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Revenge is a dish best served cold

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 8:34am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Sasha Stone [Whavi] & Lieutenant Clara Lawson & 1st Lieutenant Joshua Young [Taylor]

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD5 After the raid
1951 words - 3.9 OF Standard Post Measure


Kara had sorted what she needed to take care of her wounds, the raided medical supplies would come in handy. She stood looking st herself in a mirror the urge to scream was so far buried deep, she was tougher than this she had to be. No one would know what happened, it was just her that knew and that’s how she wanted it. Little did she know that Mattias had received a surprise recording.

Mattias was beyond furious. He had just finished scouring the stolen security footage, and saw what happened to Kara. During the firefight, two Klingons had separated Kara from Clara. They then beat her and tried to have their way with her. An explosion in the background caused them to be distracted long enough that Kara had slipped away.

Unaware of what Mattias had received Kara was trying to patch up her wounds herself, she heard movement and turned to see Malakai in the doorway. “You just going to stand there, or are you going to help me?”

Malakai didn't say a word. He simply moved forward took the medical supplies from Kara and began to repair the wounds she had suffered. From the appearance of the wound, it appeared Kara had been beaten and who knew what else. He didn't press her now. He would give her time to process what happened a chance to tell him on her own.

The rage that was building up inside of Mattias suddenly burst free in a monstrous roar. "KARA!!" He started kicking, stomping and smashing anything he could get his hands on.

The roar of Mattias’ voice made Kara cringe, from the row he was making something had severely pissed him off.

Kara knew that Mattias would eventually come looking for her, right now she was appreciating the care and attention Malakai was giving her. She reached out and took his hand, “Thank you for not asking.”

Malakai nodded as he continued to repair her cuts and bruises. "I would like to know when you feel up to it." He said softly. "Tilt your head." He said so he could work on a bruise on her neck.

Kara tilted her neck to allow Malakai to work on her bruise. “Tonight... I promise!” Just then the crashing noise arrived at Sickbay as a box by the door went flying.

He nodded as a box at the door went flying. "Stay put." He said softly as he stood up. " Okay Mattias, we know your here and upset, no reason to trash the place."

Mattias didn't care if Malakai was the X-O of this trip. Right now, he had to talk to his sister. The look in his eyes left no mistake that he was not going to take no for an answer.

Malakai stood his ground. "Calm down now! or you'll never talk to Kara. You need to get control of yourself. I know your upset, I'm upset But right now calm down."

Kara appeared behind Malakai, “It’s alright.” She gave her brother an ashamed look. “I’m sorry alright, this wasn’t Clara’s fault we got separated.”

Malakai held his position between Kara and Mattias. His eyes on Mattias watching for anymore signs of rage. "You hear that? It wasn't Clara's fault. Now stand down damn you and listen."

Kara looked at her brother, “It’s not Clara is it?” She frowned. “You know don’t you?”

Mattias had said nothing since storming into the small sickbay. Finally, looking up into Malakai's eyes, he said in a quiet, dangerous voice. "You ain't family yet, Malakai. Leave now, before I really get angry." The Black Ops veteran was wound tight, ready for Malakai to make the first move.

“STOP IT!!” Kara looked at both the men she loved, her tough outer shell was finally starting to crack. “Please...” She turned away as the emotion of recent events came bubbling to the surface.

Malakai turned from Mattias to Kara and he wrapped his arms around her, "Sssh. It's going to be alright." He shot Mattias a look daring him to disagree. "Come sit down. Take some deep breaths." He said softly, lovingly.

Kara nodded, laying her head against Malakai’s chest as they moved to the nearest place to sit. Sitting down she wiped away her tears embarrassed she didn’t like to show weakness. “I was... separated from Clara, during the escape my holoemitter got damaged.” She took a deep breath. “One of the Klingons who cornered me recognised me as Mattias’ sister, he wanted revenge for what Mattias did to his brother!” She wiped away more tears. “He and another did this to me... and he tried to... was going to...” She didn’t say it. “There was an explosion, in the confusion I got away!”

Mattias stood there, his rage so extreme right now that he was vibrating. "I'm going to kill all of them." He rhen turned and stormed down and out of the Black Watch. It was time to what he dud best.

"Your going to calm down and think." Malakai retorted, "You going off half cocked puts us all in jeopardy as well as our mission."

Mattias didn't answer as he made his way to the arms room. Wrenching open the door to the arms room, he started gathering the tools of his trade

"Ah yeah no you don't" Lily said from the doorway. She stood there, her arms crossed.

