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Victor’s Progress

Posted on Tue Feb 9th, 2021 @ 3:03am by Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: Season 5: Episode 1: No Exit
Location: Counselor Alicia Kelea-Salik's Office
Timeline: Current
1195 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Victor was in his office going over the reports of his Assistant Chiefs. Tonya was thorough with her report before she left on the Away Mission. He smiled to himself when that thought came into his head. She was in most ways different from his Tonya from the other Reality. Her sensuality, confidence and knowledge were more magnified than his Tonya.

The console received a message he had to have another counseling session. This one was a routine one as the other chiefs were required to make one as well. Victor checked the available times. He decided to take one of the earliest ones.

After Victor received his confirmation, he went over his messages. He saw one from his mother so he replied to it with an update on how he was doing.


Victor walked in to the counseling office fifteen minutes earlier. He always had a policy of never being late, so often he would show up early. So he sat and waited his time. Victor cleared his mind as he meditated.

Alicia walked out of her office seeing Victor sitting waiting to see her. “Lieutenant Tolly ... Victor, please come on in.”

"Thank you Counselor," Victor answers as he walks in.

“Please make yourself at home” Alicia motioned to the seats. “Can I get you a drink?”

"Glass of ice water with a twist of lime," Victor says as looks at seat closer to hers. Starting the small talk which he always does, "How are you doing Alicia? Anything new?"

“I’m very well thank you” Alicia smiled warmly as she returned from the replicator with two glasses of ice water with a twist of lime. She handed Victor his before taking her seat. “Another couple of months or so and I’ll be a new mum, that’s about as exciting as it gets. Connor will have a little sister.”

Victor always being a gentleman, "That is great. I have a twin sister and I have a son and a daughter. Day after our last session, I found out I have a son. His name is Victor and we call him Vick. Vick is staying with Lara and I. His mother Mira runs a ship where no small children are allowed. Mira is Tonya's sister. I know ...... It sounds complicated but to me now, it seems normal. One just have to roll with it. Vick is a cool little boy."

“I’m happy for you” Alicia smiled. “It may sound complicated to anyone else but as long as it makes sense to you, and you’re happy that’s what matters.”

"Once you get use to Temporal Changes," Victor says with a straight face, "It becomes the norm. I am not a Physicist but I have always had two theories the reason why El Aurians have a Temporal Immunity has to do with they could be descendent of time travelers or maybe it is because some of them spent time in that place called the Nexus." Victor decided to change the subject because he was going off on a tangent. "So where shall we begin?"

“I think we already did” Alicia grinned. “It sounds to me like you’ve made big steps in your life since last time we talked. Do you have any plans from here on in?”

"Short version," Victor replied with his trademark smile, "I live one day at a time and I try not to dwell upon the ramifications like some of my best friends do not even exist. Long version is I hope Tonya is in my future as my wife and I raise my two children to become productive ones. Alicia. Do you believe in the afterlife as in heaven. I do. I wonder if my friend Ensign Clint Rogers who now never existed, I wonder where people like him who no longer exist. I sure hope God brought them into his home."

“I guess I do believe there’s a better place that we go to” Alicia nodded. “Heaven in a way I guess. After everything we’ve all been through lately we all need to believe that there’s a better place.”

"We must have hope," Victor shrugs, "Without it, we loose our love ones into an abyss, so we must keep the faith. I have seen things beyond comprehension but it is my faith that keeps me going. This includes faith the team I am on has my back. Alicia, eventually I am going to need down time. I have been going non stop since I arrived here. Even when we were on Pacifica, I was still processing everything. Where I came from, I spent two to three times a week in the holosuites. One would be with Lara, one time with friends and maybe third time by myself. Since I have been here, I have only been there four times."

“Then that is going to be a requirement of our counselling sessions, that you get yourself some proper downtime. It doesn’t have to be in the holodeck, it can be whatever or wherever you like.”

“Easier said than done,” Victor says with a chuckle. “I will try to get back into my holosuite routine. Lara always liked them. Maybe find a romantic one to do with Tonya. Maybe the last thing we can talk about is Tonya. I do hope you have patient confidentiality. We are at the stage where we feel love but she still is not ready. We have not consummated our love. We just feel it and she is still dealing with her loses. Closest we have come has been kissing and hugging and right now, that is fine by me.”

“Anything you say to me is totally confidential Victor don’t worry.” Alicia smiled. “It sounds like the two of you are proceeding cautiously and that’s a good thing, when Tonya is ready I’m sure she’ll let you know. It’s best not to rush, just let love take it’s natural course.”

"We feel the same way," Victor sighed. "Just wanted to keep you in the loop on everything. So is there anything else you need to know?"

Alicia smiled,“At present I think it sounds like you’re doing very well. How are you settling into duties aboard ship? Is that going well?”

"That is going very well," Victor answered. "The Engineers that were on board before I came and the ones who came afterwards make my job easier. I did have one who was working himself too hard but Doctor Voight helped him tremendously. What also helps is I have three Assistant Chief Engineers instead of one."

“That’s certainly helpful” Alicia grinned. “I’m glad it’s all going well. It sounds to me as though you’ve settled in nicely. If there’s anything you need you always know where to find me, in the meantime I’m happy to let you go.”

"Thank you Alicia," Victor says as he stood up. "Have a blessed day and if you ever need my help, you know where to find me." After they exchanged goodbyes, Victor felt great about the visit.


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