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Soothing quiet of the night

Posted on Thu Sep 2nd, 2021 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Myne Redal & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor]
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 7:40pm

Mission: Season 5: Episode 2: Operation Save Humanity
Location: Operations Department
Timeline: MD 07 - 0300 hours
2155 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Myne Redal had done more Gamma Shifts than any other shift back on the USS Pegasus, it made sense. It had been one way to get her out of sight so she wouldn't annoying her Chief or XO. So she was actually kind of thrilled when she got the Gamma Shift as her first shit on the USS Elysium.

True, she had requested it, to get some quiet time to get used to the ship's systems. And it was true, Myne did need some time to get familiarized with the imposing ship and its systems. There was a lot to learn and she had to adapt what she knew.

So yes, she loved the Gamma Shift, since it was always quiet and boring, and of course it had little people actually awake. The less people around her, the smaller chance of her blabbing out her mouth and saying something stupid, so it was kind of a win win situation.

Chuckling to herself, she smiles and continued to tinker with the console in front of her. She had reached life support and she was going over the specs and operating metrics, having just finished drooling over the transporters.

The door to the main Operations Department opened and an officer stepped in, she yawned as she did so. She stopped just inside the door and looked around. "Morning!" She called out with forced brightness.

Myne turns to look at the newcomer and frown in confusion before checking something on the console. "Isn't it like... night? Morning usually starts with the Alpha Shift, doesn't it?" She asks turning back to look at the newcomer. "Are you from operations, tactical or engineering?"

"Ops.. and technically 3 am is morning" Sapphire moved to the consoles. "I am Sapphire Morgan. And Captain Ice for britches has ordered me to do a crew review on all departments before 10h00. Why the hell she wants one, who knows."

"But Retellians... doesn't matter." Myne wanted to debate the most essential problem of the counting the time, but decided maybe it was not the time. "Soo... review, huh? Is this Captain Ice from tactical or something? Andorian?" She asked curiously before hesitating a moment then moving to Sapphire and offering a hand to shake. "My name is Myne Redal, Humans do this hand shaky thing as a method of introduction."

"I know who you are I read you were coming." She shook the woman's hand. "Whavi is gonna be very happy to have an offsider. And captain ice britches is the Captain of the ship, Captain Yasmine Carrington. One who has done very little to endear herself to the crew since her surprise arrival."

"Oh, my apologies then, I have no idea... had no idea who you were." Taking her hand back Myne smiled widely then frowned worriedly. "Offsider? Is this ship crewed only by Humans and one Gorn?! Is that why the XO gave me homework to learn and study about Earth culture?" She asked tilting her head to the side. "While I am happy that the Chief is happy to have me here, isn't it... bad, like really bad for a Captain to be at odd with the crew? Should I be happy that I didn't have to meet up with her? Is she Human as well?" Myne launched a barrage of questions at the fellow officer.

"Woah breath!" Sapphire laughed. "No we have Andorians, Betazoids, Vulcans, and the occasional Sequus. We have a caitian in Intelligence. The Commander, by whom I believe you mean Commander Lovejoy? He is probably trying to help you adjust. Ad as for the Captain? Yes be happy you have not met her, she is half betazoid half human."

"Ooooh crap..." Myne sighed, her shoulder slumping. "So he will quiz me on Human culture. I don't wanna, I spent several lifetimes avoiding it..." Looking back at Sapphire after staring at the floor, Myne actually took a deep breath as instructed, without understanding why she had to do it. "Would it be too much to pry on why do you and others dislike the Captain so much? What about our Chief? Does she like the Captain? Do you need help with your task? I am basically just running diagnostics on the ship's systems to make sure everything is in working order and to pass the time anyway." Myne again launched into a small question filled flurry, using her thumb to point over her shoulder at her console.

Sapphire considered it. "Coffee?" She offered turning to the replicator.

"Ermm... no Myne." Myne replied instinctively before thinking, then having to blush. "Oh you meant a beverage. Mmm, don't think I ever drank that. Sound Romulan, I think. Or is it a Earth thing? You know what, sure! I want one."

Sapphire nodded and got the requested drink along with her own. She then pulled up a chair and sat beside Myne.

"Ok, so here is the deal. Captain Carrington? Only been CO of this ship for 7 days or so. The Captain before her? Captain Lalor, Lovely lady, works hard, expects the best but is not cold to people. Lower decks like her a lot. She was suddenly removed from command. Rumors conflict as to reason, but the main one is treason. Which, the majority of the crew disagree with because, and in my own opinion, Phoenix Lalor is the last person to be a traitor. So the crew have this new CO and new XO, Lovejoy was assigned and took the post from Commander Taylor who got transferred to the diplomatic team. A very big issue for most of the crew, as Commander Taylor has been XO to Captain Lalor from the start."

Having accepted the drink, Myne looked at it strangely as she listened to Sapphire talk, turning the mug in her hand to look at the beverage and analyze it. She even smelled it a few times before drinking and coughing as a result. "Oh this is horrible. What is this? You actually drink this?" Coughing a bit more she looked at Sapphire with watering eyes and took the mug right back to the replicator, having it be assimilated before ordering a Trill sweet drink.

