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Nightmares of the Masterpiece

Posted on Thu Jul 15th, 2021 @ 9:16am by Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar & Michael Bishop

Mission: Darkness Rising - A Phoenix Lalor Sub Plot
Location: Kate's Room, Subconscious
Timeline: MD - 19 0220hrs
668 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Kate walked through the corridors of Cragen's base. Looking for Josie once again. "JOSIE!!!!! Where are you, my love..." Her voice echoed.. "JOSIE!!!!!"

Bishop was suddenly at her side. "What troubles you my masterpiece? Why are you yelling?"

Kate turned to Bishop. "I want my mate back... Give her to me!!!!! She's my sanity..."

"I'm afraid that is impossible. She belongs to Cragen now. She is his property. You have no claim to her anymore. You should forget her. It would be for the best in both your cases." Bishop informed her.

Kate growled and anger appeared in her eyes. "Give... HER BACK TO ME!!!!! NOW!!!!" She grabbed Bishop. "You thought you had broken a Starfleet Officer... wait until you see what I've become.... I am no Arrianna Salannis an Vanta... Nor am I Flossi." Kate stated in anger... "Do you know what love has turned me into?"

Bishop was unbowed by Kate's anger. He looked at and spoke slowly to her as if she was a small child. "Of course I do. I created you or rather Flossie but you have moved beyond Arrianna and Flossie. In many ways you are like a butterfly. You started this as Arrianna, a proud Starfleet Officer who was at her next stage transformed into Flossie the ultimate sex slave but you outgrew Flossie and entered a cocoon and reemerged as a new person. Taking the best of Arrianna and Flossie and forming a new personality. I am impressed." He admitted.

"But there is a hole in my heart, Bishop and it will only be filled when I have her back." Kate noted. "Why do I see you as a friend? I should tear your heart out. Why do I care for you, when my love eternally belongs to Josie..." Kate began to frighten him. "I should spend the rest of my life hunting every slaver down."

"You may find this strange but I understand the depth of your love for your mate and the hole will remain until the day you to get her back. We are kindred spirits. For you see, I am missing my love, my mate as well. She belongs to Cragen just as your Josie does. If it is your desire to hunt every slaver down then so be it. However I believe that is a waste of your talent and your intellect. You would do better to focus on reclaiming Josie as she is your other half." Bishop answered.

Kate spoke. "I... managed to break through... just a little bit.. to save Clara from Flossi... She'll come back with a word... But I don't know if this is the real Bishop... In this strange dream.. Say one word to her, and Lara will be gone... 'Remember.' I will reclaim Josie, do not defend your master when that time comes.." Kate noted. "Argh... Why do hold my torturer in any regard... Why can't I forget you... Why do I feel I must cherish you... in this place?"

Bishop nodded, "I have no doubt you will. You are a most determined individual. As to why you hold me in any regard perhaps it is because I understand you. What drives you. That I know you will succeed. A word my masterpiece. Your Josie is still there. She resides in the subconsciousness. Sephine is just an overlay personality. When you find your Josie you can reclaim her by simply reconnecting, bonding with her if you will again."

"Leave his service... Tell Lara to 'remember'" Kate noted. "He is out of his mind..., and if you stay... you will all die.. You, Clara, Melanie all."

"I shall take your words under advisement." Bishop replied.

Kate bolted awake from her dreams.. Wondering about this strange dream. Was she connected to Bishop somehow? She flipped on the light and went into the bathroom for a splash of water on her face. Suddenly to realize she was completely nude again, and the collar was around her neck once again. "No....."



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