dressing gown. Your viewsss are hardly offensive." the gorn replied warmly.

George blinked a couple times, and then burst out laughing. As he calmed, he spoke through the chuckles. "You, heh, you got me there, Doc. I wasn't even thinking about that ancient..." he then caught himself. Blushing in embarrassment, he tried to recover. "I, uh...what Iran"

The gorn warmly chuckled as a bleep from the computer brought his eyes around. " Well looks like everything'sss going well."

George gave a silent nod, not wanting to trust his words at the moment.

The gorn tapped the screen slightly as he looked at the incoming data. " Sssligh imbalance in your brain chemissstry. Nothing to worry about right now, but i'd like to ssstart you on a courssse of herbal tea to sssee if that correctsss it."

Despite what he was told, this news concerned George. "Slight imbalance? What's causing it?" He looked over to the CMO, his brows starting to furrow.

" That i'm not sssure. Have you had any experience or training with your empathic abilitiesss?" The doctor inquired.

Frowning slightly, George bowed his head in shame. In a quite voice, full of childhood pain, he replied while absent-mindedly reaching up to his neck. "No, Sir. were sister and had were forced...forced to wear..inhibitor collars. When we....when we tried to use our gifts, we..we would be shocked by the collars. Later, after we were rescued, the counselors tried to help us recover. My sister," his eyes filled with tears. "She...she hasn't been able to use her gifts since, and mine, can pick up emotions without trying, but, if I use my telepathic ability, I have no control over it.'s like, normally, it would be like a scalpel, in its precision. But, mine is more like a sledgehammer. The only time I let my control go, is when I'm in the cockpit. I can hear the thoughts around me, a d can almost see where my opponent is going to go." After he finished speaking, George had a look of shame on his face, as if he did something very wrong.

The gorn said nothing as he picked up the stool and moved it to sit face to face with the lieutenant. Drawing a coffee flask and two cups from his jacket pocket he poured two cups before speaking. " George you have nothing to be ashamed or sssorry for. You're a brave man who'sss sssurvived sssomething mossst of usss can't even begin to imagine. Now I'll openly admit empathy and telepathy isssn't my ssstrong point, but i think i know of sssomeone who can help." he said calmly and Profesional as he handed over one of the cups.

Taking the offered cup, George gave Sthilg a timid smile. "Thank you, Sir. While I know I still have much healing to do, please don't revoke my flight clearance. Its one of the few things that I have. When I am in my cockpit, I feel no fear and no pain. All that there is, is the mission and my targets. Please, let me keep that, Sir."

" I won't take your wingsss flyboy. On three conditionsss. One, you take the herbal tea I'm prescribing. Two, you wear a medical monitor whilssst flying ssso I can keep an eye on you and three, when your ready I want you to contact a friend of mine. Her name is Doctor Yehalsss, and there is nothing ssshe doesssn't know about psychic and empathy ablitiessss." The doctor said reassuringly.

George thought about the conditions given and nodded in agreement. "You got a deal, Doc. Thank you. This really means a lot to me. You have my word, I will follow your instructions." The young Betazoid was starting to truly feel relieved for the first time since coming in to the sickbay.

The gorn gave him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "You're free to go lieutenant."

George slid off the biobed and got dressed. Once he was done, he turned and smiled at Sthilg. "Thanks, Doc. It was a pleasure to meet you, Sir." He then turned and made his way out of sickbay and on to his next destination.



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