Returning to her seat and happily drinking from her new beverage she remained quiet for a bit and looked at Sapphire wearily. "Oh, wow... I arrived at a really bad time. Crap... I have the damnest luck possible. I think Redal might be cursed or something. I guess... erm, sorry to hear what happened to Captain Lalor and Commander Taylor? But the chain of command is the chain of command, right? You'll get used to it, take it from me. Haven't served on a ship yet where the CO or XO liked me in... let me think... two hundred years or so. Not since that Ferengi captain, that was a fun time, Ferengi ships are really enjoyable."

~Trills,~ Sapphire thought with a smile. "Yeah unless she gets us all killed in the process."

Growing a bit pale, Myne took a rather uncomfortably long sip from her drink. "Did, have there been, any deaths so far? Apart from the Captain being unpleasant, do you have any actual worries about her? You Humans are really strange to be honest, I never know how to act around your kind. So, volatile and unpredictable. Honestly I just wanna do my job quietly and not upset anyone."

"You will be fine. No deaths yet. A couple of transfers and a brigging or two.." Sapphire said. "And its just worse case scenario."

"Erm... brigging? They must have done something really bad I guess." Sipping from her drink, Myne sighed. "How long have you served aboard the Elysium? Got, erm, any survival tips for me? Who to keep my mouth shut around? Except the CO and XO of course."

"I have been here just under 2 years. You will find the crew very warm and friendly. Its like a family. You can rely on everyone in emergencies."

"Well, that is a relief." Myne looked visibly more relaxed and smiles warmly. "So, want me to help you out? Should be done with my diagnostic about now. Made a small program to do a beep boop bap! When it's..." As she talked and explained the console did go beep boop bap. "Oh, it's done! Aaaaand yep, everything seems to be in good working order."

Sapphire smiled "It should be. Lieutenant Whavi is very particular about the ship being in tip top condition."

"Yep, so far seems like it. I just thought I'd get used to the ship's systems honestly. Didn't get any outstanding assignments so, better than not doing anything." Myne nodded looking over her console in satisfaction. "This is really really big ship..."

"She is, but she is pretty cool. Holo emitters throughout. Our own AI who is sane thankfully." Sapphire said as she hit a button her own console.

Myne's face contorts in a panicked expression. "Holo emitters... everywhere? Even... our cabins?! Oooh crap oh crap oh crap... please tell me the ship AI cannot enter our cabins..."

"Sure but only when invited." Came Sapphire's reply. "Avalon has exceptional manners. And is not a peeping tom."

"Oh that is good to hear. Phew, need to clear my cabin before Avalon can enter. I might have gotten carried away with a few personal projects and I have gears and electronics everywhere." Myne chuckled. "How about you? Got any things that you are passionate about that you can't help but... tinker or do when you have spare time?"

"I have a business back on Earth that i have to keep tabs on. Family company. I spend a fair amount of my off duty hours with that."

"Oh? You are straight from Earth, that's kind of cool. And a family business. My family's business keep flying across the quadrant, my folks never really were the type to settle down. So how is Earth? Full of dark streets filled with fog and sword fighting?" She asked rather clear that her knowledge of Earth comes from books or holovids that have some respectable age to them.

Sapphire smiled. "No not any more. Didn't you attend the Academy there?"

"Well, yeah, I did. But, kinda never left the premises. Read too many scary things about San Fransokyo to dare venture out. Soo, just saw to my courses and all that, and reading of course. As well as spending time with Redal before..." She trailer off and coughed. "So not dark and gloomy anymore, cool."

"No no dark and gloomy. Maybe next time we go to earth you can take a tour?"

"Hmmm, if you can promise me it isn't dark and gloomy, then yes. I guess we can take a tour. I want to visit a place called Rassia or Jopian." Myne smiled timidly.

"Japan is lovely in their spring and Russia is full of history. You will definitely enjoy visiting those countries." Sapphire said with a smile.

"Very well, it's a day!" Myne beamed happily before turning to a look of concern. "Wait, I am your Assistant Chief. Getting you to show me around Earth, wouldn't that be against some regulation somewhere?" She asked cautiously and being obviously clueless. Most likely going off some terribly inaccurate Ferengi novel.

Sapphire laughed a that "It's not against any regulation Lieutenant."

"Oh really?! Phew, that is a relief. Ok ok, that's good. Just call me Myne by the way. Let's see about that task the Captain gave you, and we can talk more after?"

The computer pinged "The system is almost finished" Sapphire said. "And people call me Sapphire."

"Done already? Yay!! Gamma shift is the best!!" She giggles and throws her hands up in the air victoriously. "You wanna have some fun now if you have free time? We could play a game of finding funny patterns in the power conduits around the ship?"

Sapphire merely smiled at that. "If you wish to Lieutenant."

"Cool!!" Myne giggled and turned to her console, her hands quickly moving across it. Well, one hand, the other kept tapping on her PADD, until she brought up the power grid display, while her PADD basically displayed a scoring interface. "I will go first. Here, if you look in the aft section of the saucer I noticed these four parts. If you tilt your head, you can see this one is a M, this one a Y, a N and a E. Together you can draw a line and spell Myne!!" Excitedly she tapped them and the PADD displayed under her half of the screen, the sections while spelled Myne. "Your turn."

Sapphire smiled and knew it would be harder with her name, but the two of them worked together and spent the next few hours working their way through the ship conduits finding names and words.


Lieutenant JG Myne Redal
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
USS Elysium

Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan
Operations Officer
USS Elysium


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