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What Dreams May Come

Posted on Sat Jun 5th, 2021 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant Victor Barclay de Tolly & Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lara Barclay de Tolly

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Victor Barclay’s Quarters
Timeline: MD 2 22h00
522 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Unlike others, Victor and his daughter Lara had really only one item in their quarters to display. In the other reality, Victor had childhood baseball trophies when he was in little league, vintage comic books and a couple of swords and a foil plus his fencing outfit while his daughter Lara had ballet shoes, first place ribbons and paintings painted by Victor’s mother Lara Barclay de Tolly.

Victor described the paintings in detail to his mother Professor Lara Barclay de Tolly what they looked like. Lara had two of the paintings. In the last two months, she recreated the other three. The ship which brought some of the new crew, it also brought over five paintings, three afghans and one quilt her mother made. Also from Tonya’s parents were some toys as well as ribbons and trophies which were earned by either Mira or Tonya growing up plus a picture of Tonya and her team won state in basketball.

Victor’s son Vick liked some of the new toys which were sent to him. He saw the paintings his grandmother painted hanging from the wall. He became so fascinating about the painting strokes on the canvas. “Dad,” Vick asked tilting his head, “I would like to learn how to paint.”

“I will set up a virtual teacher on the Holodeck to teach you,” Victor replied. “Your grandmother will be thrilled to hear you taking up painting.”

“Dad,” Laura interjected, “In his day care, Mrs. Peabody teaches painting to the children as well as a few adults.”

“Interesting,” Victor replied, “Her husband is one of the ones in Logistics. He is a Chief Petty Officer responsible for creating new acquisition orders.”

The next day, Mrs. Vivian Peabody, the art teacher and day care worker started Vick on the basis. He was very young so this would take some time but it helped the teacher to unleash the untapped creativity which was in Vick. Vick mainly concentrated on paint strokes.

Tonya stopped during the day to check in on Vick. She recalled how Mira used to paint when she went off to the Academy but she placed it aside to concentrate on the Sciences.

That evening, Tonya talked with Vick on what he had learned.

“I learned if I slow down my strokes,” he said simply, “I was able to paint better.”

“Well you keep at it and maybe one day,” Tonya said in an encouraging tone, “You will have your paintings on the wall. Vick, what is your favorite color?”

“Blue and green,” Vick says looking at Tonya. “Aunt Tonya, are you going to become my Mommy?”

“No,” Tonya says patting him on the cheek, “My sister will always be your Mommy and I will always be your aunt. Your Mommy is on a ship that goes on missions other ships do not want to go on.” It occurred to Tonya that perhaps Mira has a death wish like she had.”

Victor says to them all, “Supper is ready. Let’s eat. I want to hear more about this painting.”

So with that, they all gave Vick some long overdo attention.


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