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Posted on Mon May 3rd, 2021 @ 2:45am by Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik} & Senior Chief Petty Officer Fernando De La Rosa [Taylor]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Sickbay
1394 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

With Naxea’s surgery over, and her condition improving Heather made her way out to main Sickbay to look for Fernando. She wasn’t sure if he’d still be there being checked over, or whether he’d be back at work.

Fernando was still sitting on the bench. His eyes closed and his head tilted back. He was lightly dozing after the recent mission. He was dirty and tired but most of all he wanted to see Heather.

The moment Heather set eyes on her husband all else around her ceased to exist, she rushed across to him with tears of sheer joy running down her cheeks. “Fernando!”

Hearing Heather's voice was music to Fernando's ears as he jolted upright, blinked at seeing Heather even as a huge smile came to his face. Heather!" He exclaimed happily. His love for her evident in his tone and smile.

Heather wrapped her arms around her husband, she didn’t care who was looking. “I thought I was going to lose you!” She held him as best as she could with her rounded stomach getting in the way. “I was trying to stay positive, but it was so hard.”

Fernando held her hand even as he kissed her passionately. "I'm sorry, I scared you Heather but everything is alright now. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. You shouldn't worry. It isn't good for you or the baby."

“How could I not worry?” Heather offered a more relaxed smile as she took a seat on the bench. “With what happened to Naxea ..” she paused, and took a deep breath. “You’re back now that’s what matters.”

Fernando continued to hold Heather's hand. "I am back and I don't plan on going anywhere. I'm going to be here for you and the baby Heather, that's a promise." He looked past her and into Sickbay, "How is the Colonel?" He asked.

“She’s doing well considering what she’s been through” Heather offered a smile. “We almost lost her at one point, but she came back to us. I can’t give any other details without Naxea’s permission I’m afraid, patient confidentiality.”

" I understand Heather. You have told me what I wanted to know. That the Colonel will recover." Fernando answered. "I am glad you and Dr. Sthilg were able to save her. She is most fortunate to have had your help."

Heather smiled. “Have you been checked over yet? If not I can do that for you. We can use my office.”

Fernando shook his head slowly, " No, I have not Heather. I have just been sitting here, staying out of the way of the others who were working." Fernando admitted quietly.

“Come with me” She motioned towards the offices at the rear of Sickbay, “Let’s go to my office.”

"Yes nurse." Fernando replied teasingly as he followed Heather into her office.

Entering her office Heather let the door close behind them. “That’s better, more private.” She smiled warmly. “I’ve been so worried about you! I know I shouldn’t but I couldn’t help it.” She picked up her medical tricorder. “Let’s check you over.”

"I'm sorry you worried Heather but glad you did if that makes any sense." Fernando replied. He flashed a grin at her, "Do you really need a tricorder to check me over Heather?" He teased her.

Heather grinned. “I don’t think so” She smiled as she stepped closer running her fingers over his uniform. “Perhaps you should take your top off and let me have a look?”

"Yes nurse. " Fernando replied dutifully, grinning as he slowly pulled the top over his head before dropping it on the desk. "I certainly hope everything is okay. You may need to move closer, you know? For a closer look."

Heather grinned as she stepped as close as she could given her bump. Running her fingers over Fernando’s skin. “Mmmm a closer inspection is definitely warranted. After all I wouldn’t want to miss anything.”

"Of course not Heather. You are definitely a complete professional. One dedicated to the well being of her patients." Fernando bantered playfully with her. "I am lucky to have such a talented and caring nurse to examine me." He finished, trying hard not to laugh.

Heather laughed. “Just you wait until we get home!” She gently placed several playful kisses on his cheek and neck. “For now I do need that tricorder, just to be sure I don’t miss anything.”

Fernando returned the kisses and then stood still for Heather to do her exam. God! How he loved her. Whatever troubles, aches or pains he had vanished in an instant by just being in her company. Her goodness, her compassion for everyone was amazing. he was so damn lucky to have her as his wife. He loved her more and more with each passing day.

Heather smiled as she ran the scans she needed to run. “Looks like you’re in good shape, but I don’t need a tricorder to tell me that” she grinned playfully. “Minor bruising, nothing major. You’re fit to go, but before you do..” she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

Fernando wrapped his arms around her. "I do like the personal touch of this exam. I'll definitely come back for another. That's if you have no objections." He finished by kissing her passionately. "I do love you Heather De la Rosa." He whispered into her ear.

“I love you too Imzadi” Heather smiled as she held Fernando close grinning as she felt their baby kick. “I think someone else missed you too.”

Fernando looked down at Heather's bump. "I missed him/her as well." He admitted. “Not much longer before he/she is here and we become a family."

Heather smiled. “Don’t remind me, I’m nervous enough! First I watched the Captain have her twins, next will be Alicia, then it’ll be me! Frankly I’m scared stiff even though I know there’s nothing to be scared about.”

"You are going to be fine Heather, do not stress over it." Fernando said gently. "Besides, I will be there with you and together we will get through this."

“I know” Heather smiled. “I’m just being a worry wart that’s all. I guess I should be letting you get back to work.”

"No, you are being a Mom." Fernando corrected. "And there is nothing wrong with that." He shook his head, "Not going back to work. Headed to our quarters for a shower and some sleep."

“In that case I’ll come with you” Heather handed Fernando his clothes. “A shower and some sleep sounds nice. I need the rest anyway.”

Fernando pulled his tunic down over his head and patted out the wrinkles. He extended his hand to Heather, "What are we waiting for? Our quarters beckon."

Heather tapped her PADD adding her readings to Fernando’s medical file. “I’m right with you” she reached out and took his hand holding it gently. “I’d best let them know I’m leaving before I disappear.”

"Just tell then you've been swept of your feet by the dashing man of your dreams and watch them come running to see who that is." Fernando chuckled.

Heather grinned. “Ohh don’t worry they already know who that is, I only have eyes for you!” She took a few moments to let the medical staff know she was going before returning to Fernando’s side. “Right that’s done, let’s go home.”

Fernando wrapped an arm around her, "My Betazoid Rose that is a excellent idea. We can spend some quality alone time together and just relax."

“Anytime with you is pure bliss for me” Heather smiled warmly. “I’m just glad you’re home safe again.”

Fernando smiled at her. "Heather, you are my world. My love for you grows everyday. As long as you are with me, everything is fine." They walked until they were at their quarters. He turned and faced her. "It is good to be home but even better to see and be with you my love."

“You won’t ever be alone again Imzadi” Heather smiled as they walked inside their quarters. “I’ll always be here with you.”



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