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What Demon Roams Here...

Posted on Fri Jun 11th, 2021 @ 1:26am by Captain David Tonelly [Reece]

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Corporal Tonelly's damaged mind
Timeline: MD 6, 1434 hours
557 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Twisting and turning toward Three, David picked him up and held him close. "It's going to be okay, Three," he spoke in a calm, soothing voice. Now that we are together, there's nothing we can't do." He looked at One and Two. "Together."

"Together," One replied as he nodded in agreement.

Two whistled and raised two thumbs up to show his agreement as well.

David looked back down at Three, patiently waiting.

A few beats passed and then, looking over to Two, One, then up into David's cerulean eyes, Three finally nodded and said, "Togever."

David smiled proudly. Then, the for of them set out into the wastes, searching for their foe.

The battle was about to begin...

***AND NOW***

The group had been moving through the wasteland for what seemed like an eternity, however, they could start to see, off in the distance, a storm slowly heading towards them.

Two hissed angrily.

One nodded. "Yes. As we get closer to the damage, it also gets closer to us."

A fierce wind suddenly kicked up, blowing the snow everywhere. "Hold tight, everyone!" David shouted over the roaring winds. "Stay close! Stay together!"

They continued forward, moving at an arduously slow pace. The wind continuing to blast them, the whirling snow threatening to blind them.

Then, suddenly, Three called out. "Dabid!! I see a cabe!!!" He pointed out to David's right and, sure enough, a cave was becoming visible in the distance.

"This way!!" He called out to One and Two as he changed direction, heading for the cave.

A short time later, after being beaten by more wind and snow, the group finally made it into the shelter of the enormous cave. As they moved deeper inside, they started to see numerous crystalline formations sticking into the surrounding cave surfaces.

"What are those?" David asked as they continued deeper into the cave system.

"Those are memories that the damage is holding from you," One said sadly.

David turned, giving One a shocked look. He then turned to the nearest crystal formation and started to reach for it. The cave began to shake violently. One reached out and stopped David, pulling him away from the formation. As he did so, the shaking ceased.

"You can't see these memories until the damage is fixed, David."

Looking back at One, he slowly nodded, begining to understand. He then continued to lead the group deeper.

A short while later, after going up one tunnel and down another, they finally emerged into a massive cavern. It was so large, that the ceiling and far walls were barely discernable from where they stood. However, in the center of the cavern, was the largest crystalline structure they had yet come across. It seemed to connect to both the far distant ceiling, and the cavern floor beneath. However, there was a jagged space in between the two.

"That's where the damage originated, isn't it?" David asked aloud.

"Yes." One replied. "Yes it is. That means that somewhere nearby, the demon is waiting.

As if on cue, there was a mighty roar and a ghostly outline of a gigantic, monstrous beast began to circle around from behind the structure and then began to stalk toward them.

The final battle had just begun...


Corporal David Tonelly
Scout Sniper


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