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Venting to The Queen

Posted on Mon Jun 7th, 2021 @ 1:11pm by Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris
Edited on on Tue Jun 8th, 2021 @ 6:43am

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Diplomatic Office
Timeline: MD 3 1400 hrs.
726 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Gary sat in the diplomatic office, is mind made up, the security precautions up, in place and running. He placed the call, it would be good to her her voice. Maybe she could shed some light on what was going on. If nothing else she was a good sounding board and he needed to vent in the worst possible way.

The channel was answered, not by Ambassador Zhukov but by Lt. Stafford, "Cdr. Taylor, how can I help, Sir?"

"Hello Lieutenant," Gary replied politely. I need to speak with the Admiral."

'Of course, sir." Rebecca replied, going to get the Queen as she did, she could be heard telling her something, and replying, "I don't know. I don't know."

The next image Taylor saw was the Queen herself, and she was not happy to see him wearing purple of diplomatic, instead of the red of command, "I'm going to have Eve Mountbatten's butt for this." She muttered, then added, "So, Grey Wolf, what brings my favorite pup to see me?"

"Admiral." Gary greeted the older woman warmly. "Are you aware of the change in command on the Elysium?"

"WHAT?'" Zhukov exclaimed, "What has Eve done to Princess Phoenix? And why are you wearing purple? You're about as diplomatic as the windchime."

A humorless chuckle escaped from Gary, "Tell me about it. I don't believe Commodore Mountbatten has done anything with Phoenix. However phoenix is ah....missing."

"Missing you say? How is her sister taking it?" Zhukov asked, unaware of anything other than what Gary had told her.

"Don't know Admiral. Phoenix's family is missing as well." Gary admitted.

'What?" Zhukov sighed, she couldn't believe this, "Her children as well?"

"Yes Admiral. Every member of her family is no longer on the Elysium."

"Hmmm, this is disturbing." Zhukov nodded contemplatively, "I shall find them and bring them here, in my embassy they'll be safe, worst it'll cost me is a couple of votes from Erisian sympathizers."

"Alright Admiral, I leave that in your capable hands. How is the election shaping up?" He asked changing the subject if only for briefly.

"Well, I've pulled even with Grogan, that helps." Zhukov laughed, "Though I don't know why he had a lead to start with. Though, that being said, we're having a serious run from the Sons of Cheron candidate." Then, just as quickly
as it had been brought up, the subject was treated with a dismissive wave of Zhukov's hand, "I'll win in the end though."

"I have no doubt you will Admiral." Gary replied. He loved the older woman's outlook and confidence. He wished he could bottle it. He'd make a fortune.

"Yes, well, what would you expect from The Mad Russian?" She made reference to one of the nicknames Grogan had given her, "Or Crazy Old Granny Zhukov."

"Give em hell Admiral. You know I'm in your corner." Gary answered with a smile.

"Rebecca says I've given them too much hell." Zhukov noted Stafford's advice, "But I'll continue to do what I do best."

"Don't change Admiral." Gary urged the older woman. "You keep them all on their toes and accountable."

"i will Grey Wolf." Zhukov pledged, "And when I'm president, I'll pardon Phoenix Lalor and reinstate her to her command."

"That's all I can ask for Admiral. Stay safe and alert. You know I'm in your corner."

"And you stay safe and alert too, Grey." Zhukov smiled, "Don't go getting soft on me since you get married."

"Get soft?" Gary shook his head and gave a mock growl, "No chance in hell of that happening Admiral. I can safely promise you that."

"Good." Zhukov smiled, happy that Taylor was at least there to help her.

"I'm always ready to answer your call Admiral." Gary assured the older woman.

"All right, Gary." Zhukov said, "We'll wait for you to answer to call, in the mean time I am going to call Eve Mountbatten and find out what's going on."

"Sounds good Admiral. Let me know what you find out if anything." Gary replied to the older woman. Personally he felt talking to the commodore was a waste of time but if anyone could find and get information it was the Admiral.

"All right, my boy, I'll go and find out what I can and get back to you." She pledged, ending the conversation with, "Zhukov out."


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