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Visiting the family of the accused

Posted on Thu May 6th, 2021 @ 8:02am by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH & Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Earth
Timeline: MD1 - 17h00
822 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

It was quiet in the evening, and Arrianna went to great lengths to avoid being seen by anyone. She approached and pushed a doorchime. "What do I tell her, what do I say? The truth... It's too painful. Ascendants give me strength."

Miran was the one to open the door. And she opened it and froze. "No. Arri you need to leave. Leave" she said her tone urgent.

"Why is that, Miran?" Arrianna noted surprised that Miran Lalor simply turned her away. "They're calling your sister a traitor, Miran!!! I was so disgusted and repulsed, I nearly resigned. Commander Taylor convinced me to stay. So you tell me what everyone else won't."

"No" The Teenager replied. "I won't." She looked around the front yard. "Arri, you need to go back to the Elysium and you need to help the crew. You cannot be here."

"I cannot help anyone. Dammit!!!!!" Arri stated. "I'm no longer second officer. I have no authority of any kind. Taylors a Diplomat. Lia's confined to quarters. The same man that nearly handed you over to the Erisians is the XO. And a egotistical lunatic named Yasmine Carrington is the Captain." Arri signed. "I can't do anything. And this was just as fruitless as talking to Lovejoy. I'll leave." Arri turned and walked away.

She kept walking finding someplace to think, before sitting down and watching something. She then walked into a bar somewhere and placed an order. "One quarter of a cup of merlot. Three quarters water." It was how her people drank alcohol, and even then. It had the same effect as it did on a human. She was drinking too much.

A moment later, a tall dark haired man sat beside her. The man had similar facial features to Miran and Phoenix, but was aged between the two sisters. He ordered a andorian ale and when it was placed in front of him, he said "Sometimes things happen and we do not know why. All I know is, that this is for a very good reason."

Arrianna picked up the glass and took a sip. She did not want to do this. Putting it dow and staring. "There is no good reason for losing our principles." she mentioned. "Your sister is the bravest person I've ever known in my entire life. Even stronger than I am... I'm ashamed to admit. I don't know if I can survive the crucible that turned Penelope Lalor into Phoenix Lalor. How does one do that and keep their sanity intact?"

"Some would say Penelope did not survive. That Phoenix is a totally different person, a personality that covers the cracks." Kyian shrugged.

"And it seems the only thing I am capable of doing is failing her." Arrianna noted. "Do I have the right to be her friend? I fail her so many times. Despite my best efforts."

Kyian sipped his drink. "Look, you didn't fail her. Things are going to work out. Pene is stronger than you think and she is trusting you and the rest to keep the Crew together."

Arri thought a moment and then pushed the glass away so she wouldn't get drunk. She then turned. "Maybe to the people who are doing this, what done for a good reason. But understand; Captain Jean-Luc Picard was one of my role-models in the academy. Even if this was done for the ends justifying the means. I still promise you that these shameful deeds will be brought to light." Arri noted. "Recent events have taught me. The Terrans wanted to make us into them. Very well, I'll return to the Elysium, but I have sworn an oath to defend the United Federation of Planets from all enemies foreign and domestic, to the death."

"Commander" Kyian said, his tone very much like his older sister when trying to control Arri. "Pene told me, that as long as Commanders Taylor, Yourself and the rest of the senior staff are there, the Elysium will be there for her to come home to. Do not ruin that. Work with the new Captain, even if it makes you sick to your stomach."

Arrianna sighed and downed the last of her dilluted wine. "Alright.... I'll do this... I'm glad I'm not going to be sober while I do it. But I'll do this for Phoenix."

Kyian nodded. "Just keep your head down and stay safe." He downed his drink as well and shot her a smirk. "I have the tougher job. Keeping my sister and niece and nephew safe."

Arrianna spoke. "If you and your family are in danger. Go to the Alindari Consulate. Tell them Lady Salannis sent you. They'll take you to my cousin, and you can trust her like you can trust me." Arri noted.

"We are safe enough for now. Miran and I keep the house on lockdown. And we have a safe house in place." Kyian stood. "Good Luck Commander."


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