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Posted on Sat Sep 25th, 2021 @ 8:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Commander Sthilg

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD8 0630 hours
917 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure


It took a while but Alicia eventually stirred, she awoke to the sight of one of the nurses smiling down at her. “Welcome back Alicia.” She took note of the biobed readings before patting Alicia’s hand. “I’ll let Doctor Sthilg know you’re awake.”

Walking over to Sthilg’s Office the young woman peered around the open door hoping Sthilg wasn’t sleeping. “Excuse me Doctor, Alicia’s awake.”

Sthilg had fallen asleep at his desk and stirred as he heard his voice being called. Hearing that his daughter was awake the big lizard was on his feet in a flash and at his daughter's bedside in seconds." Little one you're awake." He said offering his hand for her to hold.

Alicia offered her adoptive father a smile, “Can I ... water?” Her thoughts were more than a little disjointed but given what she’d been through that wasn’t a surprise.

The doctor nooded and quikly returned with a jug and a cup of water. " Gently sssmall sssipsss." he told her as he handed her the cup.

Alicia gently gripped the cup trying not to spill the drink as she lifted her head to take a sip. The cool water was refreshing and she smiled as she handed the cup back. “Thank you. The baby!?” She looked at Sthilg with fear in her eyes fearing the worst.

" Safe in the arms of her father. Though half of deck eight, nine and ten is requesting ear plugsss. Ssshe hasss a fine ssset of lungs." The lizard replied with a warm smile.

Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, giving her father a more relaxed smile. She moved slightly to get more comfortable surprised at how weak, and somewhat sore she felt. “What happened? I remember ... hearing her cry, I don’t ... remember anything else that happened after that.”

" I patched you up as well asss i could little one..... but......" he replied a tear forming in his eye. " Forgive me....your womb wasss badly damaged in the accident and the c sssection. It may be impossssssible for you to carry another child."

For a moment Alicia said nothing, before her hand gently rested back on her father’s. “It’s... okay, you did what you had to do.” She paused. “I have two wonderful children, and a husband who will understand.”

A few tears fell from the gorns face as he gripped his daughter's hand before he gently gave a her a hug as sfotly as he could. " I don't deserve you little one." He said softly.

“It’s me who doesn’t deserve you” Alicia offered a smile. “I’m feeling a bit sore, and my senses are ... foggy. I’m not sure why that would be.”

" The pain killersss are ssstill working their way from your body. You'll get better you jussst need ressst. I'll take Connor for a few week'sss until your better and the...... Ssspeaking of her name have you thought of one?" the lizard inquired.

Alicia shook her head. “We were going to choose nearer the time of her birth, I wasn’t expecting it to be so soon!” She gave Sthilg an eager look. “Can I see her? I want to hold her! I’m missing out on important bonding time.”

" Off courssse you can hold her. I'll let Sssavar know you're up." Her father replied warmly.

Alicia smiled. “Just a few minutes longer? I’d like some time with you first. I don’t need my senses to tell how this must have affected you, not just me.”

" I've never been as ssscared sssince......" The gorn began knowing she'd know what he was meaning. He pulled a stool up to her biobed and sat down behind her. " I could bear the thought of losssing another daughter."

Alicia gently held her father’s hand as best as she could given the large size. “I’m sorry! I didn’t want anything like this to happen, but I’m not going anywhere and that’s a promise.” She offered a tired smile.

" Little one you have nothing to apologize for. " the gorn said returning the handheld. " You've given me a wonderful ssside to my life i thought i'd lossst."

Alicia smiled. “Don’t thank me until you’ve met my mother in person. Once she learns what’s happened she’ll be here like a rocket wanting to help organise everything!” She stifled a yawn. “She can be very overbearing at times.”

" Well, i'm sssure you'll sssecretly enjoy having her around essspecily with two little onesss to look after. " The gorn said warmly with a grin on his face.

“I’ll admit it will be nice to see her again, but I will not see you miss out whilst she’s here either.” She smiled.

" I'm sssure i'll be kept busssy looking after my two wonderful grandchildren. Ssspeacking off which would you like me to take Connor for a few weeksss while you recover?" the gorn inquired.

“If you’re sure you have time” Alicia smiled. “Savar will have his hands full looking after both me, and our daughter.”

" I'll find time my dear. Nothing is more important than you and the family." He replied warmly.

Alicia nodded. “Thank you father, May I see Savar and our daughter now?”

" Off courssse i'll go and get them." the gorn said as he stood up and headed for the door.

Alicia smiled, “Thank you dad” She couldn’t wait to see them.



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