Stopping briefly, his back to Lily, Mattias replied, his voice full of danger and wrath. "They hurt Kara because of me, Li. This is my mess. I am going to kill every last one of 'em. Come with me if you want, but i can't let this stand." He turned to face her. His eyes were brimming with all the emotion that he was feeling, threatening to burst free. "She's the only family i have left, Li." His voice turned quiet as his eyes locked on hers.

"I know" came the reply. "I know Matt but you cannot run off half cocked you will get yourself killed. She closed the door behind her and touched his arm. "I wont let you do that to Kara Matt."

As soon as she touched him, a karge amount of his energy ebbed away. His eyes grew softer. As did his voice. "Just Kara? What about about you, Phe?"

She merely raised an eyebrow. "And me." She said with a soft voice. "Matt, you are to stand down. If you go after the Klingon, we will blow our cover and we do not need that right now."

While mostly calmed, there was still a rebellious glint in his eyes. Moving right up to her, he inhaled her sweet scent. They were so close thatvhe could feel the warmth of her body against his. Looking deep in her eyes, he said, "When this job is done, they're dead."

"Understood" Lily replied. "i'll even help"

Kara appeared behind the pair, “Matt please don’t, not for me. I started this when you saved me before. This whole pattern of revenge will just keep going. I can’t lose you...” She looked towards Lily. “And neither can She.”

Being confronted by both of the women who held his heart, Mattias had no defense. Fibally, all the rage strength gone from him, he stumbled backwards and dropped onto a large crate, sitting in the back of the small arms room. Lowering his head into his hands, he started to softly weep.

Lily took a breath and sat on the crate beside him and placed an arm on his shoulders. She looked at Kara. "Are you patched up?" she asked the medic.

Kara nodded. “As much as needs doing.” She looked at Mattias, her heart broke seeing him like this because of her. “Matt... I’m sorry.”

Lily stood after moment. "You too talk. I am going to check on the others."

Kara nodded. “Thank you Lily” walking over to her brother she sat beside him. “Matt I’m alright, I’m tough just like you.” She offered a smile even though deep inside she just wanted to hide away in a dark corner somewhere. The only one who truly saw her weaker side was Malakai.

Looking up, the pain was clearly visible on Mattias' face. In a hoarse whisper, he said. "I can't lose you, Kay! You're the only family I've got left!"

Kara hugged Mattias holding him close. “You’re not going to lose me, not ever!” She held him as the damn holding back her own tears finally broke, the drip drop of tears that fell onto Mattias were the only clue until she let him go and started sobbing.

It was Mattias' turn now to hold snd comfort his baby sister. "I saw the vid, Kay. I'm sorry that I got so angry. I was never angry with you....I hope you know that." Pulling her closer, as any loving big brother would do, he protected his little sister. While he didn't say the words again, inside, his rage was busy planning the deaths of everyone on that damn station.

Kara nodded her understanding as she calmed herself down, she didn’t want to be seen crying by the others. Hearing movement she looked up thankful to see it was just Malakai who’d come looking for her.

Mattias looked up as well. His usual ire towards Malakai temporarily subdued because of his recent emotional release. He helped Kara stand and moved over to the big man. Still holding her at his side, he looked Malakai straight in his eyes, and said simply, "Keep her safe and happy and we will be good. You hurt her again, and we will rumble. Do you understand me?" There was no bravado in his tone, just the conviction that a big brother had in the protection of his little sister.

Malakai stood silently, his arms outstretched to hold Kara. His eyes locked on Mattias. He wasn't one to be cowed by Mattias but he did understand the other man's feelings. "No worries." He replied simply.

Taking a moment longer to see the strength in the other man's eyes, Mattias fonally nodded imperceptibly. He then turned his attention to Kara. "Go ahead, Kay. I'm okay, sweetheart." He hugged her tightly and then kissed the top of her head before slowly releasing his protective hold on her. While she and Malakai had had a tumultuous history, he could finally see that Malakai might have finally come around. Only time would tell.

Malakai gave a short nod in return as his arms closed around Kara, bringing her close. He didn't say anything just held her. Letting her know he was there for her, would always be there for her. In that regard he and Mattias were alike.

Kara held into Malakai right now all she wanted to do was get some rest, she offered her brother a teary smile before looking to Malakai letting him know she was all his.

Malakai gave her a reassuring squeeze, :Excuse us." He said simply to Mattias as he turned with Kara in his embrace and headed for his well their cabin now.

Watching Kara ana Malakai walk away, embracing each other, Mattias suddenly felt as if he had been gut punched by a Gorn. He suddenly realized that, after all these years of being there for and protecting Kara, he was no longer her champion. She had chosen Malakai to take over the role. Dropping back to sit on the weapons crate, the man who had served with honor and distinction for years, in various roles in the Starfleet Marine Corps, suddenly felt very old.


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