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Accept the Unexpected

Posted on Fri May 28th, 2021 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly & Lieutenant JG Heather De La Rosa {Kelea-Salik}

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Medical
Timeline: MD 4 0900
1035 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

There was no sleeping, which for Baeryn had been a norm for years. But this was different, it wasn't just a fretful sleepless night, she was worried about David. So worried she felt sick to her stomach. The dinner with Lovejoy the night prior had been a distraction, even if an odd one. Absentmindedly she rubbed her lower abdomen. She was trying to wish away the queasy feeling but it wasn't working.

It was too early to head to ops, and when she walked into sick bay she knew Sthilg would comment on her lack of sleep. Unless he wasn't there yet of course. Wanting to check in on David and then get something for this queasiness she headed to sick bay.

Heather was in Sickbay early herself, trying to sleep with her pregnancy in such an advanced state was proving difficult so she’d arrived early for the few hours work she had to do. Checking in on their resident patient Heather noted the latest readings on David’s chart before turning to look as the doors opened.

Baeryn walked into sick and immediately headed to where she knew David would be resting. Had she been allowed she wouldn't leave his side, but as it was she couldn't justify ignoring her duties. 'He was fine' she kept reminding herself. She spotted Heather and gave the woman a sad smile, "Good morning Heather."

“Good morning Baeryn. Here to see David?” She asked even though she knew the answer. “There’s been no change, he’s stable but non responsive.” Heather gave Baeryn a curious look sensing a duality about her. “You look tired, how are you feeling?”

Baeryn walked further into sick bay, her eyes on David's unconsious form as she responded to Heather," I haven't been able to sleep..." Her hand went to her stomach. "I've been getting a queasy feeling lately which I've chalked up to stress and worry. Do you think you have something that would help?"

Heather nodded, “Sure but before I give you anything I want to make sure nothing else is causing that queasiness.” She motioned to a biobed, “Hop up and let me run a scan.”

Baeryn moved to the hip bed and hesitantly sat upon it. The waves rolling around her stomach turn a turn and she had to swallow to keep it settled.

Picking up a medical tricorder Heather ran a quick scan, she tapped the screen as the results came in. “Mmm I thought so...” She turned the tricorder towards Baeryn. “It’s not lack of sleep, you’re pregnant.”

Baeryn balked at Heather, “I’m sorry.... what?! Is that thing broken?” Unconsciously she broke her hand to her stomach, but quickly removed it and tucked her hand under her thigh.

“No it’s not broken” Heather smiled. “I can sense it too, it feels like a duality. Two people sharing one body. You are most definitely pregnant, around six weeks looking at this. Congratulations!”

The hybrids face paled to a bone white, her freckles standing more prominent against the shifted skin tone. Baeryn’s braved a glance over at where David was, her mind started racing, her heart level accelerating. Her mind was playing a tricks on her, this wasn’t real. Just her bodies reaction to the lack of sleep. It was too far fetched to believe.

“Heather,” Baeryn’s voice was small. “I need you to promise me you won’t say a word of this to anyone. No one.” She pleaded with the nurse. “Please...”

Heather looked at Baeryn surprised. “Of course if you don’t want anyone to know that’s fine for now, but you’re going to have to tell them eventually it’ll be pretty hard to cover it up.”

Baeryn didn’t say anything as she stared at Heather’s own swollen belly. Her traitorous hand found its way to her own stomach again. Could she feel what Heather felt is she tried to use her empathic abilities? Had she just been ignoring her bodies tell tall signs? Fear started to steadily build, darkening her eyes.

“I just...” she looked back over at David. What if he never woke up? This seemed more and more like a cruel punishment for a crime she didn’t know she had committed. Baeryn slid off the bio bed slowly. “I need time to process it before anyone knows”

Heather nodded. “Baeryn it’s perfectly normal to be afraid, with David the way he is...” she looked across at Tonelly. “You’re not alone in this, if you need to talk you’re welcome to come and see me anytime. Either that or there’s anyone one of the Counselling staff you can talk to.”

“Thank you Heather...” Baeryn considered her offer for a moment, then she crossed the space between her and where David lay. At first she stayed a step away, not wishing to disturb him. She wondered if in his current state David could sense Baeryns presence. Had he known about the baby? Would he be able to sense its energy?

“Do you think he can hear me?” She asked the nurse.

“They do say those in a coma can still hear you, try talking to him.” Heather smiled. “It may help guide him home.”

Baeryn took the final step towards the unconscious El-Alurian. Lightly she ran her fingers through his short cut hair. His skin was warm and soft under her touch. Leaning to press her lips to his temple she whispered to him, “Come back to me please my Dremopa.” A single tear fell from Baeryn’s eye and she quickly removed it and stood straight.

Turning back to Heather she braved a half smile, “I should go get ready myself for my duty shift.” She started for the door but paused, “Thank you again.”

Heather nodded. “Baeryn before you go...” She handed Baeryn a PADD. “There’s everything you need to know about pregnancy on there, including how to deal with morning sickness.” She offered a smile. “Ginger tea helps, trust me I know!”

Accepting the PaDD Baeryn tried to return the nurses friendly expression. “I’ll definitely give it a go.”


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