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Check Up

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2021 @ 3:33pm by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
921 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Gallia had brought Tayalas to the sickbay, needed her to see the doctor, reminding herself that he was named Sthilg and not Bossk, "Dr. Sthilg, got me baby here te see ye."

"Mama, I no sick." Tayalas said, she didn't understand why she was at the doctor's if she wasn't sick.

"I know ye're not, darlin'." Gallia said as she smiled and kissed her daughter, "This is just te keep ye healthy."

"Okay, mama." Tayalas smiled, she truly loved her mother, this was definitely for the best, "We see the docher."

"Right we will." Gallia smiled, sitting Tay on the bed, "Dr. Sthilg, sir, I 'ave me baby here te see ye."

" Hello you two." the doctor relied with a smile. " Pleasssse take a ssseat and let'sss get the little one ssseen two."

"Hello, Cdr. Sthilg, got me baby here te see ye." Gallia said, presenting Tayalas to the doctor.

"I no sick, docher." Tayalas smiled, showing Dr. Sthilg she was healthy and happy, but happy to be here as well.

" I'm sssure you are my dear. Let'sss jussst pop you up onto the biobed and make sssure of it." the gorn said with a happy smile on his face.

"Okies." Tayalas smiled, stretching her arms out to the Gorn doctor, he had to move her, he had to give her uppies.

"Uh, doctor, she wants uppies." Gallia said, afraid the doctor had missed the cue, but just as afraid to have accidentally offended him.

The old lizard smiled as he gently picked up the small Andorian giving her a warm hug as he did. Despite his size, he was as gentle as any creature could be. " Now little one have you been well behaved?"

"Uh huh." Tayalas answered honestly and grinned double big, "I weal good for mommy because she weal sad."

"Uh, Tay, the doctor doesnae want to hear aboot me." Gallia said, trying to hide it from the doctor, not that he didn't know.

" The doctor wantsss to know everything now tell me what'sss bothering you." The gorn said looking at Tayalas with a reassuring look.

"Not me, docher. Mommy." Tayalas answered, "She cwy aww night."

" Well, Gallia why don't you take a ssseat and we'll take a look at you and you can explain what'sss wrong." The doctor said calmly as he looked over to her.

"I can explain it, Doctor, I'm dealin' with a broken heart." She sighed,"Ya cannae see that on an x ray."

"Mommy, be better." Tayalas said, leaning against her mother, "You be better soon."

" I know what i feelsss like to have a broken heart my dear." The old doctor said reassuringly as he pulled a stool closer to the bibed. " If you want to talk I'm alwaysss willing to lisssten."

"I'm sure ye are, doctor." Gallia listened and replied, "But unless ye can cure a broken heart, afraid I'm outta luck."

" I'm afraid that'sss beyoned my own ssskillsss my dear. Only the all mother knowsss how to do that. Ssstill i know how to give the pair of you a checkup. Anything happened sssince the lassst one that'sss not on recored?" The lizard asked calmly.

"Well, Tay got a couple new teeth in." Gallia announced proudly, then said, "And I got sick outta the blue. But that passed after a few months. Think I had the same thing that Estelle had."

" I can take a look when i give you your ssscan. Now little one let'sss take a look at you." The gorn said starting up the scan.

"Okay." Tayalas smiled, enjoying the attention she was getting.

" Well, everything looking good here young lady. Good to sssee that your ssstaying healthy. Would you like a lolly pop?" He asked with a warm smile.

"Yes, pwease." Tayalas said, "I wike wowwy pops."

The gorn pulled three lollypops from his pocket letting the little andorian pick one. " Now let'sss take a look at your mother." He said giving her a warm smile.

Tayalas took a cherry lolly, they were her favorite, and said, "Yeah, mommy."

The gorn gave her a warm smile as he ran the scan. Everything looked well enough, but he could recognize the signs of lack of sleep. " Would you like me to pressscribe you sssome herbal tea?" He asked.

"Aye, doctor, I think herbal tea will be just the thing." Gallia smiled.

The doctor nodded as he walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a small container. Measuring out a small amount he returned and handed her a small container. " Here you go, mix in teaspoonful in warm water before you go to bed.

"Aye, I'll do that, Doctor." Gallia smiled warmly at the old Gorn, "I thank ye for that."

" And if you need to talk to anyone feel free to come to my home. My door will always be open." the lizard said as he looked at the young andorian. " And you young lady be nice to your mother and next time you'll get two lollypopsss."

"Okay." Tay smiled at the old Gorn, she liked him a lot, "Mommy be better next time."

"Aye, that I will, Tay." Gallia smiled, rising to leave, "That I will."

" If you need to talk just call me." The gorn said reassuringly.

"Aye, doctor." Gallia smiled, leaning in to give the Gorn, who she considered a revered elder,a gentle kiss.

The gorn smiled as he watched the two of them leave. Giving the young girl a wave. He'd need to make sure to keep an eye on them.